Crystal Crag / Bear Creek Spire

Ascents of Crystal Crag (North Arête, 5.7) and Bear Creek Spire (North Arête, III, 5.8), John Muir Wilderness, CA, with René Renteria, June 25, 2006

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June 23, 2006. Crystal Crag. As a warm-up for Bear Creek Spire, we climbed the Crystal Crag's North Arête (5.7). Leaving from our family vacation spot in Strawberry around 10:30, we arrived in Mammoth in the early afternoon and were at the trailhead at 14:30. We were back at the car around 18:30.

June 24, 2006. Little Lakes Valley and the Approach to Dade Lake. Fearing a lot of postholing due to the large amounts of snow remaining from a record snowfall winter, we left the trailhead around 9:00, and reached camp at Dade Lake at 13:00. We spent the afternoon trying to stay out of the sun beneath some stunted pine trees.

June 25, 2006. Climbing the North Arête of Bear Creek Spire. We left camp at 5:30, were at the base of the route at 7:00, and at the summit at 16:30. We were back in camp at 19:30 pm.

June 25, 2006. Climbing the North Arête of Bear Creek Spire. We left camp at 5:30, were at the base of the route at 7:00, and at the summit at 16:30. We were back in camp at 19:30 pm.

June 26, 2006. The hike out and Horseshoe Slabs. We left camp at 9:00 and were back at the car shortly after 11:00. In the afternoon we went to Horseshoe Slabs in Mammoth to do some rock climbing, but the conditions were far from ideal - we had to belay on snow... We ended the day with a big dinner at Angel's.

June 26, 2006. Daff Dome and the Drive Home. On the last day of our trip we wanted to do West Crack on Daff Dome. Getting to the base of that route around 1 pm, however, there were several slow parties on the first pitch, and thunderstorms coming in, so we gave up. We climbed a one pitch sport route instead (Witch o' the West, 5.9, PG/R) and drove home.
