
Our meetings are held once a month during the school year at a different Ward 4 DCPS school.  They are from 6pm to 7:30pm.  We often have a guest to answer the questions of our Ward 4 community. They are generally held on the 2nd Thursday of the month.  August will be an exception Recent Ward 4 Ed Alliance Meeting Notes can be viewed at the bottom of this page. 

Meetings will be virtual on ZOOM

August 17, 2023

September 14, 2023 changed to Sept. 21st due to conflict

October 12, 2023

November 9, 2023

December 14, 2023

January 11, 2024

February 8, 2024

March 14 2024? Parent Teacher Conference day

April 11, 2024 

May 9, 2024

June 13, 2024

Ward 4 Education Alliance Meeting  June 13, 2024

Attending: John Lewis, MacFarland, Takoma EC, Roosevelt, Ida B Wells, Brightwood, Truesdell, Whittier, DC Community Action Team, SBOE Member, DC Council

Budget Discussion:

Bijan Verlan from CM Mendelson’s office joined us. 

Schools First moved 25.4m back into school budgets.  

How are these calculations made?  The Chairman believes that the 12.4% increase in funding to DCPS through the UPSFF should be seen in school budgets.  The calculation involves this as well as 1 general ed teacher for 25 students.  This year was difficult because the personnel salary increases were more, so schools may have still seen cuts. 

There is concern on what was cut from Central from schools that do not qualify for these large amounts in extra funding and depend on the services offered by Central for support.  What was cut?

We will send a list of the cuts to Central in the city budget to make the re-direction back to schools possible.  

Which Schools are receiving funds?

Raymond – $531,047

Powell- $467,148

MacFarland- $272,755

Truesdell- $1,454,219

LaSalle Backus $677,019

Lafayette- $632,850

Coolidge – $915,208

Ida B Wells – $253,140


Dorothy Height- $126,570


Full list can be viewed HERE

For more information on the city and education budget – LBA Budget Attachments in the Document titled FY25 LBA- Packet

When will funds be available for schools who are getting additional money? While the hope is for mid July, an exact date cannot be made yet. 

After the Mayor signs the budget.  DCPS will issue guidance.  These are for personnel funds.  Non -Personnel funds will not be available until after October 1. In addition, the Council raised the threshold on NPS for reprogramming from 25,000 to 100,000


Unintended Consequences:

If the timing of these funds comes before the transfer deadline schools fully staffed who did not receive additional funds have lost staff in the past.   For example, if a school was able to hire a behavior tech for 50,000.  With the additional funds other schools are getting and difficulty of hiring this late in the summer, another school can offer another Restorative justice position at maybe 75,000.  If an employee is going to a higher paying job, a principal is obligated to release that person and of course wants the best for them and some of these positions are dramatically underpaid.  However, they are now left short staffed with limited funds and on the cusp of starting the new school year.  With the large amounts being awarded to some schools and the timing it is hard to imagine that this will not play out again this year. 


We would like to work with DCPS and the Council to ensure that we are not in this place next year.  The chairman’s focus on stability is appreciated but the lack of equity and the destabilizing effect of the implementation of this law can be addressed. 


Boundary Review Letter:

The Mayor left in place indefinitely the dual geographic rights for basically some of 16th Street Heights and Crestwood for both Deal and MacFarland.  What is the sense of the group in responding to this.  letter: because this is our second comprehensive boundary study, I have asked DCPS to review any Phase-in Policies from the first study conducted in 2014. Given the lack of clarity for affected families (particularly during and after the pandemic), any Phase-in Policies from 2014 will be addressed at a later time.

While, it is difficult to see this not addressed our schools here in Ward 4 are blossoming and in many ways are hidden gems.  The decision is to send a letter to the Mayor asking for clarification on what areas are affected, the rationale for delay and a request for a definite date.  There is no need to go into more detail than this and our efforts are on our schools here and the families choosing to invest and support them.

Will Perkins will be leaving DC and CM Janeese Lewis George’s office this summer.  He and his family will be re-locating to Richmond Va where they will be closer to his wife’s parents and brother.  He is very grateful to this group.  He understandably has mixed feelings about saying good bye.

Will noted that he started his adult working life here in DC and actually in Ward 4 under MaryAnn Stinson at Truesdell.  He has come to all of our meetings here and then also followed up.  See the comments in the chat at the bottom of these notes for Will.

PTO Discussion and Announcements

Julie Lawson (Wells PTO President) – we can continue our connections with this when more people can attendMiddle School is a different ballgame.  Parents are more interested in getting to know other families and not as interested in advocacy or fundraising.  One thing that has worked very well at Wells is a game night with snacks.  It is low key way for folks to sit together and get to know one another – simple games like Jenga have worked.  Getting the communication out remains a challenge but it is being worked on- the idea is sound.  PTO experiences, suggestions, challenges will be on the agenda in August. We will meet in July if there is an issue that comes up or folks would like to get together. 

There is a citywide What’s App that was started by Betsy Wolf from Ward 6 for PTO folks that has been super helpful so everyone is not reinventing and struggling with things that other groups can help with.  Robin can connect PTO folks who would like to join.  It is also meant to be very helpful during the budget season so we can all be better informed about what is happening throughout the city. 

The C4DC group also brings together groups from across the city who want to invest in and support DCPS as the schools of right and a public institution. 

WMATA Changes – this could be a big deal – changes proposed are cutting the Deal bus, cutting the K-2 which runs from Takoma to Fort Totten. This will effect Capital City and probably others.  The 62 and 63 buses are facing weekend elimination.  They are taking feedback - and CM Lewis George is taking feedback at a meeting at Coolidge on June 27th.  Will forward more info.

School Shout Outs

Ida B Wells promotion is tonight!  They were the Citywide Boy’s Soccer Champs again this year.  The PTO is off to a great start.  We are super excited to celebrate our scholars matriculation to high school. For the past 2 weeks our 8th grade scholars have been engaging in end-of-year activities starting with a Day of Service, trip to Kings Dominion, and a cookout. Also, we are excited to share that our school psychologist was just selected as the DCPS Psychologist of the Year!

Lastly, our 6th grade academy under the leadership of AP Hutchins was recognized for our end of year math data. In comparison to last year, we decreased the number of scholars performing 3+ grade levels below by 22% and increased the number of scholars performing on grade level by 23% from beginning of the year to end. We are so proud of AP Hutchins and her Math team.  This week we attended the promotion ceremonies of our feeder schools and encouraging our rising sixth grade families to enroll and attend 6th grade summer bridge August 5th-9th, from 9am-3pm.


Takoma: Enrollment is going great, Held a Roof Top Mixer for staff with mocktails that was huge success. Takoma did very well in the 3rd to 5th grade Math competition which was a big improvement  Takoma put four performances of the WIZ staff and students participated.  – wonderful to see Behavior Tech’s sing – Takoma is an Arts Integration School and this was a first – so lots to be proud of


John Lewis- 3 sold out performances of Willy Wonka, a successful Field day and graduations this week. Lots and lots of field trips. 


Brightwood: Teatro de la Luna with Marcela Ferlito did 3 shows with the Brightwood students – sing along for Kinder and 1st and something more interactive for 2nd through 5th.  The connection was made through the Mayor’s Office of Latino Affairs.  – You can get on a list for this and it was totally worth it – Marcela’s contact is 202-733-0053


Brightwood also had a STEM Day with NOA – a lot about weather, 13 different stations for the students. Graduations are happening.

DCPS created a DSL, MSL Appreciation Day – honor the folks in your buildings who do this work.  It is Friday, June 14th tomorrow


MacFarland: Growth goals, data for assessment has been outstanding, students are taking trips, programming is going great.  An exciting development has been the support of the Brightwood – Petworth group that has raised $11,500 for our fantastic music teacher to work with a multi- year scope and sequence that will be like a major in music with Rock, Jazz and digital. 


Thank you Everyone – Have a terrific close to the year and we will stay in touch


18:19:13 From Angela Anderson to Everyone:

            Good Evening Everyone,           

            First, I would like to say thank you to the you Bijan and the Chairman for all of your support for Whittier. Can you also speak about the funding allocated for Whittier’s learning cottages/modernization? Are those funds confirmed and protected?

18:19:25 From Bijan Verlin to Everyone:

   all should feel free to reach out

18:24:13 From Nikeysha Jackson to Everyone:

            Bijan can you share what is being cut?

18:29:32 From Robin Appleberry (she/her) to Everyone:

            Can you speak at all to the process here and how the Chairman might try to prevent this kind of kabuki theater/game of chicken next year?  I’m not criticizing the Chairman — just trying to see better process here so everyone gets some transparency and good governance in budgeting.

18:38:45 From Julie Lawson to Everyone:

            It’s a terrible process

18:57:17 From Nikeysha Jackson to Everyone:

            They are already seeing the gem that MacFarland is!!! You are doing a phenomenal job, Cooke!

18:57:29 From Vanessa Rubio to Everyone:

            Reacted to "They are already see…" with ❤️

19:02:21 From Julie Lawson to Everyone:

            Reacted to "They are already see..." with ❤️

19:03:19 From lucas.cooke to Everyone:

            Oh no Will!!!

19:04:11 From Angela Anderson to Everyone:

            Hey Will… 😊

19:04:41 From Vanessa Rubio to Everyone:

            Will miss you Will 🥰

19:04:41 From Robin Appleberry (she/her) to Everyone:

            You’ve been amazing.  Thank you so much for your service.  We wish you all the very best.

19:05:21 From Julie Lawson to Everyone:

            Traffic tho lol

19:06:50 From Nancy Smith to Everyone:

            Reacted to "They are already see…" with ❤️

19:06:55 From Angela Anderson to Everyone:

            We really appreciate you and feel like I know you. You are family ☺️

19:06:56 From Nikeysha Jackson to Everyone:

            We have appreciated all your support, Will!

19:07:33 From Angela Anderson to Everyone:

            You will be a tough act to follow

19:07:49 From Nancy Smith to Everyone:

            A great loss to Ward 4 and the city.

19:08:33 From Angela Anderson to Everyone:

            Now who will I call 🥺? You have been priceless

19:09:24 From Julie Lawson to Cathy Reilly(direct message):

            Given the turnout I have an abbreviated concept for the parent engagement discussion

19:11:45 From will p. to Everyone:


19:11:59 From Bijan to Everyone:

            Council is desperate for someone to pick up Will's mantle! Please send CM Lewis George good candidates!

19:16:05 From Angela Anderson to Everyone:

            Sounds like a great group

19:18:17 From Damián Popkin, DCPS to Everyone:

            @Robin Appleberry (she/her) If there are schools missing it would be helpful to know so I can mention it to folks when I connect with them.

19:19:03 From Robin Appleberry (she/her) to Everyone:

            Yes definitely.  We did a roll call but I’m not sure there’s actually a list of who’s on and who’s not.  I’ll look into it though.

19:19:19 From Damián Popkin, DCPS to Everyone:

            Reacted to "Yes definitely.  We …" with 👍

19:20:11 From Damián Popkin, DCPS to Everyone:


19:24:28 From Julie Lawson to Everyone:


19:29:46 From Robin Appleberry (she/her) to Everyone:

            I need to jump off.  Thank you Cathy and all for a great discussion as always.  More soon.

19:33:06 From Julie Lawson to Everyone:


19:33:15 From Paul's iPhone to Everyone:

            Yaaay BPCA

19:33:43 From Julie Lawson to Everyone:

            Battle of the bands with Wells next year!

