
A brief introduction

Biomechanics was developed over the lifetime of Meyerhold's theatre experiments. It was a synthesis of all his philosophical and acting techniques. It was in principle a training tool for actors to help them give structure and form to their rehearsal work and then to transfer this to their performance (Thompson, 2007, p.40). A biomechanical actor was one who understands the tripartite training of Otkaz, Posil and Tocha; through biomechanical exercises they would explore:

  • the correct economical gesture or pose for a character then,
  • find the largest and most grandiose gesture or pose then,
  • scale it down again

and then begin to understand the character's rhythms and musicality.

Meyerhold compared a biomechnical actor to a fine musician who understood the score of a piece of music like a virtuoso.

References and image credits
Thompson, S. (2207). Approaches to Acting. JEDA, 13(2), 37-41