
[01.) BLOG POST: My First definition]

Assignment: Blog Post: My First Definition

Assigned: Friday, January 14

Due: Thursday, January 20 @ 12:00PM (noon!)

Assignment Description:

As an introduction to Grasshopper for Rhino, we will be following along with some introductory video tutorials. Then, we'll create a blog post to share our designs.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Follow along with these video tutorials in Grasshopper.

2.) Complete Tutorials 1 - 8

3.) Create a new blog post and upload screenshots of your creations.

4.) Create your own "riff" on the design covered in the tutorials:

a.) Can you explore additional functions of the tools covered?

b.) Can you connect the tools and processes from this tutorial to those covered in class?

5.) Write a brief reflection on your first experience in Grasshopper, and be sure to include any questions or technical issues you ran into.
6.) Post your Blog URL to the assignment section of the OBDF 310 Mosaic.

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Examples from previous semesters:

[02.) BLOG POST: Parametric Structure & Animation]

Assignment: Animation

Assigned: Friday, January 21

Due: Thursday, January 27 @ noon (12pm)

Assignment Description:

Building upon your work from the Parametric Line Drawings, create an animation of your definition, showcasing how changing parameters over time affects the design.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Based on demos and tools from class, create your own definition for a parametric structure.

2.) Using 'Remap Numbers' objects, create a single slider that controls the root parameters of your definition.

3.) Set up your view port to best showcase your design, and animate the slider. This will output a sequence of images. (Set resolution to around 600x600 pixels)
(reminder: change ".bmp" to ".png" in the filename)

4.) Upload the image sequence to to create an animated GIF.

5.) Include this GIF on a new post in your process blog.

6.) Include, also, a reflection on any successes and/or challenges encountered with this process.

[03.) BLOG POST: Parametric Furniture/Structure Scale Model: Concepts and Preliminary Definition]

Assignment: Parametric Furniture/Structure Scale Model: Concepts and Preliminary Definition

Assigned: Friday, January 27

Due: Thursday, Feb 3 @ noon (12pm)

Assignment Description:

The first step toward creating a physical scale model of a furniture (or structure) design - we will be sketching out ideas and creating a preliminary definition in grasshopper. As we brainstorm concepts, we will consider what materials and processes we will use to fabricate our scale models, as well as consider how each would be fabricated at full scale.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Sketch out several concepts for parametric furniture/structure designs.

2.) Consider materials and fabrication processes (3d printing, laser cutting, cnc machining).

3.) Consider scale (if the object were full scale) and functionality.

4.) Create preliminary definition(s) for your designs - using grasshopper and/or rhinoceros.

5.) Create a process blog post introducing your sketches, models, designs and definitions.

6.) Bonus points: Include an animation of your definition!

[04.) BLOG POST(s): Parametric Furniture/Structure Scale Model]

Assignment: Parametric Furniture/Structure Scale Model

Assigned: Friday, Feb 4

Renders, Title and Statement Due: Thursday, Feb 17 @ noon (12pm)
Scale Model Due: Friday, Mar 4 @ class start

Assignment Description:

We will each be creating a scale model of our furniture / structure designs. Utilizing digital fabrication tools in the Thing Tank such as the Laser Cutter or 3D printers, fabricate a small-scale model of your design. In addition, we will each visually demonstrate scale and materials of our designs via a series of renderings.

Assignment Requirements:

Complete all milestone project deliverables (see below for more information) and document them in a new post on your process blog.

Milestone Project Deliverables (and Due Dates):

I.) PHYSICAL SCALE MODEL (Due: Friday, Mar 4)

a.) Object should be cleanly constructed

b.) Object should demonstrate the larger design at scale

c.) Object should make use of digital fabrication tools (i.e. 3d Printer and Laser Cutter)

d.) Include, in your blog post, PHOTOS of your scale model.

(Use a neutral background, and please consider lighting and composition!)

Sign up for time with the Laser Cutter and/or FDM 3D Printers here:

II.) VISUAL DOCUMENTATION (Due Thursday, Feb 17)
Create HD renders which showcase the following:

a.) Materials

b.) Scale (you can make use of these scale human 3d figures)
c.) Varying perspectives of your design (different angles)


a.) What is the title of this project/object?

b.) Provide some background information, such as:

1.) What inspired this design? Nature? Creative works by other artists/designers?

2.) What sets this object apart from typical furniture or sculptural work?

3.) If a function object (i.e. furniture) what is the function?

4.) What is the intended location / Who is the intended audience for this object?

IV.) Bonus points: Include, in your blog post, an animation of any GH definition(s) from your design!

[05.) Reading Week: Virtual Discussion]

Assignment: Reading Week: Virtual Critique

Assigned: Friday, Feb 18
Due: Monday, Feb 28

Assignment Description:

What better time to read your peers' blogs than reading week? During your break, you will each read through your OBDF 310 classmates' blog post response to the previous assignment (Parametric Furniture/Structure Documentation) and leave some feedback in the comments section.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Read EACH of your classmates' Parametric Furniture/Structure Documentation. Link: Class Blogs

2.) Leave a comment on each, focusing on any of the following:
a.) What is successful about this work, and why?
b.) Can you see potential for changes or additions that might make this concept stronger? Ellaborate.
c.) Do you have any questions about this work? Information or visual documentation that could be added to clarify?

3.) You can also complete requirement #2 by following up on / replying to someone else's comment.

[06.) Blog Posts: Parametric Furniture/Structure Collab: Full Scale Prototype]

Assignment: Parametric Furniture/Structure Collab: Full Scale Prototype

Assigned: Friday, March 11
Due: Friday, March 18 @ class start
Due: Friday, March 25 @ class start
Due: Friday, April 1 @ class start
Due: Friday, April 8 @ class start

Assignment Description:

For the final milestone project, students will work in two large teams to conceptualize, design and fabricate a full-scale prototype of a parametric furniture design. Students will delegate tasks and roles, manage project timelines, and document the process and progress of this project, each from their own perspective, on their process blog.

To fabricate these prototypes, we will be utilizing the large-format CNC router in the woodshop.
Six to Eight four-foot by eight-foot 3/4-inch thick plywood sheets will be made available to each team.

Blog Post Requirements:

Document progress via one new process blog post each week. Each student is responsible for their own post, each which require:

a.) What did your team accomplish?
b.) What did you, personally, contribute? What was your role?
c.) What challenges or successes did you and/or your team encounter?

Keep in mind the visual documentation tools we have explored throughout each semester of Object Design. For any given blog post, this might include:

a.) Screenshots of your rhino model
b.) Screenshots of your grasshopper definition
c.) HD Renders of your project
d.) Grasshopper Animations

e.) Photos and/or videos of physical prototypes and processes
f.) Written Documentation: What was the inspiration for the choices you and your team made? (show your research!!)

Team ONE









Jessica G

Team Two






Jess B