19:34:58 From Angela Anderson to Everyone:

            Whittier  News:

            •         June 6th: Correspondent Dinner and Coffee with the Principal

                           •         June 8th: Chess Tournament

                           •         June 10th: International Day Festival and Cabaret

                           •         June 11th: Awards Assembly

                           •         June 12th: Field Trip Day

                           •         June 13th: Field Day

                           •         June 14th: Promotion Day for pre k, K and 5th

19:35:23 From Damián Popkin, DCPS to Everyone:

            Have to jump, thanks everyone!

19:35:35 From Tayo Belle to Everyone:

            Thanks for having me!

19:35:43 From Angela Anderson to Everyone:

            Thanks Everyone

19:35:53 From Paul's iPhone to Everyone:

            Take care





Ward 4 Education Alliance May 9, 2024  Meeting Notes

Attending:  Digital Equity, SBOE, MacFarland, Ida B Wells, DME. Takoma, Brightwood, Whittier,

Digital Equity Presentation:

Digital Equity started in 2018 – noticing inadequate technical support– should be there for all children.  Expanded to three parents, Grace Hu, Alex Simbana and Melody Molinoff

They meet monthly with DCPS and prioritize

·         Devices for teachers and students

·         IT Asset Management

·         Technical Infrastructure

·         Digital Literacy Skills


DCPS has not made up the gap from cancelling procurement of devices which was their response to  budget.  The online inventory has to be updated


There should also be a multi year smart board refresh – Those purchased 3 years ago should have been refreshed. 


Bandwidth is OCTO – all schools should have plenty of bandwidth, it is the content filters that can present issues.  There also needs to be more analysis of what is driving the problems. 


Digital Equity DC is striving for systematic improvement.   This is vital – 92% of all jobs require some level of skill – higher the skill level –often higher the pay. 


Digital Equity is Trying to Help

-          Bridge Communication – keeps things confidential but they are able to make connections to systemic issues. 

-          Advocate for Tech resources- a baseline should be predictably funded

-          Accountability – write legislation and support greater oversight

-          Meets regularly 

They welcome hearing from all communities –


Questions:  What number are they using for one to one?  - in grades 3 to 12 one to one is the goal, PreK to 2nd  it is one to three


The number DCPS central uses is from the TIP inventory kept and updated by the school – if that is wrong – it means the device allocation is wrong

Problem with registration in high schools for SYEP


The problem is the content is blocked on the school WIFI – have to continue to look into this content filtering

Digital Equity includes – PA system, telephones, CTE equipment and Audio visual in classrooms and auditoriums


Parents, Teacher Community Organizations

Julie Lawson


Ward 4 would like to support the formation of these groups in all of our schools,

There are different issues that come up with the formation of a new parent interest group

-          Should there be a mandatory contribution

-          Do these organizations hire staff to supplement

-          Budgets have a huge range  from 0 to a couple of hundred to thousands of dollars

These organizations are independent, they are essentially small businesses


Other states have an umbrella organization that can support and help with start up


Here is DC there may be groups like the Washington Lawyers Committee that could help. 


Think of a Rose and A Thorn…

MacFArland is in the second year of an event that is co sponsored by the PTO – also the Brightwood Petworth organization has embraced MacFarland –

The PTO is small but mighty. 

Thorn is the process of bylaws, financial status etc


There is massive inequity across the city with regard to these organizations and what they are able to solicit and provide. 


On the Ward 4 Ed Alliance Website – happy to post a page of resources


Idea for a Parent organization cluster – may be aligned with feeder pattern cluster


PTO – a team approach – build relationships, foster communication with school admins


Cluster approach – 4 elementary schools that feed into Ida B Wells and then Coolidge can get to know one another, provide insight and support. 


6 Schools that feed into MacFArland and then Roosevelt can do the same. 


There is a National PTA that has a Council that laid out recommendations for getting started   - one challenge we have is bridging the bilingual, ensuring that things are translated


-          Suggestions – helps to provide childcare and food – (maybe community service and donations of food)

-          Time of meeting – Saturday mornings, poll the parents to find out what works..

-          Allow families speaking a second language to talk to one another and then to report to the group sometimes,  Or switch the translation

-          Helpful to have a directory – find a way to get emails to families, pass out fliers, work to be inclusive and not a click

-          Be patient, have the long view

We will hold a longer meeting next month to have a longer discussion on Parent teacher groups and partnerships. 


Meeting Notes for April 11, 2024

Ward 4 Ed Alliance Notes for April 11th Meeting

Attending: Whittier, Brightwood, MacFarland, SBOE, Ida B Wells, Roosevelt, Powell, Sela, Takoma,

Guest: Deputy Mayor for Education, Paul Kihh, Director of Budget & Performance Management. Michelle Yan and Clara Botstein Senior Director of Policy

DME Budget Presentation:  –

·         Increase in Costs- WMATA- 928m, Labor- 591Million- Retirement- 200 m. Medicaid Matching 112m Utilities- 160million

·         Expiring federal funds- 313. Billion – 2.3billion in Recovery funds, ARPA ed funds 618 million, ARPA rental assistance- 418 million

·         Less growth – 6% per year since 2010- FY24 through 2028 2% not keep pace with inflation

700m gap to be filled- 493 million- saved in efficiencies, catalytic investments made are 174milllion-  city will need 328m in strategic new revenue

Plan is for Sales tax – paid family leave and hotel tax


·         349million to increase school budgets

·         217m to support WMATA

Capital budget

·         2.8billion- 33 public school facilities

·         225m – for building upgrades

·         50 m to convert downtown 129 to modernize build rec centers, 87m to renovate libraries

Housing protection fund taking a cut -- less 41m

Eliminate 407 FTE across the city including DCPS central

Pleased that:

·         80% of 3 year olds and 88% of 4 year olds attending PreK for free

·         14,668m – at risk raise in UPSFF - .24 to .3 is $880 more- adult students 1,320 more

·         1.4B DCPS budget- 183m more- we had parked 54m on ESSER had to bring those back onto local budgets

o   128m went into schools-

o   central and school support 10% reduction, no additional-

·         Student to staff ratio – 200 FTE decrease - - FY25 will be 6 to 1

·         Teacher Apprenticeship Program – 550,000 

·         500,000 educator well- being,

·         4.8m in high impact tutoring

·         2M in literacy

·         Directing 7m to DHS

·         Safe Passage 9.7m

·         Micro transportation 7M

Out of school Time


o   Advanced Technical Center – grow Penn Center – 1.5M

o   New Ward 8 health care .6M

o   3.5M – investment in internships and dual enrollment

o   .3M to diversity high school course offerings through vital Course Hub

UDC- 1.1 M to provide coaching and wrap around to support students staying in college

SLED- 10.8M for operating and 4.18M for capital

We will be educated through employment Data Systems on where students are landing

Collecting data on school courses – 1.78M


Concern about timing – if Council adds to budget, hiring or using those funds is too late for this school year.  Can this please be improved: Executive is doing what they can to get the budget right, need to will continue to work with Council.

o   Schools First- not sustainable – families = request for additional funding doesn’t come through until NOW.  School will purchase devices but that is not what they wanted

o   Cutting seats which falls on out of boundary seats essentially limits growth for DCPS and cuts a school’s budget.  - cuts their budget and ability to offer programs- Coolidge has 158 9th graders on wait list from lottery. 

o   What secondary schools are prioritizing is programming and adults who can support behavior. Cutting these hurts all around.

Question:  – Dept of Health Services – will this be better for truancy process?----DME: UPLIFT ACT – fix challenged truancy referral process.

o   DME understands that families and students need support and reminders to be in school – has to be positive – this is not what is happening now

o   On Excused or unexcused absences – regardless families get scary messages – bereavement, health operations, sicknesses. Schools say their hands are tied they have to send them

How is communication handled so families know about programs you have ATC? Dual enrollment?

o   School leaders and counselors have the information – you get college credits at the ATC-  

o   This may not be enough in getting messages to families.  These things need far more publicity

o   Is communication done in more than one language? ( We will follow up on this)

o   15 high schools are sending 200 students

Digital equity – has always stressed it has to be continuous reliable funding source – no hotspots – no reliability –

DCPS is a 1.4billion dollar organization – Concerns about credentials of high up central admin– answer; a systems administrator may not have to be from the education world. Organizational skills, government knowledge are a credential. 

Families want a feeder pattern, there are smaller charter schools who are feeling the crunch of families leaving to gain greater predictability and stability.  A number would like to be part of a feeder pattern.  This will partly be addressed in recommendation #23 of the Boundary and Student assignment study. 

Safety safe passage

DME  - We have safety committee recommendations – now the DME office is working on an implementation plan which we will send out in the next couple of weeks. It will detail what we plan to get done by this summer.  Protocols for schools.  We will be providing that guidance.  Some can be implemented soon.  Some live in the UpLift legislation including the changes to the truancy referral process. 

o   Safe Passage around 54 schools, they are not on routes,

o   DC school connect shuttle bus service

o   Staggered openings – violent interrupters – not helping kids- many wait and convene, we have students who come late – safe passage is not there.  Happens right after the 9:30 mark

o   Truancy needs to be enforced. 

Safe Passage is helpful however there are limitations to safe passage.  It is a question of scale we have 5 to 1 ration inside and these folks are trained and know the students.  Students are released and we may have 12 adults to 1500 students as different schools converge.  This is a scale of 300 to 400 to one.  Young people may make poor decisions – we need a better scale, staff are not able to intervene and redirect the way t is now.   

Can the security guard contract be changed so that they could be helpful outside of school grounds?

Nurse situation- model that dept of health has turned to with the nation- wide nurse shortage.  Childrens’ National hired in February 40 additional health tecs.  They will be fully staffed –

o   Concern is that they need to be stable people how know the families and staff, it is more than a body in the building.  The plan is for additional training and greater access to the nurses that are there.  While it is a work in progress, the current plan will remain in place. 

o   DC is a city with 250 schools, this is part of the challenge with this staffing

Autism awareness – same issue as stability and need for continuity and low turnover.  A parent noted the need for more system stability – took her child 2 years to grow confident with the teacher, when the positions come and go, this inconsistency has a huge learning and emotional cost.

School Reports:

Takoma a fantastic school.  Principal doing a fantastic job, enrollment growing rapidly

Condolence for the loss of an 8th grade student at Ida B wells last week.  The crisis team members were in the building – the school is pushing through the grief.  This brings home the need to support efforts around pushing safety – get the right numbers around campus and at the metro stops and bus stops- Takoma less than a mile away – eyes -only so far. 

Started enrollment season, complete applications, DC testing starting and will be after spring break.  National Honor Society Induction – had over 30 double what Ida had last year,  High school decision day – 30 to application schools – most very excited to go to Coolidge.

MacFarland – number of field trips – 2 museums, 2 college, rock climbing – good time to be out . first ever STEAM night, Literacy night – Saturday academy 75 to 80 kids coming.  Multilingual learners –.  Lots of collaboration with Ida B Wells, and welcome more partnering. 

AND Noah Rowe won the City Spelling Bee and is headed to Nationals – kudos to DCPS and MacFarland. 

 Whittier recently won the Math Bowl first place. April 5th coffee with principal .  Community is over excited to keep school in our community for swing space, they had to move back a year but through work with Ida B Wells and Coolidge – this is the right direction.   SNEEK Peek – families come into building, students meet teachers of next year.

