Black screen, driver crashes, 10 seconds later it takes me to desktop. You've all heard this already. What an insane driver issue. Literally nothing fixes this permamently, everything is a temporary fix.

Just wanted to chime in and say I've also been experiencing driver crashes in World of Warcraft. It's happened in both retail and classic for me but lately only retail. The screen will completely lock up and like you said, after 10 seconds or so it will go black and sometimes completely crash to desktop and other times recover after a short wait. This was a HUGE problem for me while playing classic hardcore as you can imagine, where one timeout can lead to death and loss of character. For me the crashes seem to happen more often while I'm running around the open world, and not while in dungeons. I am running no OC profiles for my CPU or GPU and memory is running at stock settings as well.

CPU: Ryzen 7 7700X

RAM: G.SKILL Trident Z5 RGB Series 32GB

GPU: Sapphire Nitro+ RX 7900 XTX

Current Graphics Driver: 23.11.1

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Similar issue, I only play WOW classic though and I get these random crashes except my pc reboots completely no buffering and coming back up like you guys describe, every time my pc black screens and completely reboots. I've had this GPU for a few months now and had only started having this issue when I reinstalled windows 10.

Use DX12, but first open AMD Software: Adrenaline Edition.

Select Gaming from the top options, select Games under the sub-options.

Find the World of Warcraft version you play and left click on it. Scroll down and click on "Advanced". Scroll down further and look for Surface Format Optimization. Disable it.

I have also been experiencing this driver crash issue since World of warcraft patch 10.1.5. For many months now the driver crashes while only using DX 12, happens randomly on any driver version i have tested in the past year.

It has CTD once from WoW.

I also have white light lines flickering at the bottom of the screen, like a large inch and a half band flashing past.

I've had nothing but problems with this card.

I have tried everything I possibly could and decided to google the specific issue not knowing it was WoW related but here we are. I honestly thought it was Internet Browser related but I'm saddened and glad that others are having the same issue.

I've noticed with mine that it is when I move my camera quickly (still very random and can't replicate it) from front to back for example so its like the GPU gets a little stress (running RX 7900 XT so this should not be an issue) and just dies.

Has anyone tried reloading Windows from scratch? That was my next step.


Driver will crash screens to black. Driver restarts to desktop, program eventually loads back in. I digress, but theres also an issue loading into the WoW client sometimes where itll hang. You have to give it a couple minutes and eventually the client starts.

Update: switching to DX11 in wow game settings has fixed it for me. I understand this does not fix it for everyone, but if you haven't tried it yet, it's worth a shot. I also capped my frames to 165 (my monitors refresh rate)

Joining the club here is well. So many odd issues on my 7900XT. Still limited to DX11 in World of Warcraft for fear of another crash. 

I specifically stayed team red by of my past experiences, but am thinking about jumping ship as well. The cost benefit is not worth these issues. Nvidia may nickel and dime their customers. but at least they have enough care to produce stable products while doing so....

Yep same with 7600 bought card for older pc had issues assumed it was bottlenecking. Bought whole new MB / Ram / CPU / M2 - the works. Same issue just put the order in for 4070 first and last Radeon I will ever buy. What a joke to not even reply about the issues and have it affection your whole range of cards. How is this not a class action or something talk about sold a product that does not do what its supposed to do. Now ill have to try bug MSI / Best buy to get my money back.... Yay.

MSI - We don't do refunds, Best Buy Ca - its 5 months old we don't refund past 30 days........ avion visa charge back it is! There is a little thing called a product not doing what its supposed to do that retailers really should start to look at. If you want to sell products that are known to be having major issues maybe stop selling them or push people to the other cards. Installed my 4070 everything runs perfect.... crazy right.

7900 XTX, recent driver didn't fix anything, last driver crashed randomly on WoW as well. Before that it was fine. I don't know if AMD broke it or if Blizz did something in a patch but its an absolute joke at this point. Normally its maybe once a day, which while annoying, I can live with. It's happened 5x today. Random locations doing random things, it is not able to be replicated at all.

I've been having the same issues as well, ever since 10.2. The issue is completely RANDOM. I cannot figure out what is causing the crash as the frequency, location, how long I've had the game open, or what I'm doing doesn't seem to have any bearing on the crashes happening. Sometimes I'll have a crash not too long after opening the game and other times after a few hours, other times I'll go a day or two without a crash playing for several hours. It's madding how random this is. When the crash does happen the screen goes black, sound usually continues and I can hear the game in the background usually still playing as if nothing is wrong, and it stays black for several seconds before AMD bug report will pop up followed by the game a few seconds after. All other applications I have open will also be closed, usually Discord sometimes chrome. I've noticed that if I try to click anything when this is happening it will usually lead to a complete crash and I'll have to do a full system restart.

There are other posts on the Blizzard forums about this happing as well. There doesn't seem to be much response from tech support other than they know of the problem with Dx12 being a problem with AMD cards. It'd be extremely nice if you both (AMD and Blizzard) could communicate that you're looking into it and exchanging info on what has changed since these recent patches. It's quite frustrating as a customer not only informing you ourselves but seeing all these other customers with the same issue and we don't get any acknowledgment of the issue being know about.

I was thinking it was hardware compatibility too for a while but, with this many people reporting the same issue with so many different hardware configurations I just honestly don't know. I've seen 750-1200w PSU, 16-64 gb ram, b550 b650 x570 x670 chip sets, 5000 and 7000 series processors. The GPUs seem to be the only common variable I've seen. Just really screams driver compatibility to me. But I'm no expert. I'd be really curious if you have no issues with a second identical build.

Can join in here aswell with this crap happening. driver crashed some 4 times in 30 minutes, I'm getting flashbacks of when I dumped AMDgraphics last time for constant driver crashing in WoW some 10 years ago.

This is just plain awful.

Tried all possible "fixes" i could find online . Capped fps ,dx11 , blah blah blah . There is no fix. It crashes even on DX11 PLUS me as a customer should not spend my time troubleshooting something that should be working day1.

Also to add something .Once the crash happens it resets my cards tuning from overclocked to manual . I also noticed after the crash my CPU is constantly at 100% utilization , therefore i need to RR my PC .

we been dealing with split player bases for decades now. but thats why you gave me one month ban and deleted my posts. suggesting the largest base with the most support and updates. i mean gog/blizz shoulda just contracted war2 out to be done well. but we dont talk about gateways and warcraft2 beyound v2.02 anymore do we =]

these arent even actual blizz employees these mvp tech supports from what im told.

we dont even know if a single employee is tasked with working on the game.

looking at old gog forum posts it even seemed some of the updates were limited as if they didnt have proper employee support. 152ee80cbc

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