Yanmi Yu Project 1:
In-Class instruction
Step 1: 2D Data Visualization (3-5 min)
Explore the data on Global Forest Watch(link).
Focus on the land cover loss/gain visualizations.
Observe patterns and trends in the data.
Step 2: 3D Data Visualization (5-8 min)
Web Version:
Open WebXR in your browser:
When the page loads, it will appear white—make sure to select both a country and a year using:
The dropdown menu (for country selection)
The slider (for year selection)
Observe how the tree visualization changes over time.
VR/AR Experience:
Put on your headset and open the same link in your browser.
Click "Enter XR" to enter the immersive AR/VR experience.
Controller Instructions:
Right-hand grip button → Change country
Right-hand thumbstick → Adjust the year (increments of 5 years: 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)
Troubleshooting Tips:
If no change is visible in the animation, you may be at the start (2000) or end (2020) of the timeline.
Try adjusting the year slider in the other direction to see changes.
Step 3: Survey (5 min)
Fill out the survey