27th school wide play date and enrollment fair ECE waiting lis tis growing –

May 4th – Spring Carnival

Next Meeting is May 9th we will be joined by 

Meeting Notes for March 14, 2024

Ward 4 Education Alliance March 14th Meeting, draft notes

Attending:  Ida B Wells, WTU, Whittier, SBOE, MacFarland, DC CAT, Council


Report Card: the SBOE  has voted on the categories for the new report card.  There will be no STAR rating posted at the top of every page.  There are more categories for schools to demonstrate their programs.  There will be a number required by the Dept, of Education.  It is not a proxy for quality but rather a way to identify the 5% of schools most in need of additional supports.


Schools – pay attention to how they are described and its accuracy.  Here is the current look – an example of MacFarland and Ida B Wells.  We will look into and inform schools as to how this can be corrected or expanded on at OSSE- who the contact person is. 


John Lewis had an International Day celebration with classroom doors decorated representing different countries.  SBOE Member Frazier O’Leary was asked to judge. 


Facilities Concerns:

Powell – leaks

Continued push by Whittier for modular classrooms located closer to current campus as well as a full look at capacity issues for Wells, Coolidge and Whittier. 


Wells: Terrific piece on getting girls involved in sports Washington Spirit worked with Wells girls soccer and saw terrific results .

Pause on the Schoolwide Enrichment Model  as they look to hire additional staff. However the Gardening Club will continue

Swim team off to a great start

Talent Show will be on May 28th

Promotion is June 13th

Parent organization is building community – Spring Family Game Night had great turnout

Parent Conferences included students for 8th graders –

Staff continues to engage with students – Justice Cooking Club, Nail Salon, Debate Club



Good luck with a Literacy Night

There will be a STEAM Night to allow the same opportunity for the Science and Math, Arts and Robotics- performances


Great breakfast with the WTU – a chance to discuss operational issues


Ideas to Build on Feeder School Enrollment and Follow through

Driver for middle school enrollment is belief and access to high school.  For MacFarland it is tied to Roosevelt, Principal Cooke and Principal Wilkerson work on this.  For  Ida B Wells – it includes perception of Coolidge and its programs. 

Safety is an additional concern



EdFest is crowded and it is hard to get a true feeling.  What if there were a DCPS or even a feeder pattern or for Ward 4 both Coolidge and Roosevelt feeder pattern Open House on a Saturday from 9am to 2pm.  Elementary families could go to all 4 in boundary middle schools and the two high schools. They could hopefully meet current students and families, see demonstrations, hear a band.  Elementary schools could also be open for neighbors to drop in and see what wonderful things are going on. 


It may be a challenge to pay staff for this time, it however could be a real opportunity to engage our communities in what is often hidden, in terms of what is going on inside our great schools. 


ANC’s have grants available that could help with something like this – it takes writing a proposal and then filing the reports to ensure that the funds are being spent on what they are intended for. 


This is a goal of the Ward 4 Education Alliance – to support the vision articulated by both the Student Assignment Committees – and confirmed with public input

Vision is of a core system of high quality DCPS public schools of right complemented by a set of high quality public charter and DCPS citywide school options.


The Student Assignment Advisory Committee Report is due to be released at the end of this month. 

Concerns for Ward 4: 

Continued concern with swing space for schools being modernized like Whittier and LaSalle to have something closer to their school –

--Concern that the response here to overcrowding and expanded interest in the schools is to cut out of boundary enrollment and urge schools to stay within their capacity.  Ward 4 supports the vision of neighborhood schools across the city.  However, the concern is there is a different metric for Ward 3 evidenced by the capital expansion there.  We all pushed DCPS and DGS to build Wells and Coolidge to accommodate more students and were told that the enrollment would not justify that.  A capital solution to Whittier, Coolidge and Wells in particular should absolutely be considered. 


The chart displayed here on our website gives data on FY25 projections and the MFP capacity numbers for the Ward 4 Schools. 


Questions  and concerns on capacity – how is hallway width taken into account?  For example the enrollment capacity can be expanded with higher class size etc but if the hallways are narrow, students will not be able to move through them safely either on a daily basis changing classes or in the case of an emergency. Are they restricted by the fire department? 


If schools grow, lots of accommodations can be made, there should also be other planning considerations like this. 


Next Meeting is April 11th,  Deputy Mayor Paul Kihn will be our guest – safe the date 


Chat from meeting:

 Damián Popkin 6:05 PM

Thanks for the context!

Paul  to  Everyone 6:11 PM

will p.  to  Everyone 6:19 PM

im on for about 3 more minutes


Madzongwe IBW MS  to  Everyone 6:26 PM

Hi! My name is Farai Madzongwe. My work email address is and private is


Damián Popkin  to  Everyone 6:31 PM

Paul -- happy to link you with folks at Dorothy Height to set up a time to tour Sharpe. or by phone 202-615-9153


Julie Lawson  to  Everyone 6:38 PM

We did student-led conferences one year at Whittier! I


Julie Lawson  to  You (Direct Message) 6:40 PM

Did you plan a specific conversation re boundary study? I would happily vent about how things turned out for Wells/Coolidge in that.


Damián Popkin  to  Everyone 6:48 PM

I wonder if there's something that can be leveraged around when the 3rd graders go to learn how to swim

Kind of like Enrollment Saturday?


Damián Popkin  to  Everyone 6:56 PM

Another idea--are there any 4th-5th grade competitions that could held at the middle school amongst the feeders? Like a spelling bee, a sports tournament, etc


Julie Lawson  to  Everyone 6:58 PM

Families start making decisions about middle and high school trajectories really early. Give informal opportunities for families of PK-2nd to see middle school and high school programs so it’s less of an unknown


Paul  to  Everyone 6:58 PM

What about adding 4th-5th grade families to the PTO events, like the game night you mentioned. I’m sure Whittier 5th grade parents and families would show up to hear from Wells parents.


Julie Lawson  to  Everyone 7:02 PM

With my work hat on, more community events to show what’s happening at Anacostia HS would be really helpful


Julie Lawson  to  Everyone 7:02 PM

The Wells band performances were so inspiring in the fall


Julie Lawson 7:02 PM

Really showed the progression

Meeting Notes for February 8, 2024

Ward 4 Education Alliance Meeting

Attending: SBOE, Whittier, Roosevelt, MacFarland, Ida B Wells, Roosevelt, John Lewis, Takoma, Powell, Brightwood, Coolidge

Guest: CM Janeese Lewis George

Report Card: Vote will be on February 21st, there are still concerns on the Board with the OSSE proposal. It does not have stars but continues to have a number between 1 and 100 displayed.  The number is derived to indicate which schools will qualify for additional help.  It is not a quality measure but is used that way. There have been some improvements with added measures noted.  This is something to pay attention to. The Board can only vote it up or down.

School News: Ida B Wells: Middle of Year testing completed, as well as Access El, indicates lots of growth. Boys basketball – played great but lost to Johnson. Swimming team has started practicing.  Art showcase was fantastic wit music.  Wells educator honored.

Whittier – Open house was crowded, 60 interested families, full turnout for coffee with the principal, 100 days of school completed.  Student government up and running.

MacFarland- PTO getting off the ground with interest, 6th grade movie night, carnation sale, curbside coffee a great success,

Roosevelt -College applications and scholarships getting fantastic support. Mr. Wilhite is doing a great job. 

CM Lewis George: great to hear about budget, family services, any facility needs, locks, doors, digital equity, traffic safety, nursing staffing, counselors. Performance hearing for DGS and Family services Feb 26th at 9:30am and on the 29th at 2pm. 

Concerns: Coolidge auditorium has broken chairs, and leaking, crowding at both Ida B Wells and Coolidge.  There is a need for a capital fix for these schools, it cannot be just the cafeteria.  The crowding has led to increased wear and tear on the building.   

Whittier PTO continues to advocate for swing space that is closer and the need to work closely with Ida B Wells and Coolidge who are right across the street. 

Transportation- there are age restrictions on scooters and electric bikes, also School Connect is just getting traction but ridership has probably not ticked up yet.  School people would support more deployment of Safe Passage workers, this program is going well.  There are new people on the route to school between Allyson and MacFarland.  There are however gaps in the walk to the Petworth metro. These workers and Collaborative Solutions as partners have helped. 

The budget, raises account for the need for at least a 12% raise to cover at a minimum.  That increase in purchasing power largely did not happen.

Nurses – the nurse technician at one school was out for the last 2 days. What schools need is a person who is familiar with the students and families at the school and come regularly.

Roosevelt- Lots of celebrations, Senior Night for Athletes, Black History Month.  Roosevelt is fully staffed -8 counselors, 2 psychologists, able to support the whole Roosevelt family. Academic partners have been able to work with tier 2 and 3 students leading to lots of success and growth on the middle of year assessments.  Multi language learners are in core classes and have access to rigorous CTE courses as well. Roosevelt is excited to be developing the capacity of the teaching staff at the same time.  There were 24 mid year graduates. 

Digtial equity concerns – many are out of life cycle.  They then have to be sent back to the warehouse.  WE all want DCPS to move to one to one.  Students at some schools take the computers back and forth, others are not able to.

Whittier continues to lobby for a modular space in this neighborhood, as stated before they want to see a collective solution.  Whittier had over 60 families at an open house.  This is such tremendous growth.  Whittier has asked to meet with the Mayor, City Administrator.

Principal Jackson. JohnLewis is dong well, growing every year, projection high, overcrowding ,  new students get added as the year goes on – moving into the area, coming back from other schools.

Concerns continue with school citing for charter expansion. 

Remaining concerns

Teacher contract – negotiations have to start, 5am meeting a non starter.

Meeting notes for January 11 , 2024

Ward 4 Education Alliance January 11, 2024 Meeting


SBOE, Whittier, Powell, Friendship, EmpowerEd, Takoma. STAY, Brightwood, Dorothy Height, Coolidge, Ida B wells, Roosevelt, LaSalle Backus, Truesdell, John Lewis, MacFarland

Guest: CM Mendelson: Committee of the Whole Hearings on education: Principal and teacher retention, academic achievement PARC scores, school safety, budget.

On Attendance – the hearing made clear that the interventions of referrals for elementary to CFSA and for secondary to Court Social Services are not working.  We need to understand why are they being absent, home family for elementary. 

Principal and teacher turnover.  DCPS and the DME has said it is not a problem.  The turnover in the charter sector is higher, only 4 had higher retention than DCPS.   This works against the statements about IMPACT being a problem (that DCPS has better retention then charters – but it is a problem.  An average of 79% retention is still too low. Academic performance is an ongoing concern.  Budget has been an ongoing problem – for example: Teachers contract never worked into the UPSFF, a lot of spending from ESSR funds which will end – DME is working on reports, boundary study  early March, adequacy study same time frame and the Master Facility Plan.

Council Oversight hearings: 2 days of public testimony – Feb 27th and 28th


·        Whittier – question around swing spaces-it is 2.5 miles away - is there something that can be done.  CM Mendelson will try to support CM Lewis George in a solution for this.

·        Make sure chancellor goes to table with WTU- meeting with Chancellor tomorrow and will bring it up.  Should have been a contract in September so it would be part of budget.


