When trying to update Powershell Core with scoop via scoop update pwsh, I get the following error:

ERROR Application "pwsh" is still running. Close all instances and try again.

I tried closing PowerShell and updating via cmd, but it still throws that error.

Scoop uses pwsh.exe to execute the PowerShell scripts that scoop runs on. (scoop is 96% PowerShell) Even if run in cmd.exe, it will still use pwsh.exe to execute the scripts needed to scoop update pwsh. This problem is solved by using Windows PowerShell, (a.k.a. PowerShell 5 / powershell.exe) so scoop will execute the PowerShell scripts using that instead of pwsh.

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Do you love open-source? Do you want to make your PowerShell really powerful? Consider installing scoop and make your life simple! ? Learn how can scoop help you to make your Visual Studio Code terminal colorful. This was my dream on windows machine to achieve. Please read my article till end and enjoy!

Considering you installed scoop at the default location (C:\Users\scoop), you have to access the C:\Users\\scoop\persist folder. Every scoop app will store their configuration in this folder which isn't affected by uninstalls. Then you could run git init and start persisting you configuration.

Things like configuring php with xdebug, which for me was always cumbersome, for the first time was as easy as install it. By default, when you install php-xdebug, scoop creates a xdebug.ini file inside C:\Users\\scoop\persist\php\conf.d\ folder with the following content:

Absolutely! That's why I configured the git repo inside C:\Users\\scoop\persist instead of the scoop root folder. Furthermore, you wouldn't want to add to the repo the entire persist folder, there are some things like local caches that you don't want to push them.

Then yet more handy tools I use (some are from the extras bucket): scoop install vscode azure-cli azure-ps storageexplorer dotnet-sdkscoop install go lua docker kubectl helm makescoop install nodejs nvs yarn opensslscoop install azure-functions-core-toolsscoop install vcredist2019scoop install notepadplusplus windows-terminal postmanscoop install paint.netscoop install ghscoop bucket add instrumenta -instrumentascoop install kubevalscoop install conftest# SysInternals (now in extras bucket)scoop install sysinternals#scoop install krita brackets# Used to install with scoop but are now in PSGalleryInstall-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force -Scope CurrentUserInstall-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUserInstall-Module oh-my-posh -Scope CurrentUser

The versions bucket contains a way to obtain versions other than the latest version of an application. This is used in combination with scoop reset command to switch between versions of an app. Scoop creates a shim for each version and scoop reset switches the current shim between those versions.

Scoop is an app manager, rather than a package manager - it doesn't know about libraries, and only installs whole, functional applications. It installs apps in the current user's home directory, in $HOME/scoop and does not require admin permissions. Scoop is primarily intended for managing "portable", command-line developer tools, and it will automatically make installed apps available via $PATH. Other types of apps are also available, but require a bit of configuration (essentially, you just need to "register" additional app repositories).

Scoop has a git-like command line interface - one scoop "main" binary which supports sub-commands. One such sub-command is help - without any arguments, it will provide a high-level overview of all available sub-commands; if given a sub-command as a parameter, help will output help specific to it. To save you some keystrokes and give you an idea of what Scoop is about, I've included some output below.

To install apps from buckets other than the main one, first they must be added with the bucket add command. It takes two parameters - a name and a git url, which Scoop will clone. Some buckets are "well-known" and you don't have to specify a full url; these can be listed with the scoop bucket known command:

Each installed app gets it's own folder, further divided into a separate folder for each version and a "current" folder that is a shortcut to the folder containing the most recent version. To avoid polluting your $PATH with a separate entry for each app, Scoop justs adds one folder, $HOME/scoop/shims, and places a "shim" for each app there. Some apps have multiple executables; vim, for example, includes vim, gvim and others - they will all be "shimmed" and available on the command line. This is illustrated below; some output is omitted for clarity.

When you run scoop update, without any arguments Scoop will update itself and will also update all added buckets - remember, buckets are just git repositories so essentially Scoop just does a git pull behind the scenes, to refresh the local copies.

When an update is available, Scoop will download the new version to a new folder, and update the "current" shortcut to point to it. The older version isn't uninstalled automatically, and with time these can add up - use scoop cleanup to get rid of them.

So, if you want to be able to run "mongo", "mongod" commands easily like Huston is, then I would recommend installing Scoop ( Homebrew alternative for windows ). is quite simple, just open your CMD, type "powershell", then run install command from scoop.sh ( " iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(' ') " ) , and after that " scoop install mongodb " , after that you will be able to use those commands easily, I am glad I searched for the alternative ! Hope it helps someone too !

Are you tired of setting up apps by clicking through time-consuming GUI installers with never ending dialogs? Are you missing tools like apt and brew which automate software setup on Linux and MacOS. There are similar projects for windows. Here is how to usescoop…

The default installation location of Scoop is at C:\Users\{{Username}}\scoop.If you wish to install it somewhere else, run the following commands after replacing the string {{ScoopPath}} at the end of the first line with the path location you wish to install at (for example C:\scoop):

Oh, did I mention that most programs installed by scoop are portable?Meaning that programs have all settings residing inside the program folder, rather than the windows registry.So you can copy the entire program folder to another windows machine, and it will still open without problems.Thus called portable.

Not all programs are enlisted in the default main bucket, a list of Scoop buckets can be found in the scoop-directory.The most common one is the scoop-extras, so add that to our Scoop using the following command.

By default, as in using scoop update without argument, scoop will update itself with git, and displays all new commit logs that was pushed since the last update.Scoop also updates automatically anytime we install or update an app, along with the buckets that has been added.

The key difference between Scoop and Chocolatey that made me a Scoop fan was the fact that, by default, it installs all its packages into a scoop directory right off your user folder. This allows it to run without ever asking for administrator permissions, much as Homebrew does.

These still work today but I personally find the experience of both to be sub-optimal. There are lots of annoyances I find in each but the main thing they both lack is an integrated SSH experience in the shell console I use for everything else (mainly powershell) day in/day out. Cygwin and Putty run in separate console experiences. I just want to type 'ssh mwrock@blahblah' in my console of choice and have it work.

To update all your installed packages to the latest version, enter scoop update all. When I was creating a VM for developer training with numerous prerequisite software packages, I found it useful to put this command in a startup script.

You can use this to set up a new machine easily, for example if you change computer or if your collegues need the same applications on their machine. Simply create a powershell script with all the applications listed. Like:

At work we need to sometimes install a several tomcat instances on multiple machines. This was quite tedious to do manually so in order to speed things up, I wrote a powershell script which automates the installation. So the only thing I would need to do is to download the specific version that is needed and then run...

Keep in mind though that Powershell keeps an alias alive only until the shell is closed. An easy permanent solution would be to copy the program winssh-pageant.exe to another folder, for example C:\Users\$Env:UserName\scoop\shims that has been already included permanently in the PATH variable by the previous installation of step and is therefore recognized by Powershell without the need of expliciting the full path. 


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