Earth Day 

Earth Day - 22nd April 2023

On 19.04.2023, in our School, a small awareness action took place, dynamized by Valorlis, under the erasmus+ project "Wake up", in conjunction with the Eco-schools program, to celebrate the Earth Day. This action was intended to provide information about the process and advantages of composting. A compost bin was made available for the use of organic waste from the school, with the aim of turning it into fertilizer.

The Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd. This celebration aims to recognize the importance of the planet and to alert to the importance and need to preserve the world's natural resources.

We are concerned and want to express our commitment to the protection of nature and highlight the need to preserve natural resources, the environment, and the sustainability of the Earth.

So we will continue to grow organic produce in our garden. Yesterday we picked a fresh salad,  finished harvesting the peas and broad beans and what was left over went directly into the new compost bin.

We are investing in our planet! We want to support our community and make people healthier and happier.

Earth Day - 22nd April 2022

Earth Day is for our etwinners a reminder to protect the environment, restore damaged ecosystems, and to live a more sustainable life.

We want to be planet's heros!

Go green!