Kearsarge Peak / Middle Palisade / Mount Dana / Mount Agassiz

Ascents of Kearsarge Peak (via Lilley Pass, class 2), Middle Palisade (Northeast Face, class 3), Mount Dana (West Slope, class 1) and Mount Agassiz (Northwest Slope of, class 2), June 20-26, 2012

Photo Album


June 20, 2012: After a night at the Onion Valley campground, I left the trailhead at 9 am, hiked over Lilley Pass, reached the summit of Kearsarge Peak at 12:00, and was back at the car at 16:00, descending via the old miner’s trail.

June 21, 2012: Rest day in Mammoth Lakes (hiked to TJ Lake to check out the Swan Slab).

June 22, 2012: Approach to Middle Palisade (it took 6 hours to reach camp at the tarn below the Middle Palisade glacier, as usual losing time by going too high on the shelves above Finger Lake).

June 23, 2012: I left camp at 8:40, reached the summit of Middle Palisade at 12:45, was back in camp at 15:55 and at the Glacier Lodge trailhead at 21:00.

June 24, 2012: Jerry and I hiked up Mount Dana. We left the car at Tioga Pass at 10:30, summited at 13:00, left the summit at 13:40 and were back at the car at 15:15.

June 25, 2012: Rest day in Mammoth and night at the Willow campground near South Lake.

June 26, 2012: Mount Agassiz: I left the South Lake trailhead at 7:11, reached the summit at 11:41, left the summit after a lunch break at 12:28 and was back at the car at 15:58. I was back in LA at 21:00.
