How to move/copy a whole moodle site from remote to a local WAMP server. I already installed the WAMP server on my windows machine, already downloaded via ftp the whole moodle site. Now I'm on the installing part of moodle, and I don't know what settings should I made to connect somehow the downloaded moodle with the local one.

I should install first a new moodle site on my local WAMP server ? or when I'm installing the moodle ...should I make some modifications in the installing steps or some configuration files ? Or I should export from my remote website a database file, then somehow import that file in the new installation?

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First you need to copy the moodle web root to your wamp web root. Then you need to copy the moodle data directory. Set permissions on the 2 directories and edit the moodle config to point to the 2 correct locations.

Apache, the server that is included in WAMP, is purely a web server, not a FTP server. You need to set up an additional FTP server in order to be able to FTP into it. One such server is the Filezilla Server, but there are other options too.

As farfromhome stated, the WAMP server hasn't got an FTP server included. If you do want a complete package without installing a seperate FTP server such as Filezilla, I recommend removing the WAMP server and installing complete package like XAMPP. XAMPP also includes FileZilla, but will set it up for you. However do note that XAMPP isn't meant for production purposes but development purposes.

I have a WAMP server installed on my local Win7 system to test changes to a website before pushing them to the remote server. Recently, I have experienced very long (several minutes) hangs when accessing the MySQL database. There is no need for the server to face outwards. It is only for testing purposes. I want to satisfy myself that ESS is not causing the hangs, so I can look for other causes. I have right clicked to disable the firewall, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. Does anyone have suggestions?

I tried disabling protection and firewall with no change. Just going to localhost caused IE 10 to timeout. I disabled HIPS and everything seems to speed along as 'normal'. I haven't had a chance to test the WAMP server yet, but it's a huge improvement in all of the other programs that I regularly have open.

Once the fresh installation is done, just move the contents from your previous wamp64\www folder in the new directory (if for example you had wamp installed in C:\wamp64 and now you installed WAMP in C:\wamp64_2 folder move the contents of www folder from C:\wamp64\www over to C:\wamp64_2\www) and you can load it all again.

i have created a database on wamp server and i can insert data into this database using this php code (find in the attachment) how can i insert data into this database using arduino code ?? if anyone can help me with sketch or some library or anything i will be thankfull

note: i have arduino mega and ethernet ENC25J60

the ethernet shield ENC28J60 has its own library an i have downloaded it and from its examples WebClient example so it seems to be it can act like a client.

my question is how to write get request in the sketch for accessing PHP code that control a database created on wamp server ?

No one can tell you how to change that call to call your script, since you haven't told us where the script lives on you server (wherever it is replaces the / in that GET statement) or what the script is called (whatever it is replaces search in that GET statement) or what arguments it expects (whatever they are replaces the q=arduino in that GET statement).

The real question is how you access it from a browser. That is, where is the httpd daemon on the server going to look for the script, relative to some location. Most likely, it will look in the C:\wamp\www directory for named files, so the GET request would be:

No. What pointing a browser to localhost means is that the IP address is 127.0.01 (that is, the computer the browser is running on). No other computer can access that server using the localhost name, because localhost means me. If I point my browser at localhost/test/php_db.php, the browser is going to look for php_db.php on MY computer.

Well, that's a different issue. The server that you are trying to access, 192, 168, 42, 1, doesn't look right. Typically, on a home network (which the 192.168 part implies), the third field is either 0 or 1. The last field is the specific device. Typically, 1 is the router. Device addresses start from 2 and go up.

this IP when i write this ip in the web browser URL it direct to my local host so it seems to be the IP for the wamp server and i put it into sketch and the serial monitor gave me the same result

As soon as I try to navigate to the post page through the menu


or, to the alternate language section of the home page,


the site is dispayed without css.

I was used to copy a version of my online website locally, running on a WAMP server on my laptop, in order to edit the php code with Dreamweaver. I dont know how to do on the fly on the remote server and I don't trust myself, so I wanted to see what I get before putting on line...

