Mount Dana

Ascent of Mount Dana (West Slope from Tioga Pass, class 1), with Simon Wacziarg, July 18, 2020.

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July 18, 2020. After our long outing on Mount Emerson two days prior, Simon and I were looking for something more mellow. After exploring options that included yet another Crystal Crag climb or a hike up Mount Conness from Saddlebag Lake, we finally settled on hiking up Mount Dana from Tioga Pass: the promise of great views over Yosemite clinched the deal. I was looking forward to returning to this peak after climbing it eight years prior.

We started from the Tioga Pass entrance to Yosemite National Park at 8:52 and made slow and steady progress toward the summit – first through a forest and then on the barren slopes of Mount Dana. There were a few parties on the trail, as this was a Saturday. We reached the summit at 11:35, and spent a good while taking photos, eating a snack, and talking to other hikers. We left the summit at 12:13 and made quick work of the return, even running on the flat parts. Clouds were gathering and a few drops of rain fell as we reached the wooded part of the climb. We were back at the car at 13:49. Just then the sky exploded with rain, and I got a free car wash. We drove to the Whoa Nellie Deli for a nice lunch, and took the long way home, through the June Lake Loop. (A 4:57 hour day, 5.3 miles, 3,050 feet of elevation gain).
