
Next Run

Run #200 - Prelube

Sunday Sept 11 @ 12:00  **A-B run**

Cost €3      Hare No Leeway
Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Yes - extra special    
Runners route ± 8 km     Walkers route ± 5 km

This is an A-B run! We will run from Schothorst to Vathorst ready for the Run 200 trail. The bag drop will transport all bags to Vathorst. 


Park & Ride Amersfoort Schothorst Station

Inputplein, 3821 AB Amersfoort

What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/invent.wiser.timeless    

Directions: Public transport

Take the train to Amersfoort Schothorst.

*Not all trains stop in Schothorst. Be sure of your train!**

From Schothorst Station it is a 50m walk to the circle, head for the carpark next to the bike racks. 

Directions: By car

From Amsterdam: Directions https://goo.gl/maps/euhP8m7WLxQP2gdd8   

From Utrecht:  Directions https://goo.gl/maps/vZj6G9bucaB2NckW6 

If you drive then you will need to take the train back from Vathorst to Schothorst afterwards (because it is an A-B run!).

Run #200 - BBQ run

Sunday Sept 11 @ 14:00

Cost €10      Hare War n Piece
Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop maybel    
Runners route ± 10 km     Walkers route ± 5 km

Be sure to RSVP for the BBQ on our Facebook page;
or let No Leeway know on 0623338676 (how many people, and meat or vegetarian)


Harderwijkkade 18, 3626 BE, Amersfoort

What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/invite.gosh.destined     

Directions: Public transport

Take the train to Amersfoort Vathorst. 

*Not all trains stop in Vathorst. Be sure of your train!**

From the station it is 650m https://goo.gl/maps/DJvJfNn6DykypYCs7  

Directions: By car

From Amsterdam: Directions   https://goo.gl/maps/bgukcRTb6CJozVKr8 

From Utrecht:  Directions   https://goo.gl/maps/FMQwDHZj5wYyfAK78 

If you drove to Schothorst for the prelube then you will need to take the train back from Vathorst to Schothorst afterwards.

Past Runs

June Madness Recovery
Run 199 - Sunday

Sunday June 12 at 1400 (that's 2pm)

As the title says, this is the recovery run after the madness of Saturday. 

Cost €3      Hare No Leeway
Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Maybe    
Runners route ± 8 km     Walkers route ± 4 km  


Drakestein 55, 3813RA  Amersfoort, Nederland 

What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/famed.dabbing.routine  

Directions: Public transport

Take the train to Amersfoort Schothorst. Change in Amersfoort to the Sprinter to Zwolle, platform 2 at 13:42. 

*Not all trains stop in Schothorst. Be sure of your train!**

From Schothorst Station it is 1.4km walk to the circle: https://goo.gl/maps/RQ2knb7ydC2srW139 

Directions: By car

From Amsterdam: Directions https://goo.gl/maps/MVd4QgAuUpqigexH9  

From Utrecht:  Directions https://goo.gl/maps/TqRDhD8nCFe4y4uk7 

June Madness
Run 198 - Saturday

Saturday June 11
Welcome from 11:30
We start at 12:00pm sharp!

The Drinking Club with a Running Problem - let's get running!

We will run ±3km every hour, on the hour following one of four different loops. First loop starts at 12:00pm, last loop starts at 10:00pm. 

Between each run there will be beer and crisps, and pizza for dinner.

Cost €10      Hare No Leeway Bag Drop Yes     


Drakestein 55, 3813RA  Amersfoort, Nederland 

What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/famed.dabbing.routine  

Directions: Public transport

Take the train to Amersfoort Schothorst. Change in Amersfoort to the Sprinter to Zwolle.