·        Heads Up: Student assignment for Ward 4: Preview on where recs are landing – opening of MacArthur and increase capacity at Deal means that Coolidge and Ida B Wells are now the most crowded– there will be lottery adjustments for Wells and Coolidge as well as capital investment to expand.  There are also several thousand housing units coming on line.  One thing is over capacity, the committee is also trying to solve for under capacity – what are the programs we need?   CM Mendelson: understand the committee is discussing programmatic changes – attendance- enrollment is affected by program but in for CM this is a mistake – such as what grade middle school starts –this should be separateCharter schools value their independence, recommendations will be – complicated by saying they have to start middle schools in grade 5. There may be issues that will require Council action.

·        Planning – program is an important part of planning, look at dual language.  Limited capacity at middle school.  Invest in schools, people want to stay in their communities. 

·        Will you commit to holding a hearing on the Student Assignment Recommendations? How can we have a more rational system 250 schools, 70 separate school systems.  We need a single unified system.  If the recommendations are not controversial, they did not do their job.  I don’t see any option other than for me to have a hearing.  You could bring back a sub- committee on education.  Council chair would still need to pay attention

·        Lack of planning and community involvement in opening of charters.  Bethune is looking to expand to 174 students close to Takoma and Whittier.  The community has expressed concern about drop off and pick up on Aspen, they then moved it to Piney Branch which is also an issue.  The problem is there is no traffic study required.  School looks at current enrollment and then tries to project.  Once they are there, they can come by right.  A private school has to go through a more involved process with more requirements and a public school goes through the Council.  Charter only goes through PSCB and they do not give weight to community concerns.  Council Member will give this some thought.


·        Schools are really underfunded.  Teachers stretched way to thin, physical plant problematic – for example a trash can catching a leak at a school for months or sometimes even years.  HVAC, grounds, erosion, sidewalks muddy.  Schools First in Budgeting law implemented by Council.  Schools should not see reduction.  Increase in UPSFF will probably only reflect teachers raise.  Paid out of UPSFF last year.  No other increase.  Annual cut to two thirds of schools will not happen.  There will be stability.  Mayor or Council will put more funds into at risk funds.  We will then be introducing more equity.  Picture CM is seeing right now. 

Physical plant DGS and Capital – capital is not the same problem. There will probably be a tax increase to pay for metro funding – public education will probably not get more than last year but there should be some increase for WTU contract.  Not great still too much money that is being spent in central administration.  Council reduced their spending.  The Council will also use OSSE grant programs for funds outside of the formula.

·        Concern that things previously paid for by central, like learning platforms are now paid for at school.  Also, a point of information:  STAY programs, opportunity academies do not qualify for at risk or title one funding.  Council will account for big things with schools first. We are looking at how DCPS implemented their budget this year.  There is concern that they used ESSR funds to cover cuts- this is not allowed.  Council cut vacant positions from 120 to 80, reduced increase in contracts to a little bit above what they were spending last year.  HR and procurement and curriculum development for example will absolutely stay whole. 

·        Parent of 7th grader – in terms of budget process – In Nov or Dec schools get their enrollment estimate – appealed.  Most often school is then cut, Admin has to rethink staffing alignment, reallocate positions and then submit the budget with a short turnaround and that is what goes into the mayor’s budget.  Council can turn around in the spring but by that point school has let people go, restructured – it is very stressful.  In May contract not renewed and in June asked to come back. Many have found another job.

If that happens, I will be upset, then DCPS will be upset. Under Schools first in budgeting, school budget is not based on enrollment to such a large extent.  If a school loses a full grade at elementary – they lose that teacher position. If loss is spread across all grades they should not lose. Schools need stability- title one is included in stability –Council is also looking at other ways to give additional funding. 

·        Mid- Year Mobility: Flood of students after count day from charters.  Line in budget mid-year mobility.  Another line – enrollment reserve – these are part of DCPS central budget and should be allocated to schools.  There is some additional funds in DCPS budget for mobility. 

·        Digital equity continues to have concerns about technology budgeting for example replacing laptops, CM is concerned that DCPS does not budget seriously – have to budget to replace laptops – they do into different lines in budget to try and find the funds.  Problem with planning and budgeting.  Hopeful that this will not be the case.  They have brought in someone new to oversee budgeting, he is much more receptive. 

·        Traffic safetywill be in the purview of what school safety committee will address

Our goal here we want a strong citywide system of DCPS schools that students have a right to attend that is complimented by schools of choice- we are about the institution.  This should be strengthened in every part of the city – everyone deserves good schools they have the right to go to.  Council is concerned with stability – Care about DCPS has a public institution.  CM:   I agree with what you just said. You are right I talk about stability – DCPS stronger and DCPS by right schools more attractive across the city. 

How do we plan if we want stability how do we set in motion something that will enable that to be stronger? First step for greater transparency.  Greater knowledge.  In depth understanding of the cost is of expansion, better answer to the question - does it really make sense.  Yes

Closing thoughts – wife is a DCPS school teacher.  Hard time for teachers’ problems with retention – We have to do more to protect teachers, social workers – overworked and over stressed.  There are always new initiatives – “everybody wants to build no one wants to maintain “–simplify give more time to teach, less top- down initiatives. Trust them as professionals.  Take things off of the teacher’s plates.  Social emotional learning, don’t pass this without a plan or taking other duties off. They just need time.  Keep it simple.  Listen to what their needs are. Computer or smart board, do not move, printer paper after Wednesday – little problems take up a lot of time.  Give them back time.  Social workers, teachers need time

Get rid of PARCC – one month prepping, make ups –

Mayoral control of school – clean , honest transparent – an accountable legal budget – is it working? CM: let’s see what they do 

Thanks to the Council Member for attending and listening – very much appreciated.  CM thankful for all who came. 

Chat:18:18:59 From Bijan Verlin : You can track the hearing schedule and sign up to testify here:

18:28:22 From Nick Wertsch : Sorry to be late, this is Nick Wertsch from the Truesdell FTO

18:50:54 From Alexandra Simbana : The timing misalignment is DEATHLY to school personnel planning!!

18:51:34 From Karen Kassekert : Reacted to "The timing misalignm..." with ❗

18:54:04 From Alexandra Simbana : Trauma is 100% accurate Chairman. Thank you for the commitment to correct this issue in the budget if needed.

18:56:51 From Tayo Belle : Nancy, our school (Truesdell) is also facing the same issue during our modernization process happening now. Our PTA has reached out to our CM and DOT, with no help so far. It’s been a real safety problem as well as a disturbance to the school’s routine.

18:56:57 From Scott Goldstein : This is one of the reasons one of the most essential things we need in the boundary process is to implement a required impact study before there are any new schools approved. We need a coordinated city-wide approach to schools citing- not two separate systems.

18:58:11 From Julie Lawson : Reacted to "This is one of the r..." with 👍🏻

18:58:15 From Nick Wertsch : I’d like to second what Tayo said - we have reached out about this issue and how it affects Truesdell, we have not gotten help in addressing this issue yet.

19:08:59 From Alexandra Simbana : Thank you Chairman.

19:10:01 From Alexandra Simbana : A lot of robberies of DCI students on Aspen & 16th, Aspen to Cedar towards to the Takoma Metro.

19:11:08 From Julie Lawson : Many kids mugged on their way to and from Wells and Coolidge, too. Families mobilized for our own campaign to get neighbors out and observing

19:11:58 From Susan Fridy : There are parents on the call from Whittier as well and part of our ask to keep the Whittier swing space in the community is to contribute to building community and reducing crime in Brightwood. Carting kids back and forth across neighborhoods is counter to that philosophy (along with all the other known problems that come from traveling for swing space)

19:12:19 From Paul Strzelczyk : Reacted to "There are parents on..." with 👍🏻

19:13:53 From Karen Kassekert : We have to put resources into our physical facilities if we want to make things better. We can’t put students in facilities with rodents, mold, leaks, etc. and expect them to keep attending. I don’t know all the problems with DGS (budget? Accountability? Oversight? General competence?) but they need to be fixed.

19:17:06 From Julie Lawson : I commit to following up with you on the budget process!

19:17:57 From Alexandra Simbana : You know I’ll follow up with you after the budget rolls out. The needs increase and more students come and we appreciate your attention and care to helping us.

19:20:16 From Alexandra Simbana : Teachers and admin are lifting mountains EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

19:20:23 From Scott Goldstein : AMEN

19:20:30 From Tayo Belle : Reacted to "Teachers and admin a…" with 👍🏾

19:21:00 From Erica Cartledge : Not just teachers.  School social workers, counselors, deans, school staff in general.

19:21:27 From Karen Kassekert : Reacted to "Not just teachers.  ..." with ❗

19:22:39 From Karen Kassekert : We had a student pass away on Monday night. We were given a reprieve on Tuesday, and IMPACT started again on Wednesday. There are very concrete reasons why teachers are leaving. Also, ALL LOVE for our relative service providers- we couldn’t do it without you!

19:22:47 From Angela Anderson : It’s been great to hear all of the issues addressed tonight with budget and safety. I ask you to keep Whittier in the forefront of your mind because a forced move to Sharpe is a huge safety issue for our neighborhood school of majority walkers. We will loose enrollment, teachers and overall families for generations to come.

19:22:57 From Beth Leone : Yes.  TIME!

19:23:10 From Alexandra Simbana : Reacted to "We had a student pas..." with ‼️

19:23:20 From Erica Cartledge : Replying to "We had a student pas..."

 Meeting chat for December 14, 2023

18:06:06 From Zakiya Lord (Whittier parent) To Everyone:

Brb have to step away for 1 mins

18:10:19 From Math - Lucas Cooke - MacFarland To Everyone:

I think every school convinced my daughters to buy something Saturday . . . : )

18:12:58 From Zakiya Lord (Whittier parent) To Everyone:

An amazing team of students, and Mrs Heller is a real gem. Great show last night.

18:13:49 From Zakiya Lord (Whittier parent) To Everyone:


18:14:05 From Nikeysha Jackson To Everyone:

Thanks awesome, Principal Johnson!!!

18:24:05 From Regina To Cathy Reilly(Privately):

Cathy, are the enrollment figures in a website?

18:26:53 From Math - Lucas Cooke - MacFarland To Everyone:

Sorry all -had to check on the game - it's a close one!

18:28:05 From Cathy Reilly To Everyone:

Good luck, keep us posted

18:42:23 From Math - Lucas Cooke - MacFarland To Everyone:

Okay - we have a solid lead now!

18:43:56 From Math - Lucas Cooke - MacFarland To Everyone:

Sorry - I'm not sure where we are on the agenda!

18:44:15 From Cathy Reilly To Everyone:

18:48:43 From Zakiya Lord (Whittier parent) To Everyone:

Looking at it now and will keep it open and review after the call. Thank you

18:49:03 From Vanessa Rubio, ANC 4E01 To Everyone:

Reacted to "Looking at it now an…" with 👍

18:55:45 From Zakiya Lord (Whittier parent) To Everyone:

Thank you for raising the issue of safety. I do not have any suggestions but I do appreciate the “feet on the street” initiative

18:57:25 From Maurice L Edwards Jr To Cathy Reilly(Privately):

19:00:02 From Maurice Butler To Everyone:

19:06:49 From Zakiya Lord (Whittier parent) To Everyone:

Thank you again. Sorry to have hopped up. My son isn’t well tonight,  but grateful for all of your sharing.

19:06:55 From Zakiya Lord (Whittier parent) To Everyone:

Take care.

19:07:05 From Maurice Butler To Everyone:

Take care everyone

Newsletter for Nov. 9th Meeting:

Newsletter November 9, 2023

Adequacy Study Family Survey

I hope this note finds you well. As you know, the DME is currently undergoing a School Funding Study to ensure equitable distribution of resources to our school communities. 

