Hero Points are only awarded to player characters. NPCs, animal companions, familiars, cohorts, and mounts do not receive hero points. Unlike other points in the game, hero points do not renew over time or with rest. Once spent, they are gone forever. Hero Points are awarded as a character gains levels or whenever a character accomplishes a truly heroic feat. The GM is the final arbiter on the award and use of hero points.

Each character begins play with 1 hero point, regardless of her level. In addition, whenever a character gains a level, she earns an additional hero point. Aside from these basic rules, awarding additional hero points is up to the GM. The following options are just some of the ways that a GM might award additional hero points.

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Character Story: GMs can award a hero point for the completion of a written character backstory. This reward encourages players to take an active roll in the history of the game. In addition, the GM can use this backstory to generate a pivotal moment for your character concerning his past. When this key event is resolved, the GM can reward another hero point. Alternatively, the GM might award a hero point for painting a miniature or drawing a character portrait in the likeness of your character, helping the rest of the group visualize your hero.

Completing Plot Arcs: The GM might award a hero point to each of the PCs who were involved in completing a major chapter or arc in the campaign story. These hero points are awarded at the conclusion of the arc if the PCs were successful or advanced the story in a meaningful way.

Group Service: The GM can award hero points for acts outside the game as well. Buying pizza for the group, helping to clean up afterwards, or even hosting the game for a night might be worth a hero point. This sort of hero point should be given out of generosity, not as a payment.

Heroic Acts: Whenever a character performs an exceptionally heroic act, she can be awarded a hero point. This might include anything from slaying an evil dragon when the rest of the group has fled to rescuing townsfolk from a burning building despite being terribly wounded. It does not have to be related to combat. Convincing the reticent king to send troops to help with a bandit problem or successfully jumping a wide chasm might earn a character a hero point, depending on the circumstances. Note that a hero point should only be awarded if the PC involved did not spend a hero point to accomplish the task.

Return from the Dead: When a character dies, she does not lose any hero points she has accumulated. If she died with no hero points remaining, she gains 1 hero point when she is brought back from the dead through powerful magic, such as raise dead or resurrection.

Although all of the options presented here should be carefully considered before they are added to your game, hero points deserve closer inspection. Although hero points do not drastically increase the power of the PCs, they do grant the PCs the ability to greatly increase their chances of success during critical moments. While the game itself is set up to give the player characters an edge, hero points take that a bit further, possibly more so than you might be comfortable with.

The value to hero points is that they add dramatic tension to the climax of your game. Most uses of hero points do not guarantee success, making the moment they are used even more important to the players. Hero Points are a very limited resource and their use should be described with additional detail and dramatic style. Used in this way, they can help create very memorable sessions for both you and your players.

Act Out of Turn: You can spend a hero point to take your turn immediately. Treat this as a readied action, moving your initiative to just before the currently acting creature. You may only take a move or a standard action on this turn.

Bonus: If used before a roll is made, a hero point grants you a +8 luck bonus to any one d20 roll. If used after a roll is made, this bonus is reduced to +4. You can use a hero point to grant this bonus to another character, as long as you are in the same location and your character can reasonably affect the outcome of the roll (such as distracting a monster, shouting words of encouragement, or otherwise aiding another with the check). Hero Points spent to aid another character grant only half the listed bonus (+4 before the roll, +2 after the roll).

Inspiration: If you feel stuck at one point in the adventure, you can spend a hero point and petition the GM for a hint about what to do next. If the GM feels that there is no information to be gained, the hero point is not spent.

Recall: You can spend a hero point to recall a spell you have already cast or to gain another use of a special ability that is otherwise limited. This should only be used on spells and abilities possessed by your character that recharge on a daily basis.

