Owens Peak

Ascent of Owens Peak (Southeast Slope, class 2), with Simon Wacziarg, March 12, 2018.

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March 12, 2018. We left Mammoth Lakes at 7:15 and drove to Indian Wells Canyon, reaching the trailhead for Owens Peak at 10:40. We started hiking at 10:47. The first mile and a half is on gentle terrain along the dry creek bed that forms the upper reaches of Indian Wells Canyon, till about 6,000 feet of elevation. The use trail steepens appreciably after that, and climbs the steep Southeast Slope of Owens Peak. The use trail ascends nearly 2,500 feet in under a mile. The going was very slow on this portion, and it is easy to lose the use trail (this happened to us several times). At some point the use trail takes the hiker up some steep granite slabs (some class 2). It then continues pretty much in a straight line to the summit. We reached the top at 14:20 and were greeted with magnificent views in all directions – Canebrake Flat to the west, Olancha Peak, the Whitney massif and the Great Western Divide to the north, and Indian Wells Canyon to the southeast. We took a long lunch break, signed the summit register and took numerous photos. We left the summit at 15:00 and reached the car at 16:47. We drove back to LA, reaching home in time for dinner (A 6:00 hour day).
