Call for Participation

We invite submissions from all areas (e.g., computer science, pattern recognition, security, privacy, etc.) relevant for, or applied to, mobile and wearable biometrics. Papers in three formats will be accepted:

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Submissions are not anonymous. Please use the standard ACM SIG Proceedings Template in Overleaf for your submission (two columns).        

Please note that accepted papers will not be included in the proceedings of MobileHCI'23. They will be distributed in the workshop proceedings via The authors will retain copyrights of the submissions,  hence they can resubmit revised versions to any other conference or journal. Yet, authors may opt out of the proceedings. 

Depending on the number of full-length papers we receive, we might edit a Q1/Q2 journal special issue (for example Pattern Recognition Letters) inviting extended versions of the best workshop submissions presenting new work.

Depending on the number of papers accepted, a best paper award will be assigned for each one of the paper submission formats. 

Information About Journal Paper Presentations

Eligible journal papers must be published in 2021, 2022 and 2023 or have been formally accepted by June 1, 2023 and pending publication. Please note that we have limited space to accommodate these presentation requests, and would like to reserve the right to grant or decline any requests at our sole discretion. To submit a presentation request, you must provide the following information about the paper(s):