
[01.) My First definition]

Assignment: My First Definition

Assigned: Friday, January 15

Due: Friday, January 22 @ Start of Class

Assignment Description:

As an introduction to Grasshopper for Rhino, we will be following along with some introductory video tutorials. Then, we'll create a blog post to share our designs.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Follow along with these video tutorials in Grasshopper.

2.) Complete Tutorials 1 - 8

3.) Create a new blog post and upload screenshots of your creations.

4.) Create your own "riff" on the design covered in the tutorials:

a.) Can you explore additional functions of the tools covered?

b.) Can you connect the tools and processes from this tutorial to those covered in class?

5.) Write a brief reflection on your first experience in Grasshopper, and be sure to include any questions or technical issues you ran into.

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Examples from previous semesters:

[02.) Parametric Line Drawings]

Assignment: Parametric Line Drawings

Assigned: Friday, January 22

Due: Thursday, January 28 @ noon (12pm)

Assignment Description:

Build a definition for a 2D parametric drawing in Rhino. From this, generate three unique iterations of the drawing. We will be using these next week to create engravings on the laser cutter.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create a definition for a 2D parametric design in Grasshopper. Make use of objects for repetition like Divide Curve, Rectangular Array and Polar Array, and objects for generating a range of values like Range and Random.

2.) You can create a definition for a 3D design if you wish, but use the make2d command in rhino (in the perspective view) to convert it into a perspective line drawing.

3.) By altering the values of parameters in your definition, generate three (3) unique versions of your design.

4.) Take screen shots of your definition, along with the 3 resulting drawings.

5.) Document this process and include in a new post on your process blog.

6.) Include, also, a reflection on any successes and/or challenges encountered with this process.

Examples (of a similar project) from previous semesters:

[03.) Animation]

Assignment: Animation

Assigned: Friday, January 29

Due: Thursday, Feb 4 @ noon (12pm)

Assignment Description:

Building upon your work from the Parametric Line Drawings, create an animation of your definition, showcasing how changing parameters over time affects the design.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Revisit your definition from the Parametric Line Drawings assignment.

2.) Using 'Remap Numbers' objects, create a single slider that controls the root parameters of your definition.

3.) Set up your view port to best showcase your design, and animate the slider. This will output a sequence of images.
(reminder: change ".bmp" to ".png" in the filename)

4.) Upload the image sequence to to create an animated GIF.

5.) Include this GIF on a new post in your process blog.

6.) Include, also, a reflection on any successes and/or challenges encountered with this process.

7.) Bonus challenge: Create 2 or more animations of your definition by experimenting with different ranges output from your "remap numbers" objects.

[04.) Milestone 1: Laser Cut Tile]

Assignment: Laser Cut Tile

Assigned: Friday, Feb 5

Due: Thursday, Feb 11 @ noon (12pm)

Assignment Description:

To wrap up the first unit of the semester: 2-D Parametric Design, we will be creating tile prototypes on the Laser Cutter.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Prepare three iterations from your parametric line drawing deifnitions.
a.) each iteration must exist within a 4x4 inch square
b.) cut lines must be red
c.) "score" lines must be blue

d.) engraved/hatched areas must be black

e.) all lines must be set to "hairline"
f.) Check for and remove any duplicate curves

2.) Submit a rhino file with your 3 iterations on Mosaic. Include, as a text response, any instructions, for example:
a.) What material? (White, Black or Clear acrylic)

b.) Protective paper left on or taken off?

c.) Any additional requests for processing

d.) Due Thursday @ noon!! (or it wont be cut)

3.) Create, in addition, a 3D rendered "mockup" of at least one of your tiles. Hint: For engraved or "scored" lines, create pipes and scale them up in the z-axis.

4.) Create an animation demonstrating the parametric variability of your design

5.) Include all of the above in a new post on your process blog

[05.) Parametric Vessel/Structure]

Assignment: Parametric Vessel/Structure

Assigned: Friday, Feb 12

Due: Thursday, Feb 25 @ noon (12pm)

Assignment Description:

Build a definition for a parametric 3D structure/vessel. Use your definition to create 3 unique iterations.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create a grasshopper definition for a 3D structure.

2.) Bake three unique iterations, and create 2 HD renders of each.

3.) Create an animation demonstrating the parametric variability of your definition

4.) Include all of the above in a new post on your process blog, along with a screenshot of your definition, and a brief introduction to / explanation of your approach to this assignment.

[06.) Parametric Furniture]

Assignment: Parametric Furniture

Assigned: Friday, Feb 26

Due: Thursday, Mar 5 @ class

Assignment Description:

Build a definition for a piece of furniture.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create a grasshopper definition for a piece of furniture (i.e. chair, table, shelf)

2.) Bake and create an HD renders.

3.) Create an animation demonstrating the parametric variability of your definition

4.) Include all of the above in a new post on your process blog, along with a screenshot of your definition, and a brief introduction to / explanation of your approach to this assignment.

Need a review session? Check out this video tutorial:

[07.) Milestone 2: Algorithmic Paneled Structure]

Assignment: Algorithmic Paneled Structure

Assigned: Friday, Mar 5

Due: Thursday, Mar 11 @ 12pm (noon!)

Assignment Description:

Building upon knowledge and tools covered thus far, utilize Rhino and Grasshopper to design a parametric paneled structure. We will be 3D printing these structures with our SLA printer.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create a surface-based structure in Rhino or Grasshopper

2.) Create a tile-able design in Rhino or Grasshopper to be used for paneling

3.) Using our paneling definition, create a form by tessellating your panel design across your structure.

4.) Create an animation demonstrating the parametric properties of your design.

5.) Include all of the above in a new post on your process blog, along with a screenshot of your definition, and a brief introduction to / explanation of your approach to this assignment.

6.) Also include a render of your target form, and a render of your tile-able structure.

7.) Have your model ready for next class to be collected for 3D printing in the Thing Tank.

[08.) Parametric 3D Surface Design: Part 1]

Assignment: Parametric 3D Surface Design: Part 1

Assigned: Friday, Mar 19

Due: Thursday, Mar 26 @ 12pm (noon!)

Assignment Description:

We will be using Grasshopper to create a definition for the surface texture of a 300x300mm meter tile. This tile will eventually be CNC milled, but for now we'll be documenting our process as we work out ideas in grasshopper.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Using objects such as linear, rectangular, and/or polar arrays, in combination with other tools explored in class (i.e. sub lists, image sampler, triangulation, etc) create a definition for a pattern of dimensional geometry.

2.) This geometry should be contained within a 300x300x25mm envelope.

3.) Document your process (via screenshots) in a new post on your process blog (show your ideation!)

[09.) Milestone Projects]

Assignment: Milestone Projects

Assigned: Friday, Apr 9

Due: Friday, Apr 16 @ class

Assignment Description:

Create a final blog post to showcase milestone projects from this course.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Select at least 3 (three) images/animations (process and final renders - more than 3 images is okay, too!) from each of the following milestone projects:

a.) My first definition

b.) Animation

c.) Laser Cut Tile

d.) Parametric Vessel
e.) Parametric Furniture

f.) Paneled Structure
CNC Relief Tile (design and CAM simulation)

2.) Create a new post on your process blog, and include these images (above) along with the title of each project (as listed above).

3.) Along with each project, briefly describe your inspiration, process, and any challenges and/or successes met during its production.