[OBDF 310]

Collab Strawpoll

March 4, 2022

Fill out this Availability Survey to help determine groups for the collaborative project.

(Ignore dates - days and times are what matters for this survey)

OBDF Office Hours

January 31, 2022

Based on results from the OBDF Office Hours Straw Poll, regular office hours for OBDF courses will be held on
Fridays from 1pm until 3pm, in Room 431 and/or the Thing Tank (Room 594).

Office Hours Poll

January 27, 2022

Visit this link vote and help determine the best possible time to hold office hours (time for getting supplemental instruction outside of regular class)

Welcome To OBDF 310: Algorithmic and parametric design

Building on skills, knowledge and competencies developed in OBDF 210, this course introduces students to advanced tools for parameter-driven assemblies and algorithm-driven 2D and 3D models in CAD software, and how such tools might be integrated into studio practices across art, craft and design. In addition, this course continues the exploration of digital fabrications tools (such as 3D printers and computer numeric controlled machines) for the planning, visualization, and production of complex 3D objects. Weekly exercises and assignments are designed to develop students’ technical proficiency in Algorithmic and Parametric CAD and 3D modeling software. Students will produce projects through hands-on use of rapid prototyping technologies in combination with processes from other program areas. Milestone projects will traverse a range of advanced conceptual and technological topics relevant to practices and discourses in art, craft, design and technology.

Prepare yourself for an extraordinary semester. Yay, art! Yay, design! Yay, cats!