The small craft traveled about 7,600 miles, which is equivalent to 30 percent of the way around the Earth, during its initial 190-day voyage. The sailboat eventually found its way to the shores of Ontong-Java Atoll -- one of the most remote atolls in the world -- Aug. 21, 2017. The atoll is located just north of the Solomon Islands and east of Papua New Guinea.

Equipped with a GPS that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) monitored, the craft contained a time capsule of Laramie and writing in nearly 20 languages, including Cantonese, Chinese, English, French, Mandarin, Papua New Guinean, Portuguese and Spanish.

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The hope was that whoever found the Jackalope would correspond with UW Lab School students after discovering its contents. However, that scenario did not initially play out. Fishermen living on the atoll discovered the small craft washed ashore. Not knowing what it was, they stripped the vessel of its GPS system and left it dry-docked.

Kaola traveled to the atoll and collected the Jackalope during Christmas 2017. After its long journey, the boat was weather-beaten, but fairly intact, sans a broken brace on the mast and some paint chipped away from the hull, no doubt from frequent storms the small craft encountered on its long journey.

John purchased an Iridium GPS, meaning it can be tracked by satellite, and a new sail from Educational Passages, a company that sells the mini-boats and related equipment. The new GPS has solar cells, relying on the sun for power and its signal picking up more frequently than the prior GPS, which ran on batteries.

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