*Not all trains stop in Schothorst. Be sure of your train!**

From Schothorst Station it is 1.4km walk to the circle: https://goo.gl/maps/RQ2knb7ydC2srW139 

Directions: By car

From Amsterdam: Directions https://goo.gl/maps/MVd4QgAuUpqigexH9  

From Utrecht:  Directions https://goo.gl/maps/TqRDhD8nCFe4y4uk7 

Run #197 - Mother's Day

Sunday May 8th @ 15:00 - Live Hare

Cost €3      Hare No Leeway
Runners route ± 9 km     Walkers route ± 4.5 km
Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Maybe
**bag drop is limited - please don't bring large bags**    

IJsselstraat, Amersfoort, Nederland
What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/elbow.recital.boring   

Directions: Public transport

Take the train to Amersfoort
From the Amersfoort Station it is an 800m walk to the circle: https://goo.gl/maps/bAMda73Xci8e5HAN8 

Directions: By car

From Amsterdam: Directionshttps://goo.gl/maps/ESFurQ5tQmFJ3MocA 
From Utrecht:  Directions https://goo.gl/maps/ntsMuXeBbR5dKo1m9
Find a parking place and meet us in the park on IJsselstraat.
  Refer to this map to check if your street will be free parking   https://amersfoort.parkeerservice.nl/parkeren-op-straat/betaald-parkeren/ 

Run 196 - Lepelenburg

Sunday April 10 at 1400 (that's 2pm)

Cost €3      Hare Mister Fister
Bag Drop limited     Drink stop Maybe    
Runners route ± 10 km     Walkers route ± 5 km

**Bag drop is limited, so please bring what you are happy to run with in case it doesn't fit in the beer wagon**


Park Lepelenburg, cnr of Lepelenburg and Ridderhofstad, Utrecht, Nederland. Met by the music stand.

What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/donderdag.gespierd.graten   

Directions: Public transport

From Amsterdam, take the train to Utrecht

https://goo.gl/maps/ARUxx66TnB7NQE54A PLatform 4b at 1305, and then follow instructions below.

From Utrecht Centraal it is a 1.5km walk https://goo.gl/maps/EQgSqs3JPbGwohAj6
or take bus 77, leaving  5 minute walk https://goo.gl/maps/ext6cqMUFM8cbdvj9 

Directions: By car

From Amsterdam: Directions https://goo.gl/maps/EEuAcFRvt3bAiyaEA   

From Utrecht:  Directions https://goo.gl/maps/SZwHm3pPeJyiB1qHA 

image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/utrecht-channel-street-gracht-4980165/
Free for commercial use No attribution required

Run 195

Sunday March 13 @1500

Cost €3      Hare No Leeway
Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Maybe    
Runners route ± 10 km     Walkers route ± 5 km


Drakestein 55, 3813RA  Amersfoort, Nederland 

What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/famed.dabbing.routine  

Directions: Public transport

Take the train to Amersfoort Schothorst. Change in Amersfoort to the Sprinter to Zwolle, platform 2 at 14:42. 

*Not all trains stop in Schothorst. Be sure of your train!**

From Schothorst Station it is 1.4km walk to the circle: https://goo.gl/maps/RQ2knb7ydC2srW139 

Directions: By car

From Amsterdam: Directions https://goo.gl/maps/MVd4QgAuUpqigexH9  

From Utrecht:  Directions https://goo.gl/maps/TqRDhD8nCFe4y4uk7 

Run 194 - Tiel again!

Sunday 13 February @1500

Cost €3     Hare Cock of the North

Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Maybe    
Runners route ± 10 km     Walkers route ± 5 km


Burgemeester Bönhofflaan car park,

Northwest side of NS Station Tiel

What 3 Words address: 



Public transport


Run 193 - Brass Monkey Weather

Sunday December 12 @ **1300**

special winter start time


Cost €3                 Hare War N Piece
Bag Drop Yes      Drink stop maybe?
Runners route ± 10 km Walkers route ± 4.5 km


Amersfoort Vathorst Train Station - South Side

Amendijk. Meet by the bike racks.

