Published Work

The Amherst Student

2022 Articles

Fresh Faculty: Rose Lenehan

Rose Lenehan ’11 is a visiting lecturer in philosophy and a Center for Humanistic Inquiry postdoctoral fellow. She received her Bachelors of Arts in philosophy at Amherst College and Ph.D. in philosophy from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Acclimating to Academics Abroad: Exchange Students Explain

This semester, Amherst College hosted nine exchange students from around the world. Pho Vu ’23, an exchange student herself, delves into the challenges of making Amherst home.

Student Letter Calls for Transparency in Hiring Practices

On April 22, students delivered a letter to the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion calling for transparency in the college’s faculty hiring process. The letter, which describes current hiring practices as “performative,” garnered 117 signatures from students and alumni.

College Observes Sexual Assault Awareness Month

All April, the Peer Advocates for Sexual Respect have held a series of events to promote prevention and awareness of sexual assault. They aim to actively address root causes of sexual violence’s harm, build skills around sexual violence prevention, and provide solidarity and support to survivors.

Thoughts on Theses: Sophie Ewing

Sophie Ewing is a double major in English and Asian Languages and Civilizations. Her thesis is about minor literature and counter-discourse in Park Chan-Wook’s The Handmaiden. Her thesis advisor is Emily C. Jordan Folger Professor of Black Studies and English C. Rhonda Cobham-Sander.

Lily Fang ’18 Discusses Fast Fashion, Sustainable Alternatives

On Friday, April 8, Lily Fang ’18 spoke to Amherst students about fast fashion and sustainable alternatives. The event was hosted by the Class and Access Resource Center (CARC).

Jeremy Koo ’12 Discusses his Path from Amherst to Sustainability Consulting

On Thursday, March 31, Jeremy Koo ’12 spoke with energy-interested students about his unique career pathway to technical consultancy. The talk, which took place in the Science Center, was part of the Loeb Center for Career Exploration and Development’s 2022 Alumni-in-Residence Program.

The Yonsei Annals

2021 Videos

Meet Colombian Author Andrés Felipe Solano

In this episode, we interview Andrés Felipe Solano, an esteemed Colombian writer currently residing in South Korea. He has written novels such as "Korea: Notes From a Tightrope," "Neon Cemeteries," and "From Fever Days" that detail his life as a foreigner in Korea. Read the full article, Korea Through the Words of a Colombian Author, at:

For this episode, our Yonsei Sunbae Hemin (Pho Vu) will introduce everything you need to know to survive in the Yonsei International Campus Songdo Dormitories. Follow Hemin as she shows the various living facilities you will need during your stay at the Songdo Dorms.

Korean Doctor Debunks Oriental Medicine Myths

For this episode, we consulted with a traditional medicine specialist to debunk ten widespread myths that surround this field, including the effectiveness and reliability of oriental medicine. Be sure to read the full article by Reporter Kim Na-yoon, "Working as a Doctor of Traditional Korean Medicine", on the Annals' website:

Meet the Founder of the Materials Theory Group at Yonsei University

In this episode we interview Professor Aloysius Soon, a professor from the Materials Science and Engineering Major at Yonsei University, and founder of The Materials Theory Group. Take a closer look at The Materials Theory Group at:​

[The Yonsei Annals 103rd Recruitment] What Does the Annals Mean to You?

Join The Yonsei Annals, the official English press of Yonsei University since 1962! 

2020 Videos

For this episode, we go to Songdo Campus and ask four sunbaes what they do during and after finals. They tell us about their own tips and tricks on how to study for finals and what to do around Songdo Campus.

Know More provides detailed insight into one article from that month’s Annals issue. For this episode, the Yonsei Annals Contents Team decided to bring to life the recipes from two Ghibli Studio movies: Ponyo (ramen noodles) and Kiki’s Delivery Service (pancakes). The food in Ghibli movies we watched as children always looked more mouthwatering than anything found in real life, so we tried to do these recipes justice!


2021 Articles

2020 Articles

Healthy, Self-Made, Korean-Style Strawberry Milk

Vietnam Women's Publishing house


Translation of Chris Ferrie's ABCs of Space

Order my work here.

Translation of Chris Ferrie's ABCs of Science

Order my work here.