Research Highlights

Research Motivation

The Sun has been observed continuously shedding mass and magnetic flux from its outer atmosphere via the ubiquitous quasi-steady solar wind and episodic coronal mass ejections (CMEs). CMEs are large-scale plasma blobs expelled from the Sun that are understood as flux ropes that maintain their connection to the Sun while propagating in the ambient solar wind medium in the heliosphere. In addition to CMEs, corotating interaction regions (CIRs) and the supersonic solar wind govern the distribution of waves, turbulence, and dynamic pressure in the heliosphere. CMEs constitute the primary sources of variability in the space environment (i.e., space weather) around Earth and other planets in the heliosphere. Investigation of physical processes inside the Sun, CMEs, CIRs, solar activity cycle, heliosphere, and the space surrounding the Earth (i.e., magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere of the Earth) are key topics of research for solar-terrestrial physicists. Further, solar observations with a very high spatial resolution allow us to better understand phenomena in other solar-type stars and around the planets these stars host. 

Research Highlights 

Tracking of CMEs using wide-angle imaging observations helps to understand the CME acceleration and deceleration beyond the COR2 FOV and the role of the ambient solar wind in shaping CMEs kinematics. 

J-maps constructed from STEREO/COR and heliospheric imager (HI) observations provide an opportunity to understand the heliospheric evolution of CMEs in general.

To estimate the true kinematics of successive CMEs of 25 and 28 September 2012 (i.e., CME1 and CME2), 3D reconstruction of CMEs is done using the GCS model on the contemporaneous images from SECCHI/COR2-B, SOHO/LASCO and SECCHI/COR2-A. 

CMEs are tracked in the HI-1 and HI-2 (beyond coronagraphic) field of view, and 3D reconstruction is done for estimating their true kinematics to understand the CME-CME interaction. 

CME occurrennce rate and associated mass loss rate can be better predicted by X-ray background luminosity than the sunspot number.