What 3 Words address: 


Run 192- off to Baarn to visit the King

Sunday November 14 @ 1500


Cost €3                 Hare No Leeway
Bag Drop Yes      Drink stop maybe?
Runners route ± 10 km Walkers route ± 4.5 km


Carpark from Eeuthuys-Cafe ‘De Generaal’

Lt. Gen. van Heutszlaan 5, 3743 JL Baarn

Meet at the end of the car park furthest from the main building

What 3 Words address: 


Run 191- Amersfoort again

Sunday October 10 @ 1500

Cost €3     Hare War n Piece

Bag Drop Yes Drink stop maybe?
Runners route ± 10 km Walkers route ± 4.5 km


Barchman Wuytierslaan 232, 3819 AC Amersfoort 

What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/over.spooked.plays 

**this location is approximate. look out for markings and for the circle**


Public transport

Take the train to Amersfoort
Exit via Stationsplein. The circle is 3km away.
You can walk: https://goo.gl/maps/DcTpmqPB7aPaRs5J9
Or take Bus 70. at 1:43 https://goo.gl/maps/TPCjtUyJuBjzTDBn9 

By car:

From Amsterdam: Directions https://goo.gl/maps/NV7noE7JFxr4CkEq5 

From Utrecht:  Directions https://goo.gl/maps/C1Wr7PVWB6q7rgvf7 

Run 189 - Double Hash & House Warming

Sunday September 12 from 1300

It's time for a Housewarming! 

No Leeway and hash family are celebrating the move to Amersfoort 

and it's time to have a hash or 2!

A double header hash. We will have 2 trails and 2 circles with a Pizza On After.

Hash Trail 1 starts at 1300. ±8km around beautiful old Amersfoort.

Hash Trail 2 starts at 1530. ±8km around the park and visiting Rock City Brewing.
***Bring your pin pass or cash for the drink stop***

Cost €3 per trail (so €6 for both)      Hare No Leeway

Pizza On after €5

Bag Drop Yes  Drink stop maybe?

Please bring your own drinking vessel / crisps holder.


Drakestein 55, 3813RA  Amersfoort, Nederland 

What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/famed.dabbing.routine  

Directions: Public transport

Take the train to Amersfoort Schothorst. Change in Amersfoort to the Sprinter to Zwolle, platform 2 at 14:42. **Do not take the Intercity to Zwolle, it doesn't stop in Schothorst, you'll be late, and we will drink all the beer without you** **Hashers have made this mistake before!**

From Schothorst Station it is 1.4km walk to the circle: https://goo.gl/maps/RQ2knb7ydC2srW139 

Directions: By car

From Amsterdam: Directions https://goo.gl/maps/MVd4QgAuUpqigexH9  

From Utrecht:  Directions https://goo.gl/maps/TqRDhD8nCFe4y4uk7 

Run 188 - The Hidden Forest

Sunday July 11 @ 1500

Cost €3     Hare No Leeway

Bag Drop Yes Drink stop maybe?
Runners route ± 10 km Walkers route ± 4.5 km


Disketteweg 2, 3821 AR Amersfoort, Nederland 

What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/lace.bothered.sport  


Public transport

Take the train to Amersfoort Schothorst.
Change in Amersfoort to the Sprinter to Zwolle, platform 2 at 14:42.

**Do not take the Intercity to Zwolle, it doesn't stop in Schothorst, you'll be late, and we will drink all the beer without you**

**Hashers have made this mistake before!**

By car:

From Amsterdam: Directions https://goo.gl/maps/TPa3Rp12EcL2Scc97 

From Utrecht:  Directions https://goo.gl/maps/TPa3Rp12EcL2Scc97 

Run 187 - Paradise in Ede(n)

Sunday June 13th @ 1500

Cost €3     Hare Double Dutch

Bag Drop Yes      Drink stop maybe?
Runners route ± 8 km      Walkers route ± 4.5 km


Parking Nieuwe Kezernelaan , Ede

What 3 Words https://w3w.co/secretly.fine.suddenly  

Special Note:

With the current Covid restrictions in mind we will start with a distanced circle. 
We will keep at least 1.5m to other hashers.


