Walk for Courage

Taking steps to a better tomorrow

MARK YOUR CALENDARS - the third annual Walk for Courage will be held on Saturday, July 13, 2024. Click the tab above for additional information.


Our family suffered a tremendous loss in 2019 when our oldest son Jeffrey died by suicide. There is a need for more services and programs for people who struggle with their mental health.

The purpose of the walk is to raise funds for the Youth Awareness programs of CMHA Grey Bruce. These awareness programs are an essential service as while there are many different programs and services available, not everyone is aware of them, how they can help and how to access them if in need.  The awareness programs exist solely through community donations and include the following programs: The Friends and Neighbours (FAN) Club program for children ages JK to Grade 5, the Let's Talk program for Grade 6 to 12 and the Talk Today program, a partnership program with the Owen Sound Attack. The Youth Awareness program also includes training programs Mental Health First Aid, SafeTALK (Suicide Alertness for Everyone) and ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training).

SAVE THE DATE: The date for the Walk for Courage 2023 has been set. It will take place on Saturday July 15, 2023 at 9:00 am.