Many posts indicate issues with using WaitForSeconds as well as WaitWhile(AudioSource.isPlaying) giving incorrect values if the clip is paused, game loses focus, or if the pitch of the audio is altered.

and, to make this work without delaying your main task (I say this because the while loop makes the work wait for clip1 to finish, no matter what the next work is...) you can make a new thread in the point where you want it to happen, and just put the code in its run() method...GOOD LUCK!

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Making the method wait is slightly trickier. You can either busy-wait on it (not a good idea) or use other synchronization mechanisms. I think there is a pattern (not sure about it) for waiting on a long operation to throw a completion event, but that's a general question you may want to post separately to SO.

I have a new respect for audiobooks. It turns out that narrating a piece of writing is grueling as fuck. But simultaneously kind of fun. The post is 40,000 words, and the recording ended up clocking in at 3 hours and 43 minutes. I split it up into five parts that mirror the five pages of the written post. I also created a merged version for anyone who just wants to deal with one file.

However, I'm not getting any sound - according to the logs, when pulseaudio starts, udev-detect reports "Found 0 cards." and I only get the null sink. Running systemctl --system restart pulseaudio.service fixes this and my audio device is correctly detected.

I'm new to using libby and wanted to start the stormlight series. It's in the app but says I have to put it on hold because other people are using it. How does that work? Is an audiobook, can't everyone listen to it whenever?

I briefly owned a Fractal FM3 before switching to Kemper. Just an interesting observation that their key offering products are always on backorder (took me a year+ to get my FM3 from the waitlist), while I can easily buy a Kemper Stage or a Strymon Iridium, etc. Not to hate on the competition, but it seems kinda strange. Guitar gear supply chains and manufacturing is really fascinating.

Hi guys, I'm trying to multi-threadify a plugin I'm working on. Basically it's got a load of 'sound particles' flying around and I'm trying to spread their processing over all cores in order to up the maximum number you can have. Below is the code I'm using. Each particle operates completely independently from the others. Their output is accumulated into a buffer that is zeroed at the start. The while loop after supposedly waits for all the thread jobs to finish before allowing the main audio thread to continue - and indeed it does because I've checked and after the while loop the number of jobs in the threadpool is always zero.

Then why I'm I getting crackling in the output? It sounds like the while loop isn't waiting for them to finish. It's definitely not waiting too long thus causing buffer underruns, because the reverb that gets applied later reverbs the crackles, also if I set the ThreadPool to 1 thread all is dandy.

There's lots of problems with this approach most notably that you're allocating the jobs on the heap in the audio callback but more importantly that you're waiting for 2ms each time the jobs haven't finished? That's a crazy ammount of time in the audio domain and will waste those ms completely if a job finishes just afetr the wait is called.

I am working on a neat little personal project and I have the setup working almost 100%. I am really excited about the whole thing. This is my first time messing with audio, and I have been working hard to learn the code to put this all together and have progressed a lot these last couple weeks. However, I can't figure out the last little bits. Let me explain the situation:

The tracks do play, but there is a delay before they do so. I understand it is because of the if(millis() - timer > 10000){...} and that it won't play the song until that if statement is true, after which is will play the track for 10 seconds repeatedly until the dial changes. So, my question is this: how can I get rid of this wait time before a track will play?

I sometimes have the problem that I can't hear any sound on my Dell XPS13 with Ubuntu 16.04. I have a Logitech G930 connected to it. When I open pavucontrol it is stuck at "Establishing connection to PulseAudio. Please wait..."I have been following the Ubuntu Audio Problems Guide (german version is here: _Problembehebung/#Soundsystem ) and found the following:

The "groups" command does NOT show the audio group, but what I think is strange that it works most of the time (and often so after restarting, if there are problems) so I'd guess it's not the problem.

I've had this issue since upgrading to 18.04 and read almost all there is about to read about it. I fiddled with the settings, the packages, and eventually it would work sometimes, after installing PulseEffects for getting the right channel throughput for the audio. But then when I would change the audio-output channel to say headphones instead of speakers, the gnome shell crashed. This crash gave me insight to some "obsolete packages" that were still installed and needed removing or upgrading.