Public transport

Take the train to Ede Wageningen.
Walk from the Station to the circle ±1km

Exit northside  (town side/buses/taxis side)
Go to Klinkenbergerweg, cross over at the traffic lights, follow Bergansiuslaan, turn right at end  into Kazernelaan.
Follow to end (old Prins Maurits Kazerne) Parking Nieuwe Kezernelaan straight ahead

By car:

Put Nieuwe Kezernelaan, Ede  in your navigation

At sharp bend in road (as road name changes into Eikenlaan) there is a large  wooden  'World food Centre'  sign

Follow arrow to J.W. Frisokazerne (amongst others) end of this roadway the parking area is on your left

From Amsterdam: Directions https://goo.gl/maps/FUu9oPVpLabj7NHt7  

From Utrecht:  Directions https://goo.gl/maps/yLEXwvzNq6E6cBec8 

Run 186 - Mother's Day

Sunday May 9 @ 1500

Cost €3     Hare No Leeway (live trail)

Bag Drop Yes Drink stop No
Runners route ± 8 km Walkers route ± 4 km


Cnr of Prins Fredericklaan and Waldeck Pyrmontlaan

What 3 Words https://w3w.co/weaved.guards.hurray 

Special Note:

With the current Covid restrictions in mind we will start with a distanced circle.  We will  keep at least 1.5m to other hashers.
Please bring a rug to sit on for after.


Public transport

Take the train to Amersfoort.
Exit via the Stationsplein. Walk from the Station to the circle via the Kon. Wilhelminalaan

By car:

From Amsterdam: Directions https://goo.gl/maps/39djqKs1nN6Yy8C27 

From Utrecht:  Directions https://goo.gl/maps/s92Ka87AyPbVc1y86 

Run 185 - Virtual Hash

Sunday March 14

Cost €0     Hare You are your own hare!

**Virtual Hash**

WH3 knows you love hashing, so come join us for a Virtual Zoom Circle.

Join us online on Zoom at 1700 for the Virtual Circle

The Zoom code will be posted on the WH3 facebook page on Sunday after 3pm. Go to https://zoom.us to get Zoom.


wherever you want to be!


however you want to get there!

Run 184 - Virtual Valentine

Cost €0     Hare You are your own hare!

**Virtual Hash**

WH3 knows you love hashing, so where better to spend Valentines Day than in a Virtual Zoom Circle.

Join us online on Zoom at 1700 for the Virtual Circle

The Zoom code will be posted on the WH3 facebook page on Sunday after 3pm. Go to https://zoom.us to get Zoom.


wherever you want to be!


however you want to get there!

( we all know the internet was made for ...) 

Run 181 - Autumn Hash

Sunday November 8

Cost €0     Hare You are your own hare!

**Virtual Hash**

Run anywhere you want. Run as far as you want.

Take the following photos while on trail (or before):

Upload your photos to the WH3 facebook page.

Join us online on Zoom at 1700 for the Virtual Circle

The Zoom code will be posted on the WH3 facebook page on Sunday after 3pm. Go to https://zoom.us to get Zoom.


wherever you want to be!


however you want to get there!

Run 180: Amersfoort-Schothorst:

best city park run, ever!

Sunday 11th October @ 3p

Cost €3 Hare War 'n Piece

Bag Drop Yes Drink stop Maybe Runners route ± 8 km Walkers route ± 4 km


Disketteweg 2, 3821 AR Amersfoort, Nederland 

What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/lace.bothered.sport  


Public transport

Take the train to Amersfoort Schothorst.
Change in Amersfoort to the Sprinter to Zwolle, platform 2 at 14:42.

