EXAMPLE APPLICATION: VvEXPA14 (VIT_13s0067g02930) co-expression network

As VvEXPA14 is placed on Chr13, download the corresponding zipped file and extract the folder with the VIT code: VIT_13s0067g02930. In this example, there are three files: i. Co-expressed gene information and enrichment analysis results (FDR < 0.05) for ii. MapMan BIN functional categories and iii. select cis-regulatory elements.Table 1: The top 10 co-expressed genes of VvEXPA14 and relevant information. See raw file for the full list.

Query = 12xV1 code for the query gene
Target = 12xV1 code of the co-expressed gene
Frequency = Frequency of co-expression interaction(s) present across individual GCNs
Condition = ID of experiment where the co-expression interaction is top-ranked (i.e. top 300) and the corresponding PCC value of the interaction
Function_Vnet = VitisNet annotation of co-expressed target
Network_Vnet = VitisNet classification of co-expressed target
BIN = MapMan BIN classification of co-expressed target

Table 2: The top 10 enriched MapMan BIN functional category of VvEXPA14 gene co-expression network. See raw file for the full list.

match_in_group = # of genes with associated annotation in group
group_size = Total # of genes with annotation in group
match_in_bg = Total # of genes with annotation in genome
bg_size = Total # of genes with annotation in genome
p_val = Calculated P-value
adj_p_val(FDR) = Adjusted P-value (False Discovery Rate)
BIN_ID = MapMan BIN ID of enriched functional category
BIN_KW = MapMan BIN description of enriched functional category
Hits = IDs of gene with associated annotation in group (Note: Only the first four hits is displayed here)

Table 3: Enriched cis-regulatory elements (CRE) in the promoters (1kb upstream) of VvEXPA14 co-expressed genes. See raw file for the full list.

match_in_sample = # of genes with associated CRE in group
sample_size = Total # of genes with associated CRE in group
match_in_genome = Total # of genes with associated CRE in genome
genome_size = Total # of genes with associated CRE in genome
p_val = Calculated P-value
adj_p_val(FDR) = Adjusted P-value (False Discovery Rate)
motif = Name of enriched CRE
motif_ID = ID of enriched CRE
TF family = TF family classification of enriched CRE
Hit = IDs of gene with enriched CRE in group (Note: Only the first four hits is displayed here)