To ensure ample student and caregiver voice in this process, we’re reaching out today with a request for your assistance to distribute a family survey to your communities!  The family survey itself consists of about 15 questions and should take approximately 5 - 8 minutes to complete. Responses will remain confidential and are intended to help the team gain an understanding of what families consider when choosing a school and how they think about school resources and resourcing.


Please take a few minutes to fill out this short survey to share what matters most to you in your student’s school, what is working well, and where we can improve. The survey is open November 1 through November 15, 2023.

Por favor, dedique unos minutos para completar esta breve encuesta para compartir lo que más le importa en la escuela de su estudiante, lo que está funcionando bien y en qué podemos mejorar. La encuesta estará abierta del 1 al 15 de noviembre de 2023. Michelle Yan(she/her/hers)Chief of Staff Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education   Cell: 202-445-3342


School Report Cards

DCSBOE is working with OSSE to update the 2024 DC School Report Card site. They are looking for feedback and would appreciate your help to fill out this survey. OSSE/SBOE on School Report Cards--A survey on these subjects is also available here. To see the current report cards, go here.

Monday November 13, 6–7 pm: session on how and where the report cards should display schools’ summative scores. This session will be virtual; register here.

Monday December 4, 6–7 pm: session on what the report cards should look like. This session will be virtual; register here.

The recommendations published by OSSE’s Early Literacy Task Force.

DC Nurses Association is organizing a community meeting on 11/28 for parents, school nurses, and other concerned dc residents.

We are looking for parents to share experiences they have had with the new model this school year. Please let me know if you are interested, and reach out with any questions.


When: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 from 6:00 PM-7:30 PM

Where: The NE Library located at 330 7th St NE

For questions, comments, concerns, and to RSVP email: Robert Allen, BSN, RN; DCNA Interim Vice Chair

Decoding Dyslexia – Vocabulary

To become an expert reader, the ability to decode words is only part of the equation. Students need to know what those words mean, and they need to understand the words in context. Vocabulary knowledge is a vital part of reading comprehension. So what do parents and caregivers need to know, and what can they do to help their child grow their fund of vocabulary? Join us as we hear from Carla Askew of the Reading and Language Learning Center.  November 15th 7pm – Here is the link 

Advocacy Meeting for Decoding Dyslexia – Nov. 13th 7pm link is here.

Budget Meetings:

DCPS is holding its annual (mandated) budget hearing on Tuesday November 14 at 6 pm, for feedback on the FY25 budget. Register to testify at this virtual event by November 10 at this link. You can also send questions to


·  11/15 at 12:00 PM- B25-342 PCSB Term Clarification; PR25-300 Nomination of Carisa Stanley Beatty to the Public Charter School Board

·  11/20 at 11:00 AM- B25-540 School Improvement


·  11/21 at 2:00 PM- Teacher Incentive Bills (B25-200 Educator Retention for Student Success; B25-499 Student Loan Repayment Assistance for Educators)

·  11/28 at 11:00 AM- School Naming (B25-539 Shirley Chisolm Elementary School; B25-350 MacArthur High School)

·  11/28 at 4:00 PM- Principal & Teacher Retention Oversight- Public Witnesses

·  11/29 at 10:00 AM- Principal &Teacher Retention Government and Expert Witnesses (Invite Only)

·  11/30 at 10:00 AM- Education Legislation before COW (B25-35 Universal Free Meals;  B25-317 Extended Students' Right to Home or Hospital Instruction, B25-436 IHE Sexual Misconduct Reporting and resource Accessibility; B25-501 Universal FAFSA Graduation Requirement)

·  12/6 at 1:00 PM- Academic Achievement Oversight

·  12/12 at 11:30 AM- Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy Oversight

Proposed re-location of Mary McLeod Bethune Day Academy Public Charter School to the Takoma Park Baptist Church at 635 Aspen St NW for the 2024-2025 school year.  Church recently approved a letter of intent for the rental.  There has been no community engagement on this to date.  The ANC 4B02 has tentatively scheduled a meeting for Nov. 20th. There are no requirements for parking or a transportation study when a school locates. 

 School Safety Task Force

The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME) is kicking off a school safety task force. The meetings are public. You can register to view the first meeting here, and you can sign up for future meetings and biweekly office hours

(Tuesdays, 10-11am) here:   The power point from the first meeting held on Tuesday, Nov. 7th is on the SHAPPE website here

Ward 4 Education Alliance Meeting of October 12, 2023

Guest – Michelle Yan from the Deputy Mayor for Education’s Office, spearheading the Adequacy Study –

The Adequacy Study is looking at the -Funding formula and funding policies writ large. It is looking at both the UPSFF – the formula that funds all LEA’s and funds that are awarded outside of the UPSFF. 

Key goals: funding policy that provides equitable and adequate resources to serve students well. Looking at both UPSFF and non UPSFF

Focused on Equity – where and how to change weights. Weights are assigned to different grade levels and levels of need and this weight is then multiplied by the foundation amount.  They are looking at the role of different adults, as well as how the pandemic has impacted the role of the school.  Are schools now required to be more connected and are school personnel spending more time on connecting families to resources – housing, food et. 

First step was for external consultants to look at landscape analysis nationally.  For example, Weight level and definition of group.  Are funds for student with special needs awarded by the kind of service or by the number of hours required (DC does hours currently)? They are also conducting research on the relationship between funding and student outcomes measured by achievement, and graduation rates. 

They have convened Professional judgement panels, to get a sense of what is needed; coupled with interviews with school principals.  People were chosen to provide a comprehensive view across grade levels and systems.  They are also talking to families to get their perspective – improvement, changes growth.  They will be doing a broader survey as well. 

Question: Facilities funding – including DGS maintenance dollars, is this included? Right now they are looking at FCC work in charter sector and how that has ranged – ways that dollars are spent, any results on student achievement – they will then take into account the DGS and DCPS piece

Question: Is there accountability on how an LEA allocates the funds? – how is inflation taken into account – even in budget model – cost of raises are passed onto school.  There does not seem to be any accounting for inflation at the school level. 

Two ways – formula –

·         Foundation level resetting that dollar amount – taking into account salaries today. 

·         And this is indexed on salaries now and what they are predicted to be. Weights are indexed off of the foundation level. 

Degree to which adequacy study will address structural changes related to educator salaries.   For example, what goes through the UPSFF and what does not – DYRS and DC Jail –do not, but St. Coletta’s is funded through UPSFF- what makes sense moving forward?  This applies to both the sector and to individual students


Timeline – when will we see what you have been learning, and how will we be engaged in this discussion?

What are the big policy decisions – end of the month and beginning of next month there will be sharing.  The final report is due in late November early December. 




LSAT Collective: Elizabeth Corinth is a volunteer who co-founded the LSAT Collective.  She is a parent at School within a school at Goding, as well as a substitute teacher. 

Website for DC LSAT Collective google site

Description of LSAT – membership is composed of teachers, parents, community and students (in HS)

Working with DCPS to strengthen LSAT’s – every school should have a strong engaged LSAT –

Provide information and resources, create space so different LSAT’s can share and connect, new and veteran working together.  Coordinate LSAT advocacy

Monthly zoom meetings from 7 to 8:15

Google group- 

Group established website, consistent meetings, strengthened LSAT DCPS connection,

This year’s goal is to mprove Principal LSAT relationships—partner with dCPS DME to get timing improvements on the LSAT review and decisions on the school budgets, expand access to important LSAT meetings, LSAT more meaningfully engaged in CSP (Comprehensive School Plan) and lastly  Opportunities for feedback

Specific Concern on Timing of getting budget back – acknowledgment that there is timing challenges.  DME – cannot go faster because of budget projections and deadlines.  CSP might be more flexible. 

February – in terms of engagement in the fall, there is a conceptual end of things.  LSAT’s can address anything on the front – what are the priorities? This discussion could take place in the fall.  Think through if you got more money what would you do, if less what?  CSP Core goals, how to support and not undermine?

What about more stable budget – 3 years? 

Another layer in Budget LSAT conversation – this past year we received, worked on and delivered the school budgets.  After that in the summer – a big chunk of budget came through, holding schools harmless all good. However, those vicissitudes have a large impact.  If schools will be held harmless, it is important to know prior to budgets.  All working together however, decisions are made separately.

It would be helpful to have questions in advance of the budget discussion so that parents and teachers not fully familiar could get up to speed quickly.  Questions could be broken out by content – translate into Spanish, training in Spanish also.  Principal coaching you on what is going on, but you don’t understand and then you vote.

How many schools in DCPS do not have LSAT’s – don’t know.  If school does not, then does principal just decide?  Yes, the LSAT is advisory.

Roughly 10 to 15 schools do not have an LSAT – there are schools that do have an LSAT’s that are not functioning properly

In schools where there was no  LSAT – principals were required to hold mandatory staff meetings

Thanks to Elizabeth and the LSAT Collective

Student Assignment Boundary Process

There are three geographic groups meeting between the larger monthly meetings to wrestle with the issues in that area.  Ward 4 is in two of the groups that are organized by  high school feeder patterns. 

Vanessa is in the Coolidge, Dunbar, Eastern group. The other groups are Woodson, Ballou and Anacostia and finally Jackson Reed, MacArthur, Roosevelt, Cardozo. 

Coolidge, Dunbar and Eastern: Do not have to share specifics but what do you want our feedback on. The rights grandfathered in 10 years ago prior to Ida B Wells and MacFarland coming on line, will probably be changed to straight geographic rights as was envisioned. 

Currently there are programmatic feeder rights – what does that do, does it privilege some students over others – only certain schools provide whole language.  Suggestions are coming in on this.

We need input from those that will be affected. 

Follow up on Community use of DCPS schools and fields: The Expanding Community Access to Safe and Clean Recreational Space Act of 2023 requires Department of Parks and Recreation to enter into an annual agreement with DCPS to determine the hours of community use at participating DCPS sites at times that would not interfere with school student related activities.  DCR will also commit to providing security and custodial services as necessary.   – This was piloted this year at Garrison and Banneker with $197,000.  Hopefully there will be a hearing with additional funding during this budget season. 

Also there is a bill on school safety staff with a committee in the DME.  Here is a School Safety Resource from the DME

Nurses – Libby Buchele – is spearheading an effort to lobby for better nurse coverage.  She is a Jackson Reed parent. 

John Lewis – has added 200 students in last four years – they cannot sustain this rate of growth.  This is a 10 year plan, plan for this.  Is this population growth a bump or is it stable or ongoing?  Should there be boundaries for Dorothy Height?  Will this help with crowding at John Lewis and Barnard?

Early childhood, At Risk Set asides, equitable access, what is it doing?  It is important to preserve diversity and give priority to students.  

In strengthening the feeder patterns in Ward 4 keeping young people safe is a top concern, and it is a neighborhood concerns that the city is contending with.  Having clubs and activities for young people as well as having mentors and strong relational connections matter.  

Ida B Wells:

Since we last met, many great things have happened! On September 27th we held our Back-to-School Night! We saw over 180 families that night. Give a huge shout out to Ms. Lawson for being present to encourage families to sign-up.  


We launched our social justice SEM clusters last week were scholars take an interest-based elective and connect it to a community service project. Our SEM showcase will be Dec. 12, 4pm-5pm. 


Our DCIAA boys’ soccer team is undefeated! They play, this evening, against Lincoln at CHEC!


