Virtually Viral Hangout

Supporting the Needs of a Diverse Professional Learning Community During the Covid Pandemic

Educators with interests in online learning in the context of digital and media literacy perceived the coronavirus epidemic as a crisis that held the seeds of opportunity. Over the course of 12 weeks of coronavirus isolation in 2020, a diverse and multidisciplinary group of educators with interests in online learning in digital and media literacy gathered each weekday in a Zoom videoconference meeting for fellowship, emotional support, and sharing. The program was sponsored by the Media Education Lab.

Share your reflections about your experience with Virtually Viral Hangouts by responding to one or more the following questions:

  1. Why did you participate in the program?

  2. What were the strengths of the program? What were its limitations?

  3. How did your participation and experience with the program affect your life?

  4. Moving forward, what lessons did you learn from the experience? What insights and ideas can you apply moving forward?

Choose one or more of the following ways to contribute and share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas:

Participants came from four continents and represent educators and librarians working in elementary and secondary schools, faculty in higher education, and educators and social service personnel in the non-profit/cultural/community sector. Survey evidence shows that the program provided valuable support for participants' social, emotional and learning needs. Compared to non-participants, those who participated in Virtually Viral Hangouts were more optimistic about the potential benefits of the crisis. A large majority of participants were able to replicate or adapt program elements and features with their work colleagues. Nearly half indicated that they were able to apply instructional practices modeled in the program to their own practice teaching online.

Thanks for being part of our learning community!