**Do not take the Intercity to Zwolle, it doesn't stop in Schothorst, you'll be late, and we will drink all the beer without you**

**Hashers have made this mistake before!**

By car:

From Amsterdam: Directions https://goo.gl/maps/TPa3Rp12EcL2Scc97 

From Utrecht:  Directions https://goo.gl/maps/TPa3Rp12EcL2Scc97 

Run 179 – Sonsbeek Park  Relived

Sunday 13th September @ 3pm

Cost €3 Hare Double Dutch and Chief Walker

Bag Drop Yes Drink stop Maybe Runners route ± 10 km Walkers route ± 5 km


Meet up: Southside of Arnhem Station – Sonsbeek side – NOT THE CITY/BUS side

Amsterdamseweg (N224)


What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/grades.standard.attends  


Public transport

Arnhem Central Station – Sonsbeek exit (Train destination Nijmegen)

By car:

A12 exit Ede-Oost – follow direction Arnhem N224  ±15 km -  just go straight towards Arnhem, the N224 passes along the south side of Arnhem Station.

Turn off after first set of traffic lights in town if you wish to find a residential street in which to park/ near the park.

Paid parking only adjacent to Sonsbeek Park, Zijpendaalseweg  – Free parking in surrounding residential streets eg: Burgemeester Weerstraat / Roellstraat

Car park on Parkweg (which cuts through park) free limited parking.

Run 178 - Lunteren BBQ

Sunday August 9 @15:00

***Keep social distancing in mind during the Circle.***

Cost €3     Hare No Leeway

BBQ On After €5 - meat and vegetarian options + salad. RSVP by Saturday August 8 via Facebook, or direct to the Hare 0623338676

Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Yes     Runners route ± 10 km     Walkers route ± 5 km

Please bring your own cup for drinks after the run.


No Leeway's place - Lunteren

Run 177 - Ede Again

Sunday June 12 @15:00

***Keep social distancing in mind during the Circle.***

Cost €3     Hare Double Dutch& Just Charles

Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Yes     Runners route ± 8 km     Walkers route ± 5 km

Please bring your own cup for drinks after the run.


Ede. Meeting in the Ede-Wageningen train station, North side furthest from the station.

What 3 Words address: 



Public Transport:


Run 176 - Welcome Back

Sunday June 14 @15:00

***Keep social distancing in mind during the Circle.***

Cost €3     Hare No Leeway

Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Yes     Runners route ± 10 km     Walkers route ± 5 km

Please bring your own cup for drinks after the run.


Carpark from Eeuthuys-Cafe ‘De Generaal’

Lt. Gen. van Heutszlaan 5, 3743 JL Baarn

Meet at the end of the car park furthest from the main building

What 3 Words address: 



Public transport

Amsterdam Centraal dep 13:11 Platform 13a. Arrive Baarn 13:51

Utrecht Centraal dep 13:12 platform 1, transfer in Hilversum 13:45 platform 3. Arrive Baarn 13:51

Walk towards the train crossing, cross, and enter the carpark. Meet at furthest end


From Amsterdam take the A1 heading East towards Hilversum,

Take exit 10 - knooppunt Emnes.

Turn Left onto the N221

Stay on the N221 for approx. 2.5 km.

At the traffic lights, turn Left onto the Lt. Gen. van Heutszlaan

After 750m, just before the train line, turn Right.

Park furthest away from the building.

Look for Circle.

Run 175 - Mother's Day

Sunday May 10

Cost €0     Hare You are your own hare!

**Virtual Hash**

Run anywhere you want. Run as far as you want.

Take the following photos while on trail (or before):

Upload your photos and your distance to the WH3 facebook page.

Join us online on Zoom at 1700 for the Virtual Circle

The Zoom code will be posted on the WH3 facebook page on Sunday after 3pm. Go to https://zoom.us to get Zoom.


wherever you want to be!


however you want to get there!

