Department of Philosophy

Graduate Program of Philosophy

Federal University of Bahia, Brazil

Waldomiro J. Silva Filho is Full Professor of Philosophy at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and Researcher at National Council for Scientific Research (CNPq). He was a visiting professor at the Universität zu Köln (2017 and 2019, Germany), and “visiting scholar” at the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT (USA, 2015-2016) and at the Department of Philosophy at Harvard University (USA, 2009-2010) with a grant from the Senior Internship Program at CAPES. He is an associate researcher at Universität zu Köln.

He was President of the Brazilian Society of Analytical Philosophy (2016-2018). He is currently the coordinator of the Graduate Studies Program of Philosophy at UFBA.

His research and teaching activity focuses on Philosophy, with emphasis on Virtue Epistemology and Skepticism (Neopyrrhonism). He is currently developing a research on epistemic reflection and conversation.

Waldomiro J. Silva Filho é natural de Camacã, Bahia, e torcedor do Fluminense. Ele é Professor Titular do Departamento de Filosofia da UFBA e Pesquisador do CNPq. Ele foi Professor Visitante na Universität zu Köln (2017 e 2019, Alemanha) e visiting scholar no Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT (USA, 2015-2016) e no Department of Philosophy at Harvard University (USA, 2009-2010) com bolsa de Senior Internship Program at CAPES.

Entre 2016 e 2018, foi Presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Filosofia Analítica. Atualmente é o coordenador do Programa de Pós-graduação de Filosofia da UFBA.

Sua pesquisa está concentrada em Filosofia Contemporânea, com ênfase em Epistemologia das Virtudes e Ceticismo (Neopirronismo). Com bolsa do CNPq, ele desenvolve uma pesquisa sobre reflexão epistêmica e conversação.