How to Play

A tongue-in-cheek video about what it's like being  a volleyball player. But it has some good points too...

Elevate Yourself

Dip into this YouTube channel with Coach Donny. There are loads of video tutorials, many of which are aimed at more experienced players. There are some good bits for beginners in there too.

It can be a little serious in parts but very informative with a lot of useful technical detail. 


Here we have some extreme defensive moves by the specialist Libero player.

You'll enjoy this.


If you would like a whistle-stop guide to the rules of the game then this is a good start point. There are a couple of inaccuracies (I should know!) but at least it has been produced in the UK. 

Referee Signals

So, how many of these are you aware of? One of the rules of the game is that players should know the rules. It's amazing how many players think they know. But with knowledge comes better decision making in matches and, as a result, the playing skill improves.

You need mental stamina to watch this one.

Volleyball England TV

Finally, check out some of the videos on the Volleyball England YouTube channel here on the left. It showcases the best of volleyball in this country.

Click on the Volleyball England logo below to visit the  website of the governing body of English volleyball.