Reading Bowl

Reading Bowl

Team meetings are every Monday after school from 2:30-3:30!


Rules of the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl

  • Each school will participate in six rounds.
  • Each round will consist of 10 questions.
  • Alternates may be substituted between rounds.
  • Teams will receive 10 points for each answer.
  • There will be no penalties for wrong answers.
  • There will be five members on a team and up to five alternates.
  • A school may have no more than one team.

The winners will be determined in the following manner: The teams with the highest total points from all six of their rounds will be the winners. In case of a tie, the teams who are tied will be co-winners. Winning teams will receive a trophy for their school. In the case of a tie, neither team will receive the trophy that day. Another trophy will be purchased and engraved and presented to each of those teams at a later agreed upon date. There will be a first place, second place and third place winning teams (teams in case of a tie).

Game Play Rules

1. Students may hold the buzzer. 2. When the student buzzes in, the console judge must acknowledge the student by color and number (ex.: red, two). If a student who is not acknowledged 6 answers the question, that team’s response is not recorded and the question is repeated for the opposing team. 3. After buzzing in, the student must begin answering question within 10 seconds. Conferring is NOT allowed. If the answer is correct, the moderator acknowledges that it is correct, and the scorekeeper posts the score. 4. If the answer is incorrect, the question will be repeated for the other team, which must begin answering within ten seconds after buzzing in. 5. If neither team buzzes in, the moderator will answer the question and proceed to the next question. No score will be tallied for that question. 6. If a contestant buzzes in before the completion of a question, the moderator stops reading and, after being recognized, the contestant must answer immediately. If an incorrect answer is given, the moderator reads the entire question for the opposing team which has an opportunity to begin answering the question within 10 seconds. 7. At no time during the actual round may the team consult with the coach, with one another, or have a time-out. 8. The challenge procedure states that any concern about an answer to a question MUST be addressed by one of the five currently competing students to the COACH before the next question is asked. a) Participating team member raises hand to challenge. b) The coach comes forward to determine the legitimacy of challenge. c) Coach grants permission for students to address the moderator with challenges. d) Only the challenging student will address the moderator. Coaches, parents, visitors, and alternate team members remain silent. e) If a challenge goes forward, the moderator may make a decision based on the answers they have or the moderator may confer with HRRB committee members, if needed .

Elementary Book List

  1. Anderson, John David. (2018) Granted. New York: NY: Walden Pond Press.
  2. Applegate, Katherine. (2017) Wishtree (Illus. Charles Santoso). New York, NY: Feiwel and Friends.
  3. Bundy, Tamara. (2017). Walking with Miss Millie. New York, NY: Nancy Paulsen Books.
  4. Connor, Leslie. (2018). The Truth as Told by Mason Buttle. New York, NY: Katherine Tegen Books.
  5. Glaser, Karina Yan. (2017). The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  6. Johnson, Varian. (2018). The Parker Inheritance. New York, NY: Arthur A. Levine Books.
  7. Kelly, Erin Entrada. (2018). You Go First. New York, NY: Greenwillow Books.
  8. Saeed, Aisha. (2018). Amal Unbound. New York, NY: Nancy Paulsen Books.
  9. Williams-Garcia, Rita. (2017). Clayton Byrd Goes Underground. New York, NY: Amistad.
  10. Yang, Kelly. (2018). Front Desk. New York, NY: Arthur A. Levine Books.

Middle School Book List

  1. Alexander, Kwame. (2018). Rebound (Illus. Dawud Anyabwile). New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  2. Curtis, Christopher Paul. (2018). The Journey of Little Charlie. New York, NY: Scholastic Press.
  3. Hiranandani, Veera. (2018). Night Diary. New York, NY: Dial Books for Young Readers.
  4. Jenson, Cordelia and Morrison, Laurie. (2018). Every Shiny Thing (Illus. Kimberly Glyder). New York, NY: Amulet Books.
  5. Messner, Kate. (2016). Seventh Wish. New York, NY: Bloomsbury.
  6. Messner, Kate. (2018). Breakout. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Children’s Book.
  7. Nielsen, Jennifer A.. (2018). Resistance. New York, NY: Scholastic Press.
  8. Paterson, Katherine. (2017). My Brigadista Year. Somerville, Massachusetts: Candlewick Press.
  9. Townsend, Jessica. (2017). Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow (Illus.Jim Madsen). New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.
  10. Woodson, Jacqueline. (2018). Harbor Me. New York, NY: Nancy Paulsen Books.

Dates and Locations

DeKalb and Metro Region Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Competitions

  • DeKalb HRRB — January 25, 2020 at Arabia Mountain High School — Schedule Change: ES competition will be in the morning and MS/HS competition will be in the afternoon
  • Metro Regional HRRB — February 8, 2020 at Clayton State University
  • North Divisional HRRB — TBD
  • State HRRB — March 28, 2020 at University of Georgia

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Elementary Books

Middle School Books