Teaching and Handouts

Classes Taught at UM

CHM 110:  Chemical Problem Solving (Spring 2021, Fall 2023)

Description:  Chemical Problem solving strategies to prepare students for more advanced studies in the sciences.  Focusing on basic concepts in chemistry, chemical problem solving, and mathematical preparation for future studies.  

CHM 112:  Principles of Chemistry II (Fall 2012 , Spring 2009, 2011,2013,2014,2015,2018)

Description:  Continuation of CHM111.  Focus on basic thermodynamics, kinetics, quantum mechanics and molecular bonding.

CHM 205:  Chemical Dynamics Laboratory: HHMI lab (Spring 2022)

Description:  Students learned to design and conduct research projects in both chemistry and biology, prepare scientific presentations, and to write up their results up in a scientific paper.

CHM 331:  Physical Chemistry for Premedical Students (Spring 2022, 2024)

Description:   Fundamentals of thermodynamics as applied to gases, liquids and solutions, chemical kinetics and other selected topics.   

CHM 360:  Physical Chemistry I (Fall 2009, 2015, 2018,2019,2020,2021 )

Description:   Introduction to physical chemistry, including thermodynamics, gaseous and liquid states, solutions, homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibrium, kinetics.  

CHM 365:  Physical Chemistry II (Spring 2017, 2020)

Description: Introductory quantum mechanics, molecular spectroscopy, group theory, and statistical mechanics.

CHM 464:  Physical Chemistry Laboratory II (Spring 2009,2012,2014,2016,2020)

Description:  NMR lab involving measurements of diffusion coefficients, relaxation parameters, imaging, and 2D experiments.  

CHM 553:  Modern Quantum Chemistry (Fall 2010)

Description:  Many-electron wave functions and operators.  Hartee-Fock approximation, density functional theory, configuration interaction and many-body perturbation theory.  

CHM 565:  Principles of Spectroscopic Techniques (Fall 2008)

Description:  Spectroscopic techniques: nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectra (MS), ultraviolet (V), visible infrared (IR), fluorescence and other specialized spectroscopic techniques.  

CHM 575:  Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Multidimensional Spectroscopy (Fall 2015, Spring 2010, 2012,2014, 2017)

Description:  Theory of nuclear magnetic resonance; Bloch equations, relaxation theory; time-domain versus frequency domain spectroscopies, and principles of multidimensional spectroscopy.  

Course Documents/Handouts 

Here are some documents that I  made when teaching both graduate and undergraduate quantum mechanics, general chemistry, and NMR courses at the University of Miami. 

Handout 1:  Classical Mechanics:  a brief description of physics before the quantum revolution, focusing on Newton's and Maxwell's equations.  

Handout 2:  Problems with Classical Mechanics:  a brief description of the issues with classical mechanics and why classical mechanics was incomplete.  Discussion includes Planck's solution to the ultraviolet catastrophe, the photoelectric effect, the Bohr model of hydrogen atom, and the two-slit experiment. 

Handout 3:  Introduction to Quantum Mechanics:  a brief introduction to quantum mechanics.  Includes discussion on de Broglie wavelength, wave functions, cartesian, polar, spherical, and cylindrical coordinate systems, operators, basis functions, and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.  

Handout 4:  Schrodinger Equation:  The Schrodinger equation (both time-dependent and time-independent) is discussed.  Discussions of free particle, particle in a box, and quantum tunneling are presented.    

Handout 5:  The Hydrogen Atom:  Discussions on the harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, and the hydrogen atom.   

 Linear Algebra:  Basics of linear algebra (matrices, basis vectors, eigenvalues). 

 Linear Algebra and Time-dependent QM:  Basics of linear algebra and discussion on time-dependent Schrodinger equation. 

Product Operators:  Basic product operator relations used in NMR.

Conversion Factors:  A list of common conversion factors (both exact and approximate).