By default the HTTP method used to perform HTTP requests is GET, but you can implicitly change it to POST by providing the data to be sent in the POST requests. Such data, being those parameters, are tested for SQL injection as well as any provided GET parameters.

In case that user wants to exclude certain parameters from testing, he can use option --skip. That is especially useful in cases when you want to use higher value for --level and test all available parameters excluding some of HTTP headers normally being tested.

Crack.ExeOutput.for.PHP.1.5 | Tested 1


Not only this option affects which payload sqlmap tries, but also which injection points are taken in exam: GET and POST parameters are always tested, HTTP Cookie header values are tested from level 2 and HTTP User-Agent/Referer headers' value is tested from level 3.

In some instances, like a SQL injection in an UPDATE statement, injecting an OR-based payload can lead to an update of all the entries of the table, which is certainly not what the attacker wants. For this reason and others this option has been introduced: the user has control over which payloads get tested, the user can arbitrarily choose to use also potentially dangerous ones. As per the previous option, the payloads used by sqlmap are specified in the textual file xml/payloads.xml and you are free to edit and add your owns.

Where stacked queries has not been identified on the web application (e.g. PHP or ASP with back-end database management system being MySQL) and the DBMS is MySQL, it is still possible to abuse the SELECT clause's INTO OUTFILE to create a web backdoor in a writable folder within the web server document root and still get command execution assuming the back-end DBMS and the web server are hosted on the same server. sqlmap supports this technique and allows the user to provide a comma-separated list of possible document root sub-folders where try to upload the web file stager and the subsequent web backdoor. Also, sqlmap has its own tested web file stagers and backdoors for the following languages:

In case that user uses switch --beep he'll be warned with a beep sound immediately when SQL injection is found. This is especially useful when there is a large bulk list (option -m) of target URLs to be tested. be457b7860

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