Also, our Hispanic Heritage Month Finale is tomorrow, 4-5. We are excited to celebrate the culture of the Hispanic Diaspora with scholars!  Lastly, Wells would like to thank Will Perkins and Councilmember Lewis-George for always being so responsive and supportive of our community! 


MacFarland: Year going well, Now have a full LSAT and PTO, curbside coffees.  MacFarland will have student led parent teacher conferences.  They are working toward having a smooth, quiet, peaceful and positive school culture.  Open Houses will be starting soon. 

John Lewis had 300 families attend the back to school night, they are starting up the orchestra partnered with the DC Youth Orchestra

Next meeting November 9th

Meeting chat

Quintin Floyd  6:02 PM

Hello everyone, Quintin Floyd from the DCPS Community Action Team. I am here listening and have a sick little one so I will be camera off.


Andrew Rowe  to  Everyone 6:17 PM

So not indexed to salaries now?



Michelle Yan (she/her)  to  Everyone 6:20 PM

My email is


DeAndra Brooks  to  Everyone 6:21 PM

Good evening everyone!

DeAndra Brooks, DME

I can take back additional questions for Michelle to follow up.


Elizabeth Corinth  to  Everyone 6:32 PM

● Attend our monthly Zoom meetings (2nd Tuesdays, 7:00-8:15pm)

● Visit our website (

● Post your questions and answers to our “LSAT Help Line” Google Group


● Email the Collective coordinator team at


Quintin Floyd   to  Everyone 6:35 PM

Yes LSATs should be having conversations in the fall once enrollment projections come out about budget scenarios


Will Perkins  to  Everyone 6:40 PM

Good feedback, principal Cooke


Quintin Floyd   to  Everyone 6:41 PM

Noted, I can take this back to the team and figure out how to partner with LSAT Collective on


Will Perkins  to  Everyone 6:43 PM

At Vanessa — Any roosevelt changes?


Andrew Rowe  to  Everyone 6:44 PM

Sorry if I kept you from talking Vanessa


Vanessa Rubio, ANC 4E01  to  Everyone 6:45 PM

No worries staying for as long as I can


Will Perkins  to  Everyone 6:50 PM

What about Brookland ms


Andrew Rowe  to  Everyone 6:56 PM

Powell’s relationship with Height and J Lewis includes its full school dual language model


Vanessa Rubio, ANC 4E01  to  Everyone 6:58 PM

Thanks everyone 👋


Andrew Rowe  to  Everyone 6:58 PM

What policy would maintain access to PK3-4 in W4 schools for those who won’t send their kids to different schools that start in K?


DeAndra Brooks  to  Everyone 7:01 PM

I have to hop to another engagement. Just sharing my info again. Have a good night everyone.

DeAndra Brooks, DME


Andrew Rowe  to  Everyone 7:08 PM

Though to push on that Pr Cooke - Latin’s nbhd is actually as “sketchy” outside the doors


Nancy Smith  to  Everyone 7:08 PM

The planning process has to take into account projected development in each area to a far greater degree. For example, the Takoma  area has enormous development going on and project ed for coming years, including many affordable units and we are bursting at the seams.


Nancy Smith  to  Everyone 7:20 PM

It’s not just Walter Reed. We have multiple buildings going up east of the Metro tracks and at the Metro site, including at least one building totally affordable with 2 and 3 bedroom units.


Andrew Rowe  to  Everyone 7:21 PM

I heard Wells soccer has a ringer


Nikeysha Jackson  to  Everyone 7:23 PM

Yes to student-led conferences!!!


Andrew Rowe 7:27 PM

It’s a pilot not an earmark


 Ward 4 Ed Alliance Meeting – September 21, 2023


Takoma – ELL 49% influx of French from Ghana and Haiti ,

River Smart program – big rain garden addressing drainage program

MacFarland: After school tutoring – every day into the evening – overnight camping 50 6th graders

Musical 75 students – at 93% - Great new team members – staff

Student joy – positive lift – Chesapeake Bay water activities

Ida B Wells; 97% fully enrolled – 15 short, Back to School night 5 to 7pm next week- DCIAA Soccer season – Dance program hip hop and dance this year. 

Shepard – Back to school night next Wednesday 4 to 6:30 clubs and after school events.  Ready for tryouts for DCIAA basketball and cheerleading – Enrollment 101% Staffing missing 3 ed aides for special ed self contained

Ideal Campus – growth in PARCC – boost.  New portion opened up of building same number of students – new gym

Brightwood –ANC 16th Street Heights – 80% enrollment still receiving students.  New playground this year.  Parent Engagement Coordinator.  Speech Therapist opening

Coolidge Eastern and Dunbar –

Dual Language Track – reality is that dual language Is not standard – experience it differently at each site.  Modified and expanded- science and social studies – heritage and accelerated instruction.  Electives that supplement in a dual language as well.  2 to 4 predominantly Spanish – parallel teaching – give as many students as possible access – create new opportunities

Expanding access in an ongoing way all the way through 8th grade – Brightwood does not have it – took Spanish as a second language – Dual language after 8th grade at Roosevelt

Whittier –

John Lewis – 300 families to Back to School – 70 more than last year at this time. 

Boundary school at Dorothy Height

Boundary so many students with multiple Oyster, Cardozo, Ida, CHEC, Deal – massive viccisitudes  boundaries resolved with finality.  Any student has a right

540 now – 700 previously -  predictable.. clarity – 10 year grandfathering – 2026

Program Dual rights – should a number have language exposure or dual opportunities

Rich at your neighborhood school – mobility  hurting travel time and distance,

Capping lottery amount that is coming into your school.  If Oyster taking out – lottery reduced

Jackson Reed or Coolidge go over program capacity with lottery students – not helpful to osther schools that they are lotterying out of. 

Shepherd IB – feeds into Deal – could go to Eastern or Banneker

Are people choosing program

What should families have  - native Spanish speaker wants to enrich English skilss – struggle and match needs and desires

Important for us to figure out students who are dual language handfill – fall on racial and economic lines – unintended segregating factor in the school – honors etc – undo – access always open – predictable modeling – dual language runs into this challenge – keep on forefront

As neighborhood gentrifies – I want lottery students – limited at early grades children

Solely in boundary if we are in gentrifiying – racially less integrated

Dual language track at elementary level – DL and non DL divided

Grown by 200 since I have been principal – excited about more options for in boundary. 

For John Lewis they can go  to MacFArland –

Whittier met projection – offer clubs after school – upcoming play – biggest concern is the swing space at Sharpe which is over 2 miles – potentially walk – 46 minutes . HVAC is all fixed – air in all of the classes – do walk though for heating system next week. 

Popcorn fundraiser – sensory hallway for autism students – share or purchase. 

Ward 5 surrounded by dual language charter schools – find ways to increase number of seats – more intensive access dual language

DCPS see need and respond and serve more students – works at elementary level – deeper concern with peer group – choose application or options may not be all program – proximity and peer group

We see DCI  - plenty end up somewhere else – a lot of demand for DCI middle and high school – other elements that are appealing – effective at capturing – keep enrollment


Ward 4 Education Alliance August Meeting draft Notes  8-17-2023

Attending staff or parents from: Truesdell, Ida B Wells, LaSalle Backus, Roosevelt, Powell, MacFarland, DME, DC Community Action. Brightwood, Shephard, Raymond, Coolidge Alumni Association


Raymond excited to move in to new building.  Ready to start – anticipating good enrollment.  Ribbon cutting on August 28th in the morning.  Net zero training for whole staff on August 25th. AP Sharrieff attended Raymond as a student.  Reunion on Saturday in Rock Creed Park at 11am  lot 6


MacFarland: Three murals painted by staff with student assist – classrooms painted too.  Orientations are going very well.  Enrollment is at about 82% but first day and rollovers hopeful. Strong staff – all positions filled.  All ready.  Progress from DGS is welcome, repairs are happening.


LaSalle Backus: 3rd year of school wide computer science program.  Partners we are working with include Ernst Young supporting after school programming. DCIAA expanding sports, wide range, arts program Washington Performing Arts, Literacy DC Scores High impact tutoring as we lean into math also.  Champions will provide additional aftercare and eventually early morning care.  Challenges in before and after care really influence enrollment.

Bus from LaSalle Backus to Ida B Wells still on our radar


Ida B Wells: 5th year anniversary.  Summer Bridge opportunity for 6th graders took place last week.   Partnerships – expanding LAYC wellness, CITYBRIDGE community garden, Flamboyan for family engagement.  Adding on swimming as a sports, school wide enrichment model  and cosmetology program, fashion design.  This is also Learning about entepreneurship.  Ice cream social at dismissal, 

Back to school Night September 27th from 5 to 7pm.  Hydroponic system will be expanded


Shephard: Child Trends to improve Whole School Model


Powell: Back to School Picnic 9am to noon on Saturday the 19th. There has been an informal launch of home visits, Food Prints, Reading Partners, bi-literacy model at Powell,  First year we are not partnering with City Year.  Playworks – self management and how we utilize the playground space.  Continued work with Powell Padres – tremendous help.  No restrictions for families

New assistant principal. Both AP’s are Powell parents. 

Truesdell – Splitting between two campuses. AP Weston PreK-2nd grade.  Lower school took over Bria part.  Still moving into  Sharpe PreK3 through K.  Parents excited.  New playground is being built in the back of Sharpe.  At Ingraham, addition is being demolished.  Biggest issue is the transition of being in 2 campuses. All of the parking at Ingraham campus gone – were to leave lower lot – 70 cars competing for spots in the neighborhood.  Because we are bussing EC kids, those teachers will park at Ingraham. Everyone will be coming back to Ingraham for after care.   Will Perkins and Damian Popkin supporting. 

Truesdell Food Prints, upper school joining swimming program.  Language acquisition also a big part

DDOT spaces being applied for – may have 30 permits.   Why loss of lower lot?  Even trash tracks will have trouble getting in – 1st through 5th in older building – on construction site. 

Need to get creative here – neighboring parking lot


Additional presence in Ga Avenue corridor – more support – Ga Avenue Upshur area

Raymond – parking cut down considerably – this affects ability to recruit teaachers, They have 30 spaces, used to have 50 to 60 shared with Rec. Truesdell bulding will be larger and we will only have 30 spots. 

Underground parking – issues with budget, net zero issues, 

Problems with 70 schools in DDOT parking meeting


Affordable housing would be helpful for teachers.....

Coolidge Alumni Association: Friend of Coolidge, Scholarships, sponsor of Dollars for Scholars. 


School Nurses:

Nursing shortage – Children’s Hospital is the contracting agent through DOH.  They are going to create clusters of 4 geographically close. Each cluster an RN, LPN and 2 health techs.  Nurse manager as well. No later than August 25th ,  Telemedicine


Current set up – school nurse may have more than one school.  School staff trained to deliver some services.  If family opts in to School health center – they can provide all services- even more than the nurse.  Permission slip and insurance has to be worked out.    

You should not  have to be a large school to receive an RN,  Medically fragile children – narcotics cannot be administered by anyone- need a nurse


Importance of being able to survey data around medically fragile children – RN;s should be stationed there.  Have to call 911 if you don’t have an RN. 

It will be new terrain to work with charter schools.  In some cases, a DCPS school may be only one in a cluster.  This will be new, what will the business rules be.  How are priorities to be decided?

Children’s will do a walkthrough, often during pre-service.  It will deal with communication and go through a checklist. 


