Split Mountain / Mount Prater / Mount Ruskin

Ascents of the North slope of Split Mountain (class 1), the South Slope of Mount Prater (class 1) and the East Ridge of Mount Ruskin (class 3-4), with René Renteria, September 15-16, 2011

Photo Album


September 12, 2011: Rock climbing at Clark Canyon’s Area 13, near Mammoth Lakes

September 13, 2011: Left the car at Taboose Pass Trailhead at 13:30, reached camp just below Taboose Pass (on its Eastern side) at 18:30, under pouring rain.

September 14, 2011: Left camp at 9:15, reached Taboose Pass at 10:15, and reached camp at the base of Split Mountain in the Upper Basin at 16:15.

September 15, 2011: Left camp at 6:50, reached the summit of Split Mountain at 8:58 and left the summit at 9:26. We traversed to Mount Prater’s summit, which we reached at 11:00 and departed at 11:16. We were back in camp at 12:20. We left camp at 14:20 after lunch and a nap, and reached camp at the base of the East Ridge of Mount Ruskin at 17:00.

September 16, 2011: We left camp at 7:55, and reached the summit of Mount Ruskin at 10:20. We left the summit at 10:50 and were back in camp at 13:35 after a lengthy pause / nap at the lake located between the South and East ridges of Ruskin. We departed camp at 16:50 and reached a new camp on the Western side of Taboose Pass at 18:30.

September 17, 2011: We left camp at 10:30 and were back at the trailhead at 14:30.
