Mount Conness

An ascent of Mount Conness (East Ridge via Alpine Lake, class 2), with Mike Callen and Simon Wacziarg, September 5, 2020.

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September 5, 2020. We parked the car near the dam at Saddlebag Lake and set out at 8:15. We were at Alpine Lake at 9:49 and went up the slabs toward the East Ridge of Mount Conness. At that point Simon decided he had had enough and went back to Alpine Lake. Mike and I continued on, reaching the summit at 11:37. We stayed only until 11:50, as we were trying to get back to the Whoa Nellie Deli to meet Magali and Maia there for lunch. We were back at Alpine Lake at 12:51 and back at the car at 14:06. We rushed to the Mobil station but Magali and Maia had already returned to Mammoth. (A 5:50 hour day, 8.10 miles, 3,170 feet of elevation gain).