Medically fragile

Quick communication if there are issues

Stress strength relationships


Boundaries and Master Facilities Plan

3 Buckets of priorities: strong neighborhood schools; enhanced programmatic options and predictable pathways and expanded opportunities for at risk students.. 

Ward 4 Potential Issues:

Will Dorothy Height have boundaries?

New Euclid Street boundaries – impact?

Keep strength where we have it

No more dual rights –

Should all middle schools be required to have the same start grades?


Comments: Lot of information – hard to imagine, with all of the changes – this  can makes it difficult to make a more definitive decision about charter or DCPS or what school. 

No changes will take effect 2025-2026

Particular issues

10 Year plan

DCPS does not lead this process – there will be engagement by DCPS for everyone and targeted for communities that may be affected. 


MFP: No feedback yet on capacity numbers for schools to the schools- should come to each school before it comes to committee.  It is a long term plan so things should not be cemented in the present.

Programming Issues – recommendations  are part of this process, let us know what you need to better serve the young people in your boundary. 

Link in chat – coming into the DME, you can complete this form multiple times if you have more ideas or more thoughts.  The team is responsive; they welcome all questions and feedback.



New Bell Schedule-- Roosevelt has had a 9am start time.  Parent reported getting a notice today that it will start at 8:30am and will end at 3pm.  There is concern with possible impact of earlier time on attendance and with the arrangements to get multiple children to different schools.  Some families depend on high schoolers to get younger children to their schools.  

Other issues with varying start times – safe passage staff, public transportation and need for coordination – this mainly effects later start time reported at another high school.   

Is there a requirement for public engagement prior to a change like this?


LaSalle Backus partners with the  Capital Area Foodbank.  There has been an increase in food insecurity LaSalle Backus served over 25000 meals servings of food, non- perishables. They will  share the calendar.  They have been serving more seniors, important that we take care of our elders. 


Thank you to everyone who attended – next meeting September 14th


Meeting Chat:


18:00:33 From sarahweston To Everyone:


18:06:11 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Follow that punch list Principal Hubbard

18:13:05 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             5 years already!!!??? Wow!!!

18:13:19 From L. Sharrieff_Raymond To Everyone:

             Raymond ES Reunion on August 19th; Carter Baron Rock Creek Park (Lot 6) 11-6pm

18:14:08 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Reacted to "Raymond ES Reunion o…" with

18:25:03 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Heyyyy Andy Rowe! It’s been a long time.

18:25:15 From Andy Rowe To Everyone:

             Reacted to "Heyyyy Andy Rowe! It…" with

18:30:58 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             We are working on it as well AP Weston by way of Damián Popkin

18:32:40 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             He will be staying close to your modernization project

18:35:31 From DeAndra Brooks (DME) To Everyone:

             I will raise these concerns with our Planning and Analysis Team.

18:36:10 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Reacted to "I will raise these c…" with

18:37:22 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             It’s Damián’s birthday - so that’s why you got me tonight 🙃

18:39:50 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Wondering if that will start immediately…maybe when the new fiscal year will begin in October??

18:41:45 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Principal Hubbard I would encourage your staff to apply via the School Parking Zones Program to try to solve for some of what you’re referencing.

18:43:42 From DeAndra Brooks (DME) To Everyone:

             Reacted to "It’s Damián’s birthd..." with 🎉

18:46:02 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             His name is Jason Meggs from DDOT

18:47:11 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Principal Hubbard, Damián is a DCPS rep on the parking calls - so happy to get him to connect with you. Just let me know.

18:49:17 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             The BTS Info Session recording will be sent to people who RSVP’d in the next few days. It will also be available on the DCPS YouTube page.

18:50:33 From sarahweston To Everyone:

             Reacted to "We are working on it..." with

18:55:40 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Even with the advocacy, is there enough human capital at Children’s to leave things the way they were previously?

18:56:05 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Thanks for saying that Principal Gray as I was going to mention that as well via the chat :)

18:57:21 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             That is why there is also a push for families to get the medical forms in, especially those students with additional medical needs and asthma action plans.

19:01:07 From Shelly Gray_LBES To Everyone:

             Reacted to "Thanks for saying th..." with 👍

19:01:13 From Shelly Gray_LBES To Everyone:

             Reacted to "That is why there is..." with 👍

19:01:16 From Ray Bridgewater To Everyone:

             Ray Bridgewater...Is the need for nurses and the necessary support a school needs bigger than Children's Hospital ? What about the role of School Based Health Center ? Everbody seem to be over whelm. You need more Hospitals involved...Overdose or asthma issue is huge in this city...What about Special Needs student? How is that being handle?

19:01:48 From WPerkins’ iPhone To Everyone:

             Love seeing so many w4 principals her tonight! Please email me if you’d like CM Lewis George and I to come visit to check on facilities issues before kids return on 8/28. Eager to support you!

19:01:56 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Reacted to "Love seeing so many …" with

19:03:38 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Replying to "Ray Bridgewater...Is…"

             DC Health manages the relationship with Children’s Hospital as the public health agency for the District. School-based Health Centers have been a blessing, but all high schools don’t have them.

19:04:52 From Julie Lawson To Everyone:

             Cathy- just wanted to say that I had the same questions you did about how the clusters are developed with respect to school size and needs of the students

19:05:27 From WPerkins’ iPhone To Everyone:

             Reacted to "Love seeing so many …" with

19:05:28 From WPerkins’ iPhone To Everyone:

             Removed a ️ reaction from "Love seeing so many …"

19:07:17 From DeAndra Brooks (DME) To Everyone:

             I’ll email the flyers

19:07:25 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Reacted to "I’ll email the flyer…" with

19:07:41 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Replying to "I’ll email the flyer…"

             Can you send them to me as well?

19:08:48 From Ray Bridgewater To Everyone:

             Ray Bridgewater...DC Health need to rethink how they administer contracts...We are talking about decades of poor results...Education system is hard enough to manage but if you can not protect the health of kids , you have a problem.

19:09:05 From DeAndra Brooks (DME) To Everyone:

             The Boundary Towmhall Information is attached in English and Spanish. Please share with your families.

19:10:02 From DeAndra Brooks (DME) To Everyone:

             Replying to "I’ll email the flyer..."


             Will do!

19:10:34 From Tyra Russell_Shepherd ES To Everyone:

             Reacted to "The Boundary Towmhal..." with 👍

19:14:45 From DeAndra Brooks (DME) To Everyone:

             *Town Hall

19:15:44 From Lyons-LucasSending wishes for an amazing school year to you all!

19:19:07 From Tyra Russell_Shepherd ES To Everyone:


19:19:12 From Tyra Russell_Shepherd ES To Everyone:

             I haven’t heard anything

19:21:05 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Happy to chat with you as well Tiffany. I was part of the last Committee in 2013 and my office (Office of Engagement and Partnerships) is represented on the Committee as well.

19:21:19 From sarahweston To Everyone:

             I am so sorry I need to log off, thank you hearing Truesdell out around our parking situation.

19:21:27 From Tiffiany Jones To Everyone:

             Reacted to "Happy to chat with y…" with 👍

19:21:31 From Ray Bridgewater To Everyone:

             Ray Bridgewater...the NBG is engaging WMATA [ 14th Street Bus Barn ] around soil , water and air quality contamination. So , my concern for health of everyone is what I address.

19:22:25 From DeAndra Brooks (DME) To Everyone:

             Use this online form to share your comments, concerns, and questions about the 2023 Boundary and Student Assignment Study. Your submissions will be shared with the Advisory Committee tasked with developing recommendations.

19:22:39 From DeAndra Brooks (DME) To Everyone:


19:22:44 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Reacted to "Use this online form…" with

19:22:48 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Reacted to "…" with

19:31:35 From DeAndra Brooks (DME) To Everyone:

             Have a great school year everyone!

19:31:42 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             I enjoyed my time with you tonight!

19:31:55 From Tiffiany Jones To Everyone:

             Thank You Cathy and everyone

19:32:08 From Tyra Russell_Shepherd ES To Everyone:

             Reacted to "Have a great school ..." with

19:32:45 From Donald Goings To Everyone:

             Donald Goings

             CCAA Public Relations Chair

             202 253 2610


19:32:45 From Sharona Robinson, DCPS To Everyone:

             Great work, Principal Gray!!!

19:32:57 From Ida B. Wells MS - Will Lyles To Everyone:

             Reacted to "Great work, Principa..." with

19:33:16 From DeAndra Brooks (DME) To Everyone:

             Reacted to "Great work, Principa..." with

19:33:19 From Tiffiany Jones To Everyone:

             Reacted to "Great work, Principa…" with

19:33:28 From Tyra Russell_Shepherd ES To Everyone:

             Thank you!

Ward 4 Ed Alliance May 2023 Meeting notes


Check in:

Ida B Wells – Enrollment registration at 60% for next year, hope to be at 90% by June 2nd.  Wellness event for Scholars, Art Advance Showcase – lots to celebrate at Wells. 


Whittier has 75% enrolled registered.  Testing is going well, AC and CO 2 levels still being monitored.  They have ProjectBudget, Boundary Study, Status of Coolidge Cafeteria, Roosevelt Audit Hearing


Budget: The first vote is May 16th, second is May 30th.  What is at stake for DCPS is the School First implementation that will distribute funds to schools and out of central office.  Right now the amount is 23.9m.  While vacant positions were identified by the Council, 12 of those have already been filled.   See the chat for more information on this.  The Schools First in Budgeting’s goal is to provide stability to the schools.  DCPS did not implement it this year and planned to do it next year. Since it was passed last year, they did not have that option. 


CM Lewis George has lobbied for a new library on Kennedy – we need to let Council Chair Mendelson know that we want those funds to remain in the budget. 


Boundary and Student Assignment Study: Goals

Goals for boundary study:

Students have clear assignments to schools of right based on DCPS attendance zones and feeder pathways;

There is adequate capacity in the geographically zoned DCPS facilities at each grade level (Pre-Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, and High), including feeder pathways, taking current and future population and enrollment trends into account; and

There is equitable access among District students to high-quality public schools.

Ward 4 will invite the DME to the next meeting for a longer discussion on this. 



Athena Ayers- Parent (she/her/Iya) 6:11 PM

Oh I didn’t hear about this event as a parent

iPhone 540-446-7139  to  Everyone 6:19 PM

Congratulations! $5,000 win!

Go Warriors!

Athena Ayers- Parent (she/her/Iya)  to  Everyone 6:20 PM

Amazing work! Congratulations to the Warriors!

Dwaine Carr, DCPS  to  Everyone 6:21 PM


Athena Ayers- Parent (she/her/Iya)  to  Everyone 6:29 PM

That library on GA Ave. is beautiful. I hope they can upgrade it

will perkins  to  Everyone 6:34 PM

Info re Kennedy Street Library:

On Tuesday, May 16, the DC Council will vote on whether to include funding for a new DC Public Library on Kennedy Street in the final DC Budget.


A new public library would provide invaluable services, useful resources, and positive programming for our community — especially for children, families, and senior citizens. It would also provide a welcoming space where all neighbors can come together, work, study, print, use the computer, borrow books, and hold community meetings. A new library would also help transform the Kennedy Street neighborhood, replacing empty storefronts and blighted buildings with a state-of-the-art library that will serve residents and draw even more visitors to our local businesses. And it would benefit the many child care centers and schools in the Brightwood Park and Manor Park neighborhoods, where there is currently no public library.

