American dialectologists have evidence showing wait on (sense 3) to be more a Southern than a Northern form in speech. Handbook writers universally denigrate wait on and prescribe wait for in writing. Our evidence from printed sources does not show a regional preference; it does show that the handbooks' advice is not based on current usage.

Advance travel planning and early visa application are important. If you plan to apply for a nonimmigrant visa to come to the United States as a temporary visitor, please review the current wait time for an interview using the tool below. Not all visa applications can be completed on the day of the interview; please read the information below for more details.

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The estimated wait time to receive a nonimmigrant visa interview appointment at a U.S. embassy or consulate and is based on workload and staffing and can vary from week to week. The information provided is an estimate and does not guarantee the availability of an appointment.

Wait times for applicants eligible for Interview Waiver are applicable only for locations where applicants schedule appointments to submit their passport and any required documents to a U.S. embassy or consulate. The wait time estimate does not account for the time required for a consular officer to adjudicate the application nor mailing time of passports or other documents. Refer to the website of the Embassy or Consulate Visa Section where you will apply to determine your eligibility for Interview Waiver and for instructions for submitting a nonimmigrant visa application. Note that applicants must be a national or resident of the country where they are applying to be eligible to apply via Interview Waiver.

Important Notice: Except in cases of emergency travel (i.e. serious illnesses, injuries, or deaths in your immediate family), before making inquiries about status of administrative processing, applicants should wait at least 180 days from the date of interview or submission of supplemental documents, whichever is later.

You must specify exactly one of Seconds, Timestamp, SecondsPath, or TimestampPath. In addition, the maximum wait time that you can specify for Standard Workflows and Express workflows is one year and five minutes respectively.

 57% of people are more likely to stop driving distracted if a friend or passenger pressures them to. 1  1 Online survey with 1,801 respondents (total distracted drivers n=1,559) conducted by Kantar Added Value. Data represented here were collected January 2018-March 2018. National panel sample (ages 15-54, drive, and have a smartphone).   That means half of people are just waiting for someone to tell them to stop! Use these tools to speak up and help prevent distracted driving.

In my configuration project, my startup page allows a user to pick a "Location", using this location I create a new project for them. I then want to get the MapView and load up some feature layers for that location and zoom to that location. But it seems i have to wait for the Map to load before i can do what I want.

Then it returns this function NewBlankProject, but the following function wont work fully because i cant reference the MapView.Active.Map as I want to load some feature layers for the Location and zoom to that location. Is there anyway I can wait for the map to load after var newProject = await Project.CreateAsync(cps);

When you open a project with a Map View, you can wait for the MapView to initialize by subscribing to the "MapViewInitialized" event (topic12855.html). Important thing to note is that when you open a new view in your project, this event will be triggered again.

This means that when you begin waiting for an aliased request, Cypress will waitup to 5 seconds for a matching request to be created. If no matching request isfound, you will get an error message that looks like this:

Once Cypress detects that a matching request has begun its request, it thenswitches over to the 2nd waiting period. This duration is configured by theresponseTimeout option - whichhas a default of 30000 ms.

Your wait time may be less than the average or longer than the average. There are many factors that impact how long it takes to examine a trademark filing. You may be able to shorten your wait time by following these tips for avoiding processing delays.

You may have noticed that the average processing wait times do not match the current examination dates. The current examination dates show the most recent applications assigned to examining attorneys for review.

Hi @joelime! In case you haven't already looked in our docs, we have some info on Scripting Retool > Promises and Async Queries. You could also explore these docs on Async/await for further reading. And, last but not least, there's an existing community thread that discusses best practices for synchorous JavaScript queries.

I set the await keyword within the OnSuccess function as I want the second query to trigger on succes, however I want the second query to finish inserting all its rows into Airtable before it triggers again. I tried doing it this way, but no dice.

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Thanks for posting that! It looks like, even though you're defining runQuery as an async function, since you're not returning or calling await on anything at the top level of that query it doesn't know to wait and will say it's finished almost instantly while the async function you've defined runs in the background. You can compare that to doing something like:

The wait() and waitpid() functions shall obtain status information pertaining to one of the caller's childprocesses. Various options permit status information to be obtained for child processes that have terminated or stopped. If statusinformation is available for two or more child processes, the order in which their status is reported is unspecified.

The wait() function shall suspend execution of the calling thread until status information for one of the terminatedchild processes of the calling process is available, or until delivery of a signal whose action is either to execute asignal-catching function or to terminate the process. If more than one thread is suspended in wait() or waitpid()awaiting termination of the same process, exactly one thread shall return the process status at the time of the target processtermination. If status information is available prior to the call to wait(), return shall be immediate.

The waitpid() function shall be equivalent to wait() if the pid argument is (pid_t)-1 and theoptions argument is 0. Otherwise, its behavior shall be modified by the values of the pid and optionsarguments.

[XSI] If the calling process has SA_NOCLDWAIT set or has SIGCHLD set to SIG_IGN, and the process has no unwaited-for children that weretransformed into zombie processes, the calling thread shall block until all of the children of the process containing the callingthread terminate, and wait() and waitpid() shall fail and set errno to [ECHILD].

If wait() or waitpid() return because the status of a child process is available, these functions shall return avalue equal to the process ID of the child process. In this case, if the value of the argument stat_loc is not a nullpointer, information shall be stored in the location pointed to by stat_loc. The value stored at the location pointed to bystat_loc shall be 0 if and only if the status returned is from a terminated child process that terminated by one of thefollowing means:

[SPN] It is unspecified whether the status value returned by calls to wait() or waitpid() for processes created byposix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() can indicate a WIFSTOPPED(stat_val) before subsequent calls towait() or waitpid() indicate WIFEXITED(stat_val) as the result of an error detected before the new processimage starts executing.

It is unspecified whether the status value returned by calls to wait() or waitpid() for processes createdby posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() can indicate a WIFSIGNALED(stat_val) if a signal is sent to theparent's process group after posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() is called.

If the information pointed to by stat_loc was stored by a call to waitpid() that specified the WUNTRACED flag[XSI] and did not specify the WCONTINUED flag, exactly one of themacros WIFEXITED(*stat_loc), WIFSIGNALED(*stat_loc), and WIFSTOPPED(*stat_loc) shall evaluate to a non-zerovalue.

If the information pointed to by stat_loc was stored by a call to waitpid() that specified the WUNTRACED [XSI] andWCONTINUED flags, exactly one of the macrosWIFEXITED(*stat_loc), WIFSIGNALED(*stat_loc), WIFSTOPPED(*stat_loc), [XSI] andWIFCONTINUED(*stat_loc) shall evaluate to a non-zerovalue.

If the information pointed to by stat_loc was stored by a call to waitpid() that did not specify the WUNTRACED[XSI] or WCONTINUED flags, or by a call to the wait()function, exactly one of the macros WIFEXITED(*stat_loc) and WIFSIGNALED(*stat_loc) shall evaluate to a non-zerovalue.

If the information pointed to by stat_loc was stored by a call to waitpid() that did not specify the WUNTRACEDflag [XSI] and specified the WCONTINUED flag, or by a call to thewait() function, exactly one of the macros WIFEXITED(*stat_loc), WIFSIGNALED(*stat_loc), [XSI] andWIFCONTINUED(*stat_loc) shall evaluate to a non-zerovalue.

If _POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS is defined, and the implementation queues the SIGCHLD signal, then if wait() orwaitpid() returns because the status of a child process is available, any pending SIGCHLD signal associated with the processID of the child process shall be discarded. Any other pending SIGCHLD signals shall remain pending. 17dc91bb1f

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