Deerhorn Mountain / Mount Stanford

Ascents of the North Buttress of Deerhorn Mountain (class 3) and the North Ridge of Mount Stanford (class 3), with Robert Zeithammer, July 29-31, 2011

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July 27, 2011. We departed Onion Valley around 15:00 and reached camp in the Kearsarge Lakes are around 18:30.

July 28, 2011. We made our way to the base of Deerhorn Mountain in the Vidette Creek drainage.

July 29, 2011. We departed camp at 8:30, reached the summit of Deerhorn Mountain at 10:30, and were back in camp at 11:30. We spent that afternoon inside the tent – it rained continuously.

July 30, 2011. We departed camp at 7:10 (with full packs which we dropped at Deerhorn Saddle) and reached the summit of Mount Stanford at 10:30. We descended into the Harrison Basin and spent the afternoon dodging the rain under a tarp. We set up camp not far from Lake Reflection.

July 31, 2011. The next day we left camp at 7:30 and reached the car in Onion Valley at 15:55. Much of the hike was under the rain and we had an epic time crossing Bubbs Creek.
