Members Only

Hunt Test Work Days Sign Up

Use the link below to sign up to work the Summer Hunt Test. If you need help figuring out the site "We Join In" there is a video on this page, just scroll down, and you will find a tutorial about using the site.  If you need a code, contact Nancy Bauer.  

Wisconsin Amateur Field Trial Club July 2024 Hunt Test | Wejoinin 

Membership renewal form-2024.pdf

Forms for Members

Use this section of the website to get the forms you need! The 2024 membership form is to the left!  The form for the annual banquet is below.  Each is in PDF form. You should be able to just open and then print!  

We Join In - 

Hello Members!  Here are the links to We Join In in order to sign up for work hours for the events happening at the club.  Just click the links and it will take you to the sign up site.  If you have any trouble, watch the video to the right to help you sign in! 

 Wisconsin Amateur Field Trial Club July 2024 Hunt Test | Wejoinin