Contact your elected officials by Monday, May 15 to tell them why you support a Kennedy Street Library.


Chairman Phil Mendelson



At Large Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie



At Large Councilmember Robert White, Jr.



At Large Councilmember Anita Bonds



At Large Councilmember Christina Henderson



Ward 4 Councilmember Janeese Lewis George


Clara Botstein (DME)  to  Everyone 6:38 PM

At least 12 positions currently filled will be cut, including critical services to HR

Over 30 total, just from one bucket of cuts

We are also at risk of forfeiting a minimum of $29.7M of ESSER funding.

Regina  to  Everyone 6:41 PM

Why would we forfeit ESSER funds?

Clara Botstein (DME)  to  Everyone 6:43 PM

Because Council is swapping ESSER and local funds in their proposal

There is a spend plan from DCPS for the federal funds which this would turn upside down

Math - Lucas Cooke - MacFarland  to  Everyone 6:45 PM

Evening All, apologies for joining late - still at the school.

What are we getting money for now?

Athena Ayers- Parent (she/her/Iya)  to  Everyone 6:46 PM

And all funds are forfeited if not spent over the summer?

Clara Botstein (DME)  to  Everyone 6:46 PM

 School budgets, at the expense of central

Angela Anderson  to  Everyone 6:46 PM

That’s ridiculous. I don’t understand

Athena Ayers- Parent (she/her/Iya)  to  Everyone 6:49 PM

So DC does not do per pupil spending?

Angela Anderson  to  Everyone 6:51 PM

Will, Thanks for providing more clarity.

will perkins  to  Everyone 6:52 PM

Here is a spreadsheet for all schools

Athena Ayers- Parent (she/her/Iya)  to  Everyone 6:56 PM

That needs to be revealed, the formula. For transparency. At a glance this all seems totally inequitable

Clara Botstein (DME)  to  Everyone 6:59 PM

You're not alone!

12 are now filled

16 people are slated to be cut from HR

Angela Anderson  to  Everyone 7:08 PM

Thank you Cathy and Everyone, I have to hop off to join the 4D Community Outreach Program monthly meeting. Have a good evening.

Clara Botstein (DME)  to  Everyone 7:11 PM

The Boundary Study town hall meetings will be on Tuesday, May 16 and Wednesday, May 17 at 6 pm. I'm having trouble attaching the flyer but I know Cathy has it

More info here

will perkins  to  Everyone 7:15 PM

Goals for boundary study: Students have clear assignments to schools of right based on DCPS attendance zones and feeder pathways;

There is adequate capacity in the geographically zoned DCPS facilities at each grade level (Pre-Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, and High), including feeder pathways, taking current and future population and enrollment trends into account; and

There is equitable access among District students to high-quality public schools.

will perkins  to  Everyone 7:24 PM

2-pager on students with multiple middle school feeder rights:

affects 270 students primarily in the crestwood and 16th street heights area

Athena Ayers- Parent (she/her/Iya)  to  Everyone 7:26 PM

Diversity is never an issue really. Any 2 people in a room is diverse. The focus on that is probably not going to produce what we want. The focus is really about equity and mostly justice to see the change

Renatta Landrau  to  Everyone 7:27 PM

If anyone would like to connect with our office you can reach us at 202 741 4692 or or visit our website at for resources and advocacy tools

Dwaine Carr, DCPS  to  Everyone 7:27 PM

Thank you all. Have a great night!

Euclides  to  Everyone 7:28 PM

Dwaine Carr, DCPS  to  Everyone 7:28 PM

Regina  to  Everyone 7:28 PM

iPhone 540-446-7139 7:28 PM

Thank you Cathy.


Ward 4 April 13th 2023 Meeting Notes


Ward 4 Ed Alliance April 13, 2023

Guest: DME Paul Kihn

Power point

DC education sector has grown to 96,500 students.  The executive prioritized this in this budget despite the constraints.  There are capital investments in Ward 4 as well as the increase in the UPSFF, additional funds to both charters and DCPS as well the funds for the WTU contract – including 2 years of retroactive pay for charters and an increase in pay

There will be an increase to 90 million for small capital projects for DCPS -

The Advanced Technical Center had enrollment from 8 different high schools –

The DME will work with The Education Research Collaborative on the P20 data allowing the city to have a better understanding of what high school students do after -  to date we know their plans but not who actually enters post- secondary, completes it etc.


There will be a 9 million dollar investment in Safe Passage Safe Blocks

6 M in Micro transit

As well as a 38M in School based mental health – they are going to reassess the way service is delivered – look at changing the model, evaluate wages, fill the vacancies.  The Department of Behavioral health will conduct a wage study.  There is also an analysis of when a clinician is actually needed and when other positions might be more appropriate to respond.  This is grant funded. There has to also be a better understanding of the high turnover rate. 



Equity in transportation support

DC is offering WMATA support and leaning into easing the commute to MacArthur school

For 5 years, since the planning of Ida B Wells we have expressed the concern on the commute for elementary students at LaSalle to get across North Capital and over to Ida B Wells and Coolidge.                                                                                         It takes 2 buses and is an hour commute; with the bus and metro they can walk but this is also lengthy.  Students are often picking up siblings – meaning it can take twice as long. 


This has led to excessive tardys

We are asking the DME for support with WMATA in getting a better solution here.  Our advocacy and that of the Council member alone has not moved the needle on this. 

Equity of access is also equity of voice – are all parts of the city equally listened to and responded to?  Particularly the families who speak a second language at LaSalle have felt frustrated and have started to give up – seeing that advocacy does not matter.  We want families to feel they can make a difference.


The DME agreed to follow up on this with Will Perkins and LaSalle. 


Will crowding in Ward 4 schools be responded to?  Coolidge is at 1100 – this will be part of the work of the boundary study group.

Teacher Training program: Is this being expanded at UDC? – The conversation continues with meetings with the Dean of UDC

Will there be tracking of each of the 2023 graduates as part of this P20 program?  Currently there is no easy or automated program to do that – DCPS persists has been doing a good job at some of this.  There will be tracking over the summer.


SAFE Passage Safe Blocks: The grant making function was transferred from the DME to the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice because of the prior relationships that this office has with many of the CBO’s in this program.  The DME will remain involved with quality service and communication.  This seemed like a better fit in terms of the management of this program. 


Concern with projected enrollments at DCPS and the undercount schools experience compared with the number of entries throughout the year.  Many of the students who enter after October count day come with special needs, some from the charters and some who may have moved into the boundary.   At Takoma, 25 came.  

The DCPS enrollment reserve is supposed to address this.  Unfortunately though this only kicks in if it is enough students to warrant an additional teacher at a specific grade.  It does not necessarily add the staff needed when the growth is across grades and the students have additional needs. This is a continual issue.  (Takoma did not receive any funds from the enrollment reserve this year.)


Boundary Study:

Goals for Ward 4: ensure that the capacity for every building is accurate. 

Diversity – cultural, economic and racial is desired – what does this mean though? 


How is school safety quantified in school quality?  The DME has named a role for school maintenance in the master plan. 


Quality is often defined as the performance of a school, rarely are the inputs or resources evaluated as part of the calculation.  What is the turnover at the school, do they have outdoor spaces, what programs are at the school?  This is a concern we have with the Boundary and Master Plan processes. 


Ward 4 Ed Alliance members want to see DCPS survive and thrive.   We have invested in the DCPS schools in Ward 4. We are concerned that there is little recourse when an issue is not resolved.  The path to resolution can be public, which can hurt the reputation of the school and of DCPS.  Families and advocates do not want to be helpless. The DME agreed that this was an important issue and the Council should not be the only place folks can go for help and support when frustrated. 


We will follow up with the DME


Discussion of DGS and Issues with Facilities

Things learned at the hearing that took place today (4-13)

hearing video:


If this passes, there will be a required yearly safety inspection


Work orders are classified as

Routine – take up to 45 days to resolve

High Priority – take up to 10 days

Emergency – 24 hours


Interior door locks are routine, they are classified this way because this does not interfere with educational programming. 



What proof is there in reporting that a repair has been satisfactorily completed?

Issues with Salesforce:  - Listing of on hold

What is funding source

How are CMS’s like Spectrum working out, have they enabled things to be more efficient? 


Schools wonder if:

-Can they hire a contractor to do things and have a budget to accomplish this? – answer this is in violation of the custodian contract through SEIU teamsters

-Can we collaborate more with custodians about what repairs could be done in house?


Not unusual for a principal to fix or paint something on their own just to get it done – easier when possible. 


Question from Contractor perspective

Why doesn’t DGS follow up on the warranties? A roof has a 20 to 30 year warranty provided to DGS – often this does not seem to be in the system and is not followed up on, they call someone else to fix it. 


News from the Schools

-MacFarland: Enrollment – every Saturday from 9am to noon

Stop in at MacFarland and you can register for and also register siblings at another DCPS school.  One stop for all of your children 

-John Lewis – School Play 101 Dalmatians  on June 2 and 3rd – very excited

-Barnard – Great Black History Month

-DC Scores has a benefit coming up at Arena Stage

-Coolidge Mass Media students did a fabulous presentation – despite how big Coolidge is, it is a close knit community

-Coolidge – 2 Coolidge students will be going to Berlin to represent North America and DC in a Global Youth Leadership Summit – Special Olympics.  Congratulations



DEANDRA BROOKS- DME Community Specialist 6:06 PM

Good evening everyone,

DeAndra Brooks

DME Community and Engagement


Frazier O'Leary  to  Everyone 6:49 PM

Lasalle Backus is going to have students from the new housing on South Dakota and Riggs.

Nancy Smith  to  Everyone 6:52 PM

Over the next 2 or 3 years, Takoma is slated to have 137 new low income housing units, with probably 1/3 to 1/2 family sized.

Michelle Yan (she/her)  to  Everyone 7:02 PM

Thank you all - sharing my information as well:

Michelle Yan

Chief of Staff

Marisa Goldstein  to  Everyone 7:04 PM

Hi! My name’s Marisa Goldstein and I’m a Ward 4 member of PAVE and my son attends Bruce Monroe. Wrangling bedtime so I can’t come off mute right now 👋

Beth Sewell  to  Everyone 7:09 PM

Love that legislation for the annual safety check.

Will Perkins  to  Everyone 7:18 PM

hearing video:

Andy Rowe  to  Everyone 7:19 PM

Ask Mr McDaniel at Powell he's a great custodian/advocate

Will Perkins  to  Everyone 7:19 PM for other questions

hearing notice for Roosevelt HS audit:

Moore  to  Everyone 7:25 PM

Hiiiii, Dominique Moore (Again)!! Wanted to drop my contact info here in the chat or 202-487-0046. I'm extending a warm invitation to any Ward 4 Parent Leader that is supprting your school. The mixer is slated for 4/29@ Hookhall. This will be a time where we can recognize, and connect these amazing parents who show up, and show out in our Ward 4 community.

Beth Sewell  to  Everyone 7:25 PM

How do neighboring counties handle these facilities requests more efficiently? Anyone have first hand knowledge?

Andy Rowe  to  Everyone 7:27 PM

not the same kid Cathy

Shelly Gray_LBES  to  Everyone 7:30 PM

Thank you!

Moore  to  Everyone 7:31 PM

Thank You!!

Julia Wolf, PAVE  to  Everyone 7:31 PM

Thank you so much!

Minetre Martin  to  Everyone 7:31 PM

Thank you Cathy!!

Moore 7:31 PM

Good Night