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Can a direct light cast shadows through a transparent material? I have a "sun" light outside of my building and want direct light to cast in through a window. No matter what I set the opacity or other settings to, the direct light never casts through. If I delete the windows, the light comes through like I want. Is there any way to get the direct light while maintaining reflections on the glass?

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The Stingray features a unique triangular design and robust articulating joint that rotates 360 degrees and makes it easy to clean windows of any size and shape. It gets into corners and features a 1" thick microfiber pad that allows you to clean both the glass edges and frame simultaneously.

For cleaning windows up high, the Unger Stingray has you covered there too. The Stingray cleaning tool measures 0.51 m (1.7 ft), and it attaches with a simple click to either the Short or Long Stingray Easy-Click Poles (sold separately), extending your reach up to 18 feet.

The Unger Stingray makes it easy to clean high or unusually positioned windows without having to stop and rearrange furniture or shift a ladder back and forth. The low-profile design of the cleaning head easily fits into hard-to-reach areas, such as under window latches and door handles.


Edit Mode- Add ability to select Keypad Graphic in Edit Info window. This sets the background picture for the file.

- Add "Max" to possible rates for cycling through LEDs in LED Testing section in Testing tab of Edit Info window. When set to "Max" the LEDs will be cycled through as quickly as possible without beeping before each LED is lit.

- Remember the last tab viewed in Edit Info and Stingray Options windows.

- Allow items to be aligned at half the previous grid spacing.

- Add new extra small switch, LED, permanent connection and isolation point items.

- Rearrange Edit Info Testing tab so items are in the same order they occur in during test.

- Add context sensitive help to Edit Info window. Press F1 to view help for the tab you are on.

- Add ability to move multiple items at the same time. Items can be selected by clicking and dragging a box over them or by holding the shift key while clicking on items. Items can be moved using the mouse or arrow keys.

- Add ability to shrink and grow multiple items at the same time. Select items as above and then click the shrink or grow buttons or use the keyboard shortcuts.

- Add ability to delete multiple items at the same time. Select items as above and press the Delete key.Test Mode- Add continuous LED electrical testing to aid detection of intermittent connections. Enabled with the "Do a continuous LED electrical test" checkbox in Testing tab of the Edit Info window. 

- Add ability to dismiss Fail Comments window by pressing the space bar.

- Add ability to automatically save Job Logs after testing. This feature is enabled and set up in the File Locations tab of the Stingray Options window. 

- Add ability to require a password before a part is failed during Production Testing. The password is set in the Pass/Fail Options tab in the Edit Info window.

- Add detection of shorts greater than 5k Ohms across LEDs.

- Measure forward voltage of LEDs using current set for item instead of fixed, 3mA, current.

- Show resistance of shorted LEDs in the tool tip for the item during testing and include the short resistance in the Detailed Job Log. 

- Fix bug that caused the wrong pin number to be recorded in the log for an Isolation Point that was shorted.

- Fix bug that caused pass message to be displayed when a keypad was being retested.

- Include fail message in Fail Comments window instead of showing in a separate window.

- Fix bug that could cause a short caused by a switch press to be missed.

- Fix bug that caused switches to fail if Isolation Resistance set to 10M Ohms when in Simulation mode.Learn Mode- Fix bug that could cause a communication error message to appear while learning switches.General- Add ability to resize the dock on the left side of the main window.Top of page

Visitors are able to create their own moments with these captivating creatures at our Stingray Touch experience. The pool features cow nose stingrays that are regularly debarbed, a process compared with trimming a fingernail. This provides a comfortable environment for guests to interact with the stingrays.

The stingrays are also intrigued by unique items to investigate and navigate around, such as long felt strips looking like kelp and vertically placed hula hoops. Bubble streams and special food items like mussels and crab legs get their attention as well.

Feel safe knowing you are purchasing your Lexan Polycarbonate windows from a family owned business

with over 20 years continual history, We manufacture everything in house from the best materials by the best craftsmen and machinery.

3mm - our lightest and most flexible choice. It is a good choice for when you are bonding or bolting windows into the car like the rear screen and rear quarter windows, or if you are going to permanently fix the door windows into the doors.

4mm - the best all-round thickness choice. 4mm gives you good weight savings and also remains fairly rigid so you can use it for any bonded or bolted in windows or windows fitted into rubber seals as well as the majority of door windows.

Yes, all of our windows are trimmed to the size of the stock windows. However, there are a few exceptions where we deliberately make the windows a little bigger in order to fit where body trims are bonded to the glass, but we can not add them to the polycarbonate.

Yes, as all of our windows are direct OEM window replacements, you can wind our windows up and down. We highly recommend you choose our hardcoating option if you intend to use the original winder mechanism, otherwise your window will scratch with immediate use. Please also ensure any rubber seals are free of grit/ debris or these will also scratch your windows.

Do not be tempted to use any glues or primers that are designed to bond glass windows into cars. These primers and cleaners are too aggressive for polycarbonate, and the typical glass adhesive does not allow for expansion in the polycarbonate. These will damage your windows.

