Federation Officers


At the office of President - Bailey Meyer of the Heritage FFA Chapter! 

Hello everyone! My name is Bailey Meyer, and I will be your Federation President for the 2023-24 school year! I'm a rising Junior who has been in FFA since Freshman year, and I can confidently say that thanks to FFA these last few years have been some of the best years of my life! I'm hoping to one day attend a four year program to learn about either environmental science or sustainable horticulture. I've always loved to learn new things, especially within the fields of STEM and agriculture, and I can't wait to share my interests with you all while learning more about yours! 

Email: bemeyer@students.wcpss.net 

Vice President

 At the office of Vice President - Kennedy Bowman of the Wake Forest FFA Chapter! 

Hey y’all! I am Kennedy Bowman from the Wake Forest High School chapter and serving as Vice President for Wake Federation FFA. As you can see from the picture I am a beekeeper and have around three hundred hives. I enjoy teaching the community about agriculture and have even taught some classes at NC State. I am looking forward to this upcoming year and continuing to work with this officer team.

Email: klbowman@students.wcpss.net 


At the office of Secretary - Eleanor Zohn of the South Garner FFA Chapter!

Hey I’m Eleanor. I’m the secretary for the Federation team. I play volleyball at South Garner. I like to lift weights, race go-karts, weld, and listen to music. My favorite thing about FFA is the opportunities presented to create connections with other people. FFA has given me the opportunity to make many friends and connect with people I wouldn’t have been able to meet without the FFA. 

Email: erzohn@students.wcpss.net 


At the office of Treasurer - Lydia Smith of the Athens Drive FFA Chapter!

Hey y’all, My name is Lydia Smith and I am your 2023-2024 Treasurer. I am a senior at Athens Drive and student advisor for the Athens chapter! I love to compete and have found much confidence and knowledge through CDE and LDE. Extemporaneous Public Speaking has been my favorite LDE next to Food Science. I am passionate about the science behind Ag. and intend to pursue a career in Veterinary Science. FFA has built my skills in communication and working with others as well as establishing a passion for agriculture and all the industry and adjacent programs have to offer.

Email:  lhsmith@students.wcpss.net 


 At the office of Reporter - Jose Hernandez of the Wakefield FFA Chapter!

Hiya, I'm Jose! I'm a senior at Wakefield and have been an FFA member since my freshman year; I'm currently serving as my chapter's Vice President! Agriculture classes have been my favorites in high school by far and I love the opportunities that FFA provides for students of all kind! I like being funny, playing guitar and love everything agriculture! I'm all for having a good time and leaving a positive impact on people, so I'm excited to serve as Federation Reporter!

Email: jahernandez-galguera@students.wcpss.net 


At the officer of Sentinel - Chelsea Pham of the Green Level FFA Chapter!

Hello! My name is Chelsea Pham, and I’m a senior at Green Level High School! I’m proudly serving as the Vice President of my school’s chapter, and will also be serving as the Sentinel of the Wake Federation for the 2023-2024 school year! FFA is definitely nothing short of a second home to me. I’m especially looking forward to meeting members new and old across the Federation, so don’t be afraid to start a conversation with me!

Email: cpham@students.wcpss.net 


At the office of Parliamentarian - Alana Ehlers of the Garner FFA Chapter!

Hello! My name is Alana Ehlers, and I am the 2023-2024 Wake Federation Parliamentarian! I also serve as Garner High School's official Secretary. My favorite part about FFA is being able to be connected with my community and make a difference.

Email: aehlers@students.wcpss.net 


At the office of Historian - Spencer Faircloth of the Millbrook FFA Chapter!

Hey y’all I am Spencer Faircloth and I’m this years Wake Federation Historian! I am a junior at Millbrook high school, I currently serve as my chapters President! FFA has been one of my favorite things to be a part of and I love to compete in CDEs and be at events! I’m most excited to be able to meet all the federation members, so if y’all get a chance come say hi! 

Email: safaircloth@students.wcpss.net