Everything worked just fine: I used to copy the website folder from remote to local WAMP server, change the database in the file, change the URL/SEO preference in the backoffice from the true web domain into "localhost" and "prestashop" as base url.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue or have insights into what might be causing this discrepancy between the local and server environments? Any suggestions for troubleshooting or resolving this would be greatly appreciated.

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Here is my question=>

If I write while wamp is on it is OK it works.

But if I use view in browser plugin and press Ctrl+ALT+ F it goes to

file:///D:/wamp/www/Otagtransit/index.php (here PHP codes are omitted).

In DW there is lengthy process for associating the Wamp server with DW.

How can I associate Wamp server with sublime text 3 or correct the above path (file:///D:/wamp/www/Otagtransit/index.php)


Your local server is a development environment. So a lot of the restrictions and security settings that are applied to real servers are not applied to your environment. This is to make testing easier while using certain technology without having to install SSL or configure other things.

It took me a long time to get my local server set up. Wamp64 seems to be working fine. I can access all the main files and they seem to be stored according to recommended convention. I was able to make the theme and give it metadata via the style.css file.

Hello everyone. I would like to create a WAMP local server for my emoncms. Unfortunately I have a problem with the settings.ini file created from the example settings.ini file. On loading localhost/emoncms the following error is returned.

image1188469 53.8 KB

I have attached my settings.ini file. If any person can tell me what the problem is, I will appreciate

I am trying to install the xibo cms version 2.0.0 in wamp server in my local computer **

But it is not installed. already i have the xibo cms version 1.7.5 its working fine.

Please let me know how can i install the xibo cms 2.0.0 in my local computer wamp server.

I got some errors on starting of server on production. Is there someone who can help me a bit ?

Is a problem of DB char encoding betwen development and production environment ?

How can if fix it ?

Thanks !

I am a bit confused why. Everything works fine on my local wamp server.

And I am loading other png files from the same directory and that works.

Can you tell me why it loads some pngs and some others not?

WampServer refers to a solution stack for the Microsoft Windows operating system, created by Romain Bourdon and consisting of the Apache web server, OpenSSL for SSL support, MySQL database and PHP programming language.[1][2]

I've created a website in Visual Studio under the VB.NET and I tried to publish the website to my wamp server on my computer but when I try to access my website via webbrowser it shows something like index of/ then list all my web files it does not run it but it shows all the files inside my root file of a domain, so is there any way I can solve this problem actually this is my first project in aspx but I well know

When a server is not configured to handle a particular type of script, it won't attempt to interpret it. Instead the server will usually return the contents of the script, handling it as if it were just plain text. Be aware that any passwords or private information in your script can get exposed this way.

Eish, so now the reason why I used wamp is that I want to provide with web hosting and this ASPX website I've designed it to handle and process the online domain and web hosting registration from online users, so if I install the IIS 6 won't it inter fear with my wamp server?

Ok, so is there any one know how to configure wamp to support the ASP I know that there is some file you need to download and install in the apache which is ASP.NET module but I don't know how to install it. Thank you

Windows which consists of Apache, MySQL and PHP. AMPPS is a WAMP stack which can be installed on Desktop or on a Windows Server. Apache is the web server, MySQL is the database and PHP is server side scripting language. This WAMP Stack ships with PHP, Pearl and Python server side scripting language, Pearl and Pyhton runs on th CGI and mod_wsgi respectively on the Web server. Along with MySQL, AMPPS also provides the developers to work with MongoDB Database . To manage the Databases and tables, phpMyAdmin for MySQL and RockMango for MongoDB are provided.

Navigate to c:/program files/openssl-win64/bin/ to find the certificate.crt and private.key that you just created. Both of these need to be moved to the new folder c:/wamp64/bin/apache/apache2.4.41/conf/key/. 0852c4b9a8

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