That being said, I am unable to replicate the issue you are seeing (I am using 8.1.5). What position properties have you got for the accordion? Also, could you post any other associated properties associated with the accordion and view(s)?

In my limited experience of trying to use the accordion, I have often resorted to creating my own version of it to get the functionality desired (I also found it's not responsive enough). Probably not the answer you're looking for , maybe others on here have better methods.

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Accordions decrease cognitive load by letting people choose which sections of content they see, like questions in an FAQ. Never put information that's required for the current task inside an accordion. Consider a treatment that gives it more prominence.

To specify which items should be opened initially, add the .uk-open class to the item. You can also use this to open multiple items. Just make sure to add the option multiple: true to the uk-accordion attribute.

Note Alternatively, you can open a single item by adding the active: option to the uk-accordion attribute, e.g. active: 1 to show the second element (the index is zero-based). Note that this will overwrite the uk-open class.

Accordions is easy and powerful tool to create accordion, faq, tabs, tab content, frequently asked question, knowledge base, question & answer section, WooCommerce FAQ tabs and many other way to use this plugin. supper easy to customize looks and feel, changing color, font size of content, choosing accordion icons was never easy before.

Display via Shortcode

Accordion and tabs can be display anywhere via shortcode under page, post content, sidebar via widgets and page builder

widgets and elements and gutenberg blocks as well. we provided and extra shortcode [accordions_pplugins] to avoid 3rd party conflict.

Header style

You can style header as your own, there is planty of option available to style accordion header font size, default text

color, activate text color, hover text color, default background color, activate background color and changing header

padding and margins.

I see what you are saying. But your accordion is manually populated, so you know how many items there are and can do so. However, mine is bound to a list, and it doesn't seem to populate the accordionitems unless I have only one which is associated with a list item (it's a data list, so we don't know how many there will be in total).

You can make accordion items stay open when another item is opened by using the alwaysOpen prop. If you're looking tocontrol the component, you must use an array of strings for activeKey or defaultActiveKey.

Accordion consists of panes arranged into layout rows and cols. Each pane, or accordion item, features body and header and can be fully expanded and collapsed by clicking its header. You can place text or any component into each pane. The component inherits from layout.

Note that view name can be omitted (view:"accordion"). If you place an array of objects with body and header into a row or a column, the view will be automatically recognized as accordion.

Had similar question myself a while back. AccordionList is not just an overall parameter of the entire list widget, it is specific to each level/item. The accordionList: true config has to be in the direct parent widget (that is, the one where you are populating the accodion slot) of any of the accordion items. It is not sufficient just to label then entire list widget as an accordion list.

i hope its ok to place my question here:

Is ist also possible to configure if an accordion list is opened oder closed by default or depending on a state?

For example i would like to create an accordion list with several scene triggers sorted by daytime. So when its morning (depending on item state) the morning part should be opened and all others closed.

Each list item has an accordionItemOpened property which takes a boolean value and true opens the accordion and false closes it. This property can be linked to a widget variable and the action of some other widget can then easily control the open closed state of the item. Within the limited function of the custom widget system building up the logic to control each accordion from the action of each other one would quickly get absurd.

As you can see, a heading can have a button but a button cannot have a heading. This makes my head spin a bit. It may not seem like a big deal because we can make it work visually with CSS, but if you use a screen reader or a braille reader and browse-by-headings, that giant accordion got a major downgrade.

I have two accoridons on my page set to display on screen sizes of 700px or smaller in place of the Tabber moddule. I want to style the second accordion (accordion, pictured) to match the styling of the second tabber module (pictured). I want each tab of the accordion to be a different colour as well as the background of the content inside the accordion. However I can't figure out how to isolate each accordion's tab label and content.

If the only thing changing on the accordion is the background color of each accordion item, you can leave the rest of your code AS-IS and drop the code I gave you at the bottom of your CSS file. That CSS is meant to be just a background override for individual accordion items. Also, I updated my original answer to also include changing the background of the content,

The content of Accordions is mounted by default even if the accordion is not expanded.This default behavior has server-side rendering and SEO in mind.If you render expensive component trees inside your accordion details or simply render manyaccordions it might be a good idea to change this default behavior by enabling theunmountOnExit in TransitionProps:

When an accordion row is selected, it means that it is currently open. When it is in this state, the user should see more information in the now expanded area. This expanded area is sometimes called a pane.

When you are faced with long sections of text, you may want to chunk and hide the non-essential information to make it less overwhelming for the user. One of the ways you can do this is by using an accordion.

There are many different variations of accordions. Using more specific input styles makes it more apparent to the user what they are expected to do. Some examples can be found in the Tree Pane guidelines.

Give your cash, cards, and passport a place to call home with our Graphite Accordion Travel Wallet. This dark grey accordion wallet elevates every day and keeps your important essentials on hand without weighing you down. Loves being social and switching between bags instantly.

For good reasons, accordions are a popular UI element today: on mobile, they are an essential tool because they collapse content and make page length manageable, but even on desktop, they mitigate visual complexity and allow users to focus on the content most relevant for the task at hand (and are particularly appropriate in complex applications).

We also created 5 different variations for each prototype; each variation used one of 4 possible icons (an arrow, a caret, a plus, a foil) or no icon. We created a foil icon (that had not been used before for accordions) in order to see whether the type of icon mattered at all or the presence of an icon next to the accordion name was enough to signal an accordion (but the icon itself did not matter).

Our hypothesis was that having no icon would cause users to expect that tapping on the menu item would take them directly to a new page, and this hypothesis held up in our study. Likewise, the foil icon was presumed to not have any association for users with opening an accordion, and this also held up.

Accordions provide collapsible sections in your content to reduce vertical space while providing a way of organizing and grouping information. All ion-accordion components should be grouped inside ion-accordion-group components.

When using ion-item in the header slot, the ion-item's button prop is set to true and the detail prop is set to false. In addition, we will also automatically add a toggle icon to the ion-item. This icon will automatically be rotated when you expand or collapse the accordion. See Customizing Icons for more information.

The content slot is used as the part of the accordion that is revealed or hidden depending on the state of your accordion. You can place anything here except for another ion-content instance as only one instance of ion-content should be added per page.

You can customize the expansion behavior by styling based on the accordion's state. There are four state classes applied to ion-accordion. Styling using these classes can allow you to create advanced state transitions:

If you need to target specific pieces of the accordion, we recommend targeting the element directly. For example, if you want to customize the ion-item in your header slot when the accordion is expanded, you can use the following selector:

Since ion-accordion acts as a shell around the header and content elements, you can easily theme the accordion however you would like. You can theme the header by targeting the slotted ion-item. Since you are using ion-item, you also have access to all of the ion-item CSS Variables and ion-item Shadow Parts. Theming the content is also easily achieved by targeting the element that is in the content slot.

By default, animations are enabled when expanding or collapsing an accordion item. Animations will be automatically disabled when the prefers-reduced-motion media query is supported and set to reduce. For browsers that do not support this, animations can be disabled by setting the animated config in your Ionic Framework app. 006ab0faaa

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