SideQuest Fixes

General Fixes

  1. Verify that you're headset is connected to a USB 3.0 or USB-C port.

  2. Verify that Developer Mode is enabled on your Oculus app.

  3. Verify that you've registered as a Developer on the Oculus website.

If you're on Windows, try some of the following:

  1. Verify that you've installed the android_winusb driver provided by SideQuest.

If you're on MacOS, try some of the following:

  1. Close SideQuest and verify that you're Oculus headset is recognized by running the following command:

    • /Applications/ devices -l

Then, try relaunching SideQuest. The last command should return something like this:

> List of devices attached

> <UNIQUE_ID> device usb