"Camping Bylaw"

In May 2021, the District of Squamish adopted their "Camping Bylaw" 2829, a blanket ban on sleeping in a vehicle within District boundaries through the "Visitor and Camping Management Plan" . 

The suite of bylaws included in the Visitor and Camping Management Plan include a camping bylaw, traffic bylaw, parks bylaw, noise regulation bylaw and zoning bylaw . These suite of bylaws are all relevant and impact those of us living in vehicles. The district has a dedicated website about the bylaw and other relevant information HERE

If you have had an interaction of any kind regarding staying in your vehicle, please consider filling out an interaction report HERE. This will help us gather important data about how the bylaw impacts you. This date can help us push for inclusive policy for vehicle residents.

Map of Bylaw affected area:

The Red Zone identifies where neither camping nor homeless sheltering can take place.