I have tried every possible solution from everywhere to get the sound working through HDMI on NUC11PAHi7 on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS after it stopped working, including the solutions in this thread and none worked. What ended up working is doing the screen lock with windows key L, waiting a minute and then unlocking it. I could not believe it. Hours in terminal trying everything and just locking and unlocking the screen fixed it. I found that answer in a different thread about trying to find realtek drivers for NUC on ubuntu, and now I can't find that thread again to thank them.

I have several audio-narrated tours of my pano. When the user selects one, I would like to first load the audio file, and then begin the series of LookTo() actions, so that the movements and audio are synced.

I am looking for a command to wait for the audio to load before continuing (similar to the wait(load); for the panorama). Ideally I would display a message that says "audio loading..." while this loop is running.

I'm moving to export my sequences. However, it just says "sound clips processing ... please wait." The problem is that all my sound clips are working perfectly. Also, VideoPad never actually finishes processing the clips. I can come back an hour later and it will still say "sound clips processing ... please wait."

I have been working on a video now for two weeks and yesterday morning I attempted to export my video as a mp4. For the last 24 hours I have watched as the "sound clips processing ... please wait" message repeats over and over.

However, as I am a YouTube content creator and I have many videos, I created a special folder: C:\Users\Chris\Dropbox\The New Place Inside\Ep. 8 Please Allow to store all my audio and video files related to this project. This is my 2nd VideoPad Professional Video and I had no problem with the first video I made using the VideoPad editor. Also, for that project, I created a special folder. I had no problem whatsoever exporting the finished product.

However, with this video, I have experimented with creating three sequences of video and audio, as well as unlinking and deleting the audio from the 3rd sequence and adding a new audio file in its place that I created using Audacity (which I saved as a mp3 file and imported into VideoPad using the Add Files while I had the Sound Files Bin open).

The second video that I shot, I didn't mess around with, except for snipping a bit off at the end. However, I unlinked the video from the audio, deleted the audio, and added a brand-new audio that I had recorded on Audacity. Then I arrange them so that they were in a sequence of three parts.

Here is a link that I hope, is the video that I am sharing with you. I was not able to removing the original files from the bin, because VP prompted me that they are in use. Both video files and the one audio file all have green check marks. So, I didn't want to mess around with them.

Thank you so very much. The problem seems to be what you wrote about in your first paragraph above. You mentioned that there is an "audio only 'anima talk with waltz' file with no corresponding video".

I have: new project > single clip > run stabilize (takes very long) but gets done. Then If I want to play the clip, it says audio is still being processed. . . . . and still after hours when I give up.

Do note that this was hastily-written and not tested, so it may contain errors or simply not work at all. Also, since it uses waitUntil, it's probably best to run this code in a scheduled environment (like from init.sqf)

ALSA data shows onboard audio device Realtek ALC887-VD detected correctly

But ALSA mixer data shows analog outputs for Headphone and Front speaker are muted

and Auto-Mute Mode is enabled to mute speaker output when headphones are plugged in

Been using Naim since 1983 waited over 12 weeks for both a 82 and CDI when they were released due to sales volume. When I upgraded to the Classic range in 2015 I waited 15 weeks for my 250dr evidently a component quality issue ordered a Core the day they were released this was delivered some 16 weeks later a price rise had occurred during this wait but my dealer supplied it at the price at the date of the order. So for me waiting for a new Naim product is nothing new remember good stuff is always worth waiting for.

Just ordered a new Pressure washer the Sthil model I wanted was out of stock in the UK so I had to go up a model that could be supplied from stock.It was suprising at the number of machines that were marked up as waiting for stock to arrive

Excellent sound. I am running it through a Qutest at the moment but I have bought a Vega G1 which waits in the UK for me to arrange getting over here (France). My study system is where I am considering an Altair G1 to enable synching room to room. e24fc04721

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