Special: You can petition the GM to allow a hero point to be used to attempt nearly anything that would normally be almost impossible. Such uses are not guaranteed and should be considered carefully by the GM. Possibilities include casting a single spell that is one level higher than you could normally cast (or a 1st-level spell if you are not a spellcaster), making an attack that blinds a foe or bypasses its damage reduction entirely, or attempting to use Diplomacy to convince a raging dragon to give up its attack. Regardless of the desired action, the attempt should be accompanied by a difficult check or penalty on the attack roll. No additional hero points may be spent on such an attempt, either by the character or her allies.

Since hero points themselves are an optional rules system, all other mechanics that go along with hero points have been included here. The following Feats, spells, and magic items all have to do with hero points in one way or another.

A PC can elect not to use the hero point system, instead relying more on his skills and abilities. Such characters do not receive hero points, regardless of the source, and can never benefit from their use. In exchange, such characters receive a bonus feat at 1st level. The option to allow such antiheroes in the game is subject to GM discretion.

If a PC is at wounded 3 and is brought to 0 HP, they fall unconscious and gain dying 4. Most PCs die when they reach dying 4, so the player would like to avoid this by spending all of their hero points.

That being said, there are still the doomed condition and instant death effects that kill the character when it drops to 0 (for example finger of death) to take notice of. Those are technically rare but deadlier effects. Also, a reminder: you are still wounded 3 and unconscious when using a hero point that way, so any more damage will kill your character.

We've done a lot of Coriolis and Mutant Year 0 in our group between fantasy games and I've /really/ liked the economy of how they have their 'hero point' system set up where it is more back and forth between the players and gm. Instead of a limited pool you spend from they give a point to the gm and gm uses those points to re-roll npc's or activate crits etc. so there is a bit of a trade off/risk. If you want to re-roll every action in a game, go for it, but you're loading up the bad guys with re-rolls as well. It was good in MY0 and almost perfect in Coriolis and I've been considering doing something similar as a house rule for PF2 and was wondering what your thoughts were. Thanks!

Failing the reroll is not an issue, IMO. Its when you fail and reroll into a critical fail that I get annoyed. Hero Points are supposed to allow heroes to do something heroic and getting a worse result when employing said mechanic is anything but heroic. I have instituted that when using a HP reroll, the player can keep the better of the two rolls.

We've done a lot of Coriolis and Mutant Year 0 in our group between fantasy games and I've /really/ liked the economy of how they have their 'hero point' system set up where it is more back and forth between the players and gm. Instead of a limited pool you spend from they give a point to the gm and gm uses those points to re-roll npc's or activate crits etc. so there is a bit of a trade off/risk. If you want to re-roll every action in a game, go for it, but you're loading up the bad guys with re-rolls as well. It was good in MY0 and almost perfect in Coriolis and I've been considering doing something similar as a house rule for PF2 and was wondering what your thoughts were. Thanks! I use this as homebrew alternative of Hero Points.Instead of give 1 hero point per session and +1 per hour. I give to my players 3 Hero Points and allow them to choose if they what to use it to re-roll failed tests (yes after they know the result), but each wasted point gives-me a point to use against that player in next failed tests roll of an enemy, hazard or even skill skill check against that player, when I give back their hero points.

Instead of give 1 hero point per session and +1 per hour. I give to my players 3 Hero Points and allow them to choose if they what to use it to re-roll failed tests (yes after they know the result), but each wasted point gives-me a point to use against that player in next failed tests roll of an enemy, hazard or even skill skill check against that player, when I give back their hero points.

I also change that instead waste all hero points to remove all dying state, each hero point reduces the state in -1. That is absolutely brutal and kind of goes against the point of "hero points".As a player why would i want to risk giving the gm hero points just so they can buff monsters and hazards that already hit like a truck with high to extreme attacks and saves?

I like the way that Mutant's and Masterminds runs hero points personally. For the re-roll option you are guaranteed a 10 or better. So basically whatever you roll, if it's below 10 add 10. This adds a bit of certainty that you will improve your roll assuming you rolled sub-10 the first time. be457b7860

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