Privacy Policy For Wady Kashmir Cleaning Services

Last Updated: November 05, 2023

At Wady Kashmir Cleaning Services, we are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. We recognize the importance of maintaining a clean and organized environment for your well-being, comfort, and productivity. This privacy policy outlines our practices concerning data collection, usage, and sharing.

Data Collection and Permissions

Permissions: Wady Kashmir Cleaning Services does not use any permission.

Data Handling

Data Collection:

We do not collect audio or video from your device, and we do not capture or store any personal content, messages, or multimedia files.

Third-Party Sharing:

We do not share your data with any third-party applications, companies, or organizations. Your personal information is kept confidential and used solely for the app's intended purpose.


Wady Kashmir Cleaning Services does not display advertisements within the app. You can enjoy our services without any interruptions from third-party ads.

Data Security

We take data security seriously and have implemented robust measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

User Consent

By using Wady Kashmir Cleaning Services and granting the requested permissions, you consent to our data collection and usage practices as outlined in this privacy policy.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy as our app evolves or to comply with legal or regulatory requirements. We will notify users of any significant changes through app notifications or other means.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests related to your privacy or our privacy policy, please contact us at:

This privacy policy is designed to provide you with transparency and assurance regarding your data when using Wady Kashmir Cleaning Services. We appreciate your trust in our app and remain committed to maintaining your privacy and security.



Wady Kashmir Cleaning Services

This revised privacy policy emphasizes the importance of user consent, data security, and adhering to permissions. It also ensures clarity and transparency in line with best practices and Google Play Store policies.

Childern's Privacy 

Our Application does not address anyone under the age of 18. We do not collect any personnel information from children through our application.