
Thursday July 6th 2017

12:00 - 12:45 Registration + Lunch

12:45 - 13:00 Welcome

13:00 - 14:00 Keynote: Gerard Pons-Moll - Real Virtual Humans

14:00 - 15:30 Session: Social Behavior Simulation

14:00 - 14:22 Automatic Gesture Generation for Virtual Humans with Deep and Temporal Learning - Ylva Ferstl and Rachel McDonnell

14:22 - 14:44 Evaluating the Response to Virtual Characters by using a Social Behaviorial Task - Katja Zibrek and Rachel McDonnell

14:44 - 15:06 Personality Models to and from Virtual Characters - Fabrizio Nunnari and Alexis Heloir

15:06 - 15:28 How Robots Can Affect Human Motor Behavior - Laura Fademrecht, Tobias Meilinger, Stephan Streuber, Heinrich Bülthoff, Rouwen Cañal-Bruland and Stephan de la Rosa

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break

16:00 - 17:00 Keynote: Andreas Mühlberger - Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy: Tomorrow's first choice treatment for anxiety disorders?

17:00 - 18:30 Session: Cognitive Mechanisms

17:00 - 17:22 Distinguishing Minds in Interaction: Modelling Self-Other Distinction in the Motor System - Sebastian Kahl and Stefan Kopp

17:22 - 17:44 Cognitive and Visual Perspective-Taking in Immersive Virtual Reality Modulate Implicit and Explicit Reactions to Observed Pain and Pleasure - Martina Fusaro, Gaetano Tieri and Salvatore Maria Aglioti

17:44 - 18:06 The Inverted Mask: Embodied Simulations Enhance Educational Communication and Performance Accuracy during First-Person Perspective Taking in Painting Task - Lynda Joy Gerry

18:15 - 19:15 Reception + Posters

Man-Robot-Cooperation - Markus Hessinger, Dimitri Penner, Tristan Edel, Marisa Fretter, Anna Seger, Aylin Bozkurt and Karl Theodor Kalveram

Virtual Cognitions: A Stream of Simulated Thoughts for Social Interaction Skills Training - Ding Ding, Willem-Paul Brinkman and Mark A. Neerincx

Agents That Improve Human Social Interactions: Towards a Robotic Couples Counselor - Timothy Bickmore and Dina Utami

Artificial Agents in the Realm of Social Cognition - Anna Strasser

Towards the Generation of Expressive Co-Speech Gestures - Brian Ravenet, Chloé Clavel and Catherine Pelachaud

Virtually Extended Bodies and Health Web Technologies - Francesco Bianchini

Introducing a Standardized Database of 3D-Objects for Virtual Reality Research - David Peeters

Looking for Humanity: The Influence of Inferences on the Humanness of a Conversational Partner in the Turing Test - Baptiste Jacquet, Frank Jamet and Jean Baratgin

Age-Related Differences in Evaluation of Empathic Nonverbal Behavior of a Virtual Agent - Adineh Hosseinpanah

19:15 - 20:15 Demos

Friday July 7th 2017

9:00 - 10:00 Keynote: Jari Hietanen - Watching eyes: to see and to be seen

10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break

10:30 - 12:00 Session: Social Behavior Analysis

10:30 - 10:52 Exploring the Social Gaze Space - Mathis Jording, Arne Hartz, Björn Guth, Martin Schulte-Rüther and Kai Vogeley

10:52 - 11:14 Using Head Nods to Detect Listening in Dyadic Interaction - Jamie A. Ward, Joanna Hale and Antonia Hamilton

11:14 - 11:36 Investigating the Role of Gestures, Arms Rest Poses and Smiling in First Impressions of Competence - Beatrice Biancardi, Angelo Cafaro and Catherine Pelachaud

11:36 - 11:58 Beat Gesture Prediction using Prosodic Features - Varun Jain, Chloé Clavel and Catherine Pelachaud

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 14:00 Keynote: Catherine Pelachaud - Socio-emotional conversational agents

14:00 - 15:30 Session: Interaction Studies in VR

14:00 - 14:22 Hello from the Other Side: Behavioral Realism and Social Augmentation in Shared Virtual Environments - Daniel Roth, Marc Erich Latoschik and Gary Bente

14:22 - 14:44 Computers Aligning to Their Users: Lexical Alignment in Human-Agent-Interaction and Its Psychological Effects - Tania R. Nuñez, Kajetan Prynda, Kirsten Bergmann and Astrid M. Rosenthal-von der Pütten

14:44 - 15:06 The Role of Congruency and Timing for the Social Consequences of Mimicry - Alexandra L. Georgescu and Antonia Hamilton

15:06 - 15:28 Dual Interactive Eye Tracking with Virtual Anthropomorphic Avatars - Christopher Luke and Bert Timmermans

15:28 - 15:50 Neural Mechanisms of Implicit Sender Attributions in Virtual Social Interaction - Johanna Kissler and Sebastian Schindler