Independence Peak / Crystal Crag

Ascents of Independence Peak (via the West Face, class 3) and the North Arête of Crystal Crag (I, 5.7), July 21-22, 2012

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July 21, 2012: I departed the parking lot at Onion Valley at 9:30 am, reached the summit of Independence Peak at 12:30 pm (very slow due to lack of acclimatization), departed the summit at 12:55 pm, back at the car at 2:30 pm (5 hour CTC). Drove to Mammoth Lakes.

July 22, 2012: Robert and I departed Lake George at 7:20, reached the summit of Crystal Crag at 10:30, were back at Crystal Lake at 11:20 (picnic with the Zeithammer family). I was back at the car at 13:00 and back in LA at 18:20 pm.
