Mount Clarence King

An ascent of the South Face of Mount Clarence King (I, 5.4),

with Robert Zeithammer, June 3, 2010

Photo Album


June 1, 2010. We departed Onion Valley around 9:00 and reached camp between Charlotte Lake and Glen Pass in mid-afternoon. There was a tremendous amount of snow, and some postholing.

June 2, 2010. We made our way over Glen Pass into Sixty Lakes basin and set up camp on a small ledge overlooking the lake at the western base of Fin Dome.

June 3, 2010. We departed camp at 6:40, reached the summit of Mount Clarence King at 13:00, and were back in camp at 17:00.

June 4, 2010. We departed camp around 7:30 and went over North Dragon Pass (class 3 to one rappel, and then a glissade descent). We set up camp in a meadow just east of Golden Trout Lake, for a leisurely evening,

June 5, 2010. The next day we completed the short hike out to Onion Valley.
