Olancha Peak

Failed ascent of Olancha Peak (West Slope, class 2), February 23-24, 2012.

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February 23, 2012. Starting from the trailhead at Sage Flat (elevation 5,790 ft), I made my way toward Olancha Pass and then on to Summit Meadow. There was a lot of snow on the ground and I started to posthole. I stopped for the night in dry a tree well with enough space for a one-person tent. (about 9 miles of hiking).

February 24, 2012. I went a short way above camp but I was postholing deeply, so I quickly decided to forego climbing Olancha Peak and to go back home, due to the snow conditions. I packed up camp, reversed my steps, and drove back to LA (about 9 miles of hiking).
