
The Beginning

Two Computer Engineering students making a prototype Walle.

Week 1 (2/22 - 2/26)

We made a list of things we needed and figured out we needed some wheels and servo motors that were strong enough to move a box. So we ordered some servos from Amazon, and we took apart some wheels from a toy we bought at Ross.

Week 2 (3/1 - 3/5)

We started connecting everything to the STM32L4 Micro Controller. This was troublesome since we had to recnfigure some pins so we can get each pin working on different timers. At this point we finished implementing the Bluetooth module, UltraSonic Sensor, and Thermal Sensor on the micro controller.

Week 3 (3/8 - 3/12)

This is dead week and we got a lot done in this time. We figured out how to move the servo motors seperately and independently with the guidance of our TA. We had everything set up and now we needed a box to put everything in to replicate the Wall-E look. This arts and craft part took a while and we managed to get a nice looking robot. We finally added functions to our code that would help easily use the robot through Termite. It was funcioning with minor bugs in place.

The Last (Finals Week: 3/15 - 3/18)

We finished fixing the bugs and tidyed up our project so that we are able to record it in action. We submitted the final versions of our code and presentation. We are finally done.