Different guidebook brands tend to be suited for different types of travelling and specialised in different ways. For example, I find Bradt guides to be great for off-the-beaten-track travel, Lonely Planet seem to have cornered the market in "classic" backpacking round hostels, Trailblazer seem to specialise in outdoorsy challenges like trekking, etc etc, then there's a whole host of glossy books high on photos and low on practical detail that are more like coffee-table books for people on organised tours.

I'm trying to find city guides that are good for modern culture, local insights and quirky surprises, and am getting a bit lost. In particular I'm trying to place the Wallpaper series. They look nice, and they're clearly marketed narrowly at... someone. But I can't quite place them.

Wallpaper City Guide Download

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So, what's the deal with Wallpaper guidebooks? Can anyone with relevant experience advise on how the content and focus of these books differs to the alternatives? When would you advise them and when would you advise against them?

I've tried reading reviews, but they're exceptionally unhelpful - haven't yet found a review longer than one line. I've also tried looking for blogs etc that compare, but only found one - -travel-guides/ - which pretty much just focuses on how they look:

Reading between the lines, it sounds like maybe they're guidebooks for people who don't think they need regular guidebooks, such as people on year placements or staying with friends, so they skimp on the standard stuff to add more offbeat surprises, curios and "did you notice" stuff like architecture. That's just the impression I get from reading between the lines of a couple of reviews though.

Wallpaper travel guides are an offshoot of Wallpaper* Magazine, the self-proclaimed "world's number one global design destination, championing the best in architecture, interiors, fashion, art and contemporary lifestyle." Or, if you haven't drunk enough of the Tyler Brl Kool-Aid to suppress your gag reflex when hearing the words "contemporary lifestyle", it's a magazine catering squarely to pretentious yuppies who want to read articles and see pretty pictures about obscenely expensive things they're unlikely to ever buy, and invariably glowing reviews of insufferably hip and obscure shops, restaurants and bars they're unlikely to ever visit. Compile enough of these articles about a single place together and, ta-dah, you've got a Wallpaper travel guide.

(Also, conceptually, since all paper books are out of date once printed: it's hard to reconcile the idea of "printed book" with "guide to cutting edge anything". Like, could you have a book on "latest nightclubs" ...?)

All photos are shot in an architectural style. Wide angle, very clean, no cars or people, natural light and not styled. Emphasis always remains on architectural interior/exterior and design. The guide includes large pictures on each page along with a small paragraph of information below it. I photographed Houston in November of 2013 and the guide is now available as of June 2014.

What attracted me to these guides is how they honor the roles that graphicdesign and physical touch play in experiencing a city while bringing a strongpoint of view in the watered-down world of Yelp and TripAdvisor.

With around 100 cities covered, The Wallpaper* City Guides are the bestoption for those traveling to cities off the beaten path. Further, they arethe most versatile guides among the set, because they are regularly updatedand simply list attractions broken down by type.

The front cover opens to a panoramic photograph of the city with a selection ofrecognizable landmarks highlighted. The back cover has a corresponding fold outfeaturing a color-coded map of major neighborhoods. Within, the pages are stepcut like a telephone book or directory, making it easy to thumb betweensections. In the back are pages of ruled and grid paper for notes.

While some of the other guides here have essays, walking guides, etc. theWallpaper* Guides are limited to these lists of attractions broken down bysection. This organization is well suited for those looking for a simple,curated list of places to see.

With around 100 cities covered, The Wallpaper* City Guides are the best optionfor those traveling to cities off the beaten path. Further, they are the mostversatile guides among the set, because they are regularly updated and simplylist attractions broken down by type

Most guides in this post are organized by the type of content, i.e. lists ofattractions are together in one section as are essays in their own. LOST iNthrows out that structured style, interspersing different parts throughout thebook.

I love flipping pages of the Wallpaper* City Guide Mumbai to read about places and view the gorgeous photos. It is a lovely and helpful city guide for any locals, expats and travelers who love to discover the trendiest in terms of design and style in a city. Having lived in Mumbai for 2 years and looked at the guide book, I can attest to the fact that the Wallpaper* City Guide Mumbai lists carefully selected coolest and hippest places in Mumbai. Wallpaper* City Guides cover more than 100 cities such as Tokyo, Austin, Washington, D.C., Singapore, and Jakarta where I have lived. If you would like to see the list of cities, please click here.

Hi Kaho,

As always i love your post (following u since 2 yrs now) your pictures are great (especially the bicycle one). I lived 3 yrs in Mumbai and came back to Europe last year. Will definetly check the wallpaper city guide of Milano!

Last but not lesst I ll send friends to kulture shop, looks great! Will even ask them to bring me back some items.

Hi Kaho, I chose the wrong time to leave Mumbai! Unfortunately, I never came across Phaidon, but certainly went to Kulture Shop (you have to know where to look to find it) a few times and bought some wonderful prints, signed by the artist too. Who needs a city guide when we have your fantastic blog!! Keep up the blogging, I love it! ff782bc1db

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