
Mrs Terri

Welcome parents and students of Prep T

Dear students,

Wallaroo Primary School has transitioned to flexible and remote learning for Term 2. Your learning journey will continue and your teachers will still be available every day. Instead of coming to school you will be learning from home. Everyday your lessons will be uploaded to Seesaw and you will record your answers and take a photo of your work to submit. Sometimes you will follow a link to another site, including our brand new Wallaroo Home Learning Website. It is a very exciting time to be a student.

Dear parents,

Wallaroo P.S has moved to on-line learning for now. Students will continue to have lessons every day and I understand how busy parents are. My goal is that once you have helped your child learn how to navigate Seesaw and the Wallaroo Home Learning site your student will be able to do most lessons without your help.

Please do not hesitate to send me a message via Seesaw if you have any questions or need any assistance and I hope to see you very soon!

Ms Terri