Hi this is MD Waliul Islam Nohan 

A software Architect from DIU

01. Skills

> Front-End { Reactjs Nextjs }

> Back-End { ExpressJs Django Flask Nestjs }

> Database { MySql postgressSQL mongoDB }

> System Design { Microservice N-tier Monolith }
> Tools { github ci/cd docker kafka awsEC2 awsLemda... }

02. Work Experience

> Tech Lead at Developer's Community

> Junior Software developer at Chaldal

03. Projects

> Karigori - Your Ultimate Career Guide Solution        

Video Link | Web Link | Github 

> EduLink - Government Information Management 

Video Link | Web Link | Github                


> write4me - Your Personal Content Generator for Your Feed

Video Link | Web Link | Github 

04. Honours and Awards

>2nd runners-up Nasa space app challenge – NASA

> 4th at World Robotics Championship – Technoxian
> Champion on science fest – Dhaka Imperial college


Get in touch at linkedin

feel free to ask me anything __________