Cell phones are programmed to constantly search for the strongest signal emitted from cell phone towers in the area. Over the course of the day, most cell phones connect and reconnect to multiple towers in an attempt to connect to the strongest, fastest, or closest signal. Because of the way they are designed, the signals that the Stingray emits are far stronger than those coming from surrounding towers. For this reason, all cell phones in the vicinity connect to the Stingray regardless of the cell phone owner's knowledge. From there, the stingray is capable of locating the device, interfering with the device, and collecting personal data from the device.[26][27]

Local law enforcement and the federal government have resisted judicial requests for information about the use of stingrays, refusing to turn over information or heavily censoring it.[59][60] In June 2014, the American Civil Liberties Union published information from court regarding the extensive use of these devices by local Florida police.[61] After this publication, United States Marshals Service then seized the local police's surveillance records in a bid to keep them from coming out in court.[62]

The Unger Stingray is the new, quality and revolutionary solution, for the professional cleaning of indoor glass and polished vertical surfaces. The Unger Stingray is great for the cleaning of commercial doors, elevators, escalators, glass mirrors, and (importantly) windows. The optional extension handles make it easy to reach difficult places and help to reduce risk when cleaning indoor glass. No ladder or access equipment are required, and it makes cleaning easier than ever. Using the Unger Stingray in your facilities will help reduce time to clean windows and reduce the amount of chemicals used significantly.

Stingray's goal is to permit customers to successfully gather information and conduct business through our website, including individuals with visual impairments that use screen readers to view the website. Stingray Boats has taken steps and is devoting resources to promote website accessibility. If you have difficulty accessing features or functions on this website, email us at info@stingrayboats.com and we will work with you to provide the information you seek and/or call our customer service line at (843) 383-4507.

The Stingray Unger professional window cleaner is the ideal solution for cleaning windows for both home and professional use. With the revolutionary window cleaning system used by the Unger Stingray window cleaner you will no longer have to move furniture and use dangerous stairs to wash windows up to 4.37 meters! There are many strengths of the Unger Stingray professional window cleaner, from lightness and ergonomics to practicality, efficiency and flexibility.

Unger Stingray glass cleaning system cleans windows 25% faster and use 39% less chemicals than traditional cloth window cleaning. The battery powered Unger Stingray increases productivity and safety by eliminating time spent moving furniture or climbing ladders. The Unger Stingray tool provides a variety of surface cleaning options, while the multiple lightweight extending poles enable you to clean any height without the use of ladders.

What's Changed TL,DR: these things will break your code with v1.0beta: Python version < 3.8 The gtis keyword in pulse/pulsar.py (it is now gti, without the 's') New Dropped support to Python < 3.8 Multi-taper periodogram, including a Lomb-Scargle implementation for non-uniformly sampled data Create Count rate spectrum when calculating spectral-timing products Make modulation upper limit in (Averaged)Powerspectrum work with any normalization (internally converts to Leahy for the calculation) Implement Gardner-Done normalization (1 for perfect correlation, -1 for perfect anticorrelation) for Auto/Crosscorrelation New infrastructure for converting EventList and LightCurve objects into Astropy TimeSeries New infrastructure for converting most Stingray classes into Astropy Table objects Save and load of most Stingray classes to/from many different file formats (pickle, ECSV, HDF5, FITS, and all formats compatible with Astropy Table) Accept input EventList in DynamicalPowerSpectrum New stingray.fourier module containing the basic timing products, usable on numpy arrays, and centralizes fft import New methods in Crossspectrum and Powerspectrum to load data from specific inputs: from_events, from_lightcurve, from_time_array, from_lc_list (from_time_array was also tested using memory-mapped event lists as inputs: useful in very large datasets) New and improved spectral timing methods: ComplexCovarianceSpectrum, CovarianceSpectrum, LagSpectrum, RmsSpectrum Some depreciated features are now removed PSDLogLikelihood now also works with a log-rebinned PDS Improvements Performance on large data sets is VASTLY improved Lots of performance improvements in the AveragedCrossspectrum and AveragedPowerspectrum classes Standardized use of new fast psd/cs algorithm, with legacy still available as an alternative option to specify Reading calibrated photon energy from event files by default In pulse/pulsar.py, methods use the keyword gti instead of gtis (for consistency with the rest of Stingray) Moved CovarianceSpectrum` toVarEnergySpectrum`` and reuse part of the machinery Improved error bars on cross-spectral and spectral timing methods Measure absolute rms in RmsEnergySpectrum Friendlier pyfftw warnings Streamline PDS/CrossSp production, adding from_events, from_lc, from_lc_iterable, and from_time_array (to input a numpy array) methods PDS/CrossSp initially store the unnormalized power, and convert it on the fly when requested, to any normalization Adjust codecov settings with new yaml file Bug fixes Fixed error bars and err_dist for sliced (iterated) light curves and power spectra Fixed a bug in how the start time when applying GTIs (now using the minimum value of the GTI array, instead of half a time bin below the minimum value) All simulator errors are zero Fixed coherence uncertainty Documented a Windows-specific issue when large count rate light curves are defined as integer arrays (Windows users should use float or specify int-64) If the variance of the lightcurve is zero, the code will fail to implement Leahy normalization The value of the PLEPHEM header keyword is forced to be a string, in the rare cases that it's a number and more! New Contributors @dhruv9vats made their first contribution in Full Changelog: -beta be457b7860

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