Run 174 - Virtual Hash and Easter Scavenger Hunt

Sunday April 12

Cost €0     Hare You are your own hare!

**Virtual Hash**

Run anywhere you want. Run as far as you want.

Take the following photos while on trail:

Upload your photos and your distance to the WH3 facebook page.

Join us online on Zoom at 1600 for the Virtual Circle

The Zoom code will be posted on the WH3 facebook page on Sunday after 3pm. Go to https://zoom.us to get Zoom.


wherever you want to be!


however you want to get there!

Run 173 Forests and Kastelen

Sunday 8 March @1400

Cost €3     Hare No Leeway

Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Yes     Runners route ± 10 km     Walkers route ± 5 km

Please bring your own cup for drinks after the run.


Carpark from Eeuthuys-Cafe ‘De Generaal’

Lt. Gen. van Heutszlaan 5, 3743 JL Baarn

Meet at the end of the car park furthest from the main building

What 3 Words address: 



Public transport

Amsterdam Centraal dep 13:11 Platform 13a. Arrive Baarn 13:51

Utrecht Centraal dep 13:12 platform 1, transfer in Hilversum 13:45 platform 3. Arrive Baarn 13:51

Walk towards the train crossing, cross, and enter the carpark. Meet at furthest end


From Amsterdam take the A1 heading East towards Hilversum,

Take exit 10 - konooppunEmnes.

Turn Left onto the N221

Stay on the N221 for approx. 2.5 km.

At the traffic lights, turn Left onto the Lt. Gen. van Heutszlaan

After 750m, just before the train line, turn Right.

Park furthest away from the building.

Look for Circle.

Run 172- Sonsbeek Park

Sunday 9 February @2pm

More information closer to the date

Cost €3     Hare Double Dutch

Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Maybe     Runners route ± 10 km     Walkers route ± 5 km


NS Station Arnhem - Sonsbeek side


What 3 Words address: 



Public transport

Special Note

After the run we will take the train to Amersfoort Vathorst to Casa War 'n Piece for some hot soup.

Remember your OV Chip card!

Run 171 - Cold hash, warm soup 

12 January @2pm in Amersfoort

Cost €5     Hare War 'n Piece

Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Maybe     Runners route ± 10 km     Walkers route ± 5 km


Northside of Amersfoort Station

Piet Mondriaanplein 1, 3812 GZ

What 3 Words address: 



Public transport

Run 170 - Station Tiel - again! 

8 December @2pm in Tiel

Cost €3     Hare Cock of the North

Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Maybe     Runners route ± 10 km     Walkers route ± 5 km


Burgemeester Bönhofflaan car park,

Northwest side of NS Station Tiel

What 3 Words address: 



Public transport


Run 169 - Hashy Birthday 

10 November @3pm in Amsterdam

Cost €5     Hare Slippery Edge

Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Maybe     Runners route ± 10 km     Walkers route ± 5 km

Slippery Edge is celebrating her birthday. Let's help her celebrate in style and wish her a Hashy Birthday!


Nicolaas Maesstraat 130, 

1071 RH Amsterdam

What 3 Words address: 



Public transport


Up to you. Parking?

Run 168 – Cornfields and more...

13th October @3pm in Lunteren

Cost €3     Hare No Leeway

Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Yes     Runners route ± 10 km     Walkers route ± 5 km


Lunteren train station car park (cnr of Engweg and Dingerlaan)

What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/films.physics.overslept 


Public transport


Run 167 – Hedging Our Bets (Three Generations Hash)

8th September @3pm in Oosterbeek

Cost €3     Hare Double Dutch

Bag Drop Yes     Drink stop Yes     Runners route ± 9 km     Walkers route ± 5 km


Van Limburg Stirumweg, Oosterbeek (circle on grass verge /north side of Oosterbeek NS station)


What 3 Words address: https://w3w.co/passport.divider.perfect 


Public transport


On After: