About me

My origin (well, kind of)

Long ago, before the world was what we know today, there was a prosperous ancient civilization. An old God gave the people His blessing, bringing forth bountiful harvests for decades to come. But alas, even His power must run out, and so He slumbered for an eternity... until now. He has been reborn as naught but a common spud - the famed Potato Man...

Nah I'm just kidding. I'm a grad school student who has too much (and at the same time, not enough) free time in hand and just so happens to share a passion for writing - that whole paragraph above should be all the clue you need. And if the looks from my profile picture didn't give it away already, I'm a pretty big nerd - one who's particularly fond of a certain Eastern country's culture, or as the kids say these days, a certified weeb.

What I do

Well, I write, obviously. Although, strictly speaking, I'm not too much of an experienced writer. Until the time of this site's creation, I'd only been writing stories for about 4 years, and actively publishing on online sites for 2.

As for the things I write about, while I do have a preference towards fantasy and slice-of-life stories, I'm always down for anything except romance. Naturally, from that description, you can probably tell that I'm heavily inspired by anime and manga, and so most of my work will probably have that kind of feel.

Dreams and aspirations

Of course, to make a living out of my writing! It's a long road ahead, and I've only started small, but it's something that I hope to accomplish in the future. My current works (all posted on Honeyfeed for now) serve as the first foundation for my (hopefully) future career. and the only thing left to do is to keep moving forward until all my enemies are destroyed I succeed, or at least fail trying.

A bit of trivia

  • Why the potato theme? To be honest, I don't quite remember the exact reason anymore. It came from my friends, and I thought it was funny, so I stuck with it since.

  • Why the caps? Isn't just "Walker" enough? True, but Walker isn't even my real name. I just like taking morning walks, and the reason for the caps is... well, I've seen some authors do it and it looked cool. That's about it.

  • Why writing? If you're a weeb, wouldn't anime/manga be better? Well, for one, I can't draw XD. Writing was, in the past, pretty much the only way to bring my imagination to life. But the more I learned about it, the more I came to genuinely enjoy the craft. Now, that's not to say that I don't want to make a manga or an anime (if you see my projects there's a certain something...), but those attempts will most likely be collaborations, with me being in charge of the main stories. Do look forward to the future, that's all I'm saying ;)