
Online, I am known as Vsuvi [as you could've guessed lmao]. I am a 15 y.o digital artist doing stuff for fun :3

I do commissions and art/design trades whenever I have free time! So, if my status of those says "Open" then feel free to DM about commissioning/art trading/design trading >:D

I don't have a preference of artstyle whenever I art/design trade with somebody, because it's just fun doing one

I'm currently not too active in the closed species/adoptable community like I used to be. But, I'm trying to improve on my animations and art while being on a design-block :,D

I am not too active on Discord and Instagram anymore, so I don't post much because of how AI art is a threat to the art community ;-;

I almost always introduce myself as "Your local penguin enthusiast" because of my sona/mascot, Pengu

About my Penguin Sona:

Pengu was purposefully chosen to be a penguin because I wanted to be easily remembered by my mascot. I got inspired by kekeflipnote, who's known for animating bouncy pigeons, to choose a unique animal to represent as myself. I almost chose seal, but then I struggled drawing seals haha

Pengu's Toyhouse Profile:

Small QnA because I'm bored! Yipee!

"What app/software do you use?"

My go-to program to draw & animate in, is Autodesk Sketchbook! Very simple, I love it. I'm starting to get into animating again, and I'm currently exploring OpenToonz! [Send help I'm dying trying to figure out how it works]

"What do you use to draw?"

I use my finger on my very smol phone. I also used to use a mouse because that very very smol phone started getting full TwT. But now I have a graphics tablet and I work on it a lot, I still use my phone though

"What brushes do you often use?"

A simple round brush or a round brush that has random size and spacing. If you use Autodesk Sketchbook, then it's basically Pencil Pal but with no texture & shape! 

Side comment, one of my pet peeves in art is when people doesn't use the same brush to match the lineart and color inside the lineart. Like imagine a super soft airbrush-y like lineart, and then inside it was colored with a hard round brush, so I try to use 1-2 brushes throughout a whole drawing

I don't know why I dislike it...but I do xD

"How did you get into drawing?"

Pokemon! I basically copied Pokemon drawings off of Pokemon Cards and started exploring what else I could draw :D

"Who are your inspirations?"

Ok, I'll split this into two categories [art & animation] and mention my main inspirations or else this'll be a very long list LMAO but this already looks so long get ready for it TwT]


- Athenitte

- Krimmins

- Artiaze 

- Aveartz

- artifisoap

- Clockbirds

- Neytirix


- weaselkat 

- artifisoap

- Duckiefuntime

- zem_yata

- telepurte

- Artiaze

- Milt Kahl

- James Baxter

- Amelia Bothe

- Louixie

"Did you take art classes/school?"

I kind of did, but it was like 5 short sessions on how to use graphite. But that's basically it, mostly learnt from Youtube tutorials [I recommend Marco Bucci & Ethan Becker 👌]

"How did you get your name?"

At the time, I was very much into greek mythology & facts. Then I stumbled upon the story of Mt. Vesuvius' big explosion, I was very much facinated and just took that as my new username xD, I then just rewrote & simplified it to the way it is right now.

"How do you pronounce Vsuvi?"

Vee-soo-vee, but I let people pronounce it any way they're comfortable in! 

First drawing is by Rakuchi, second drawing cup1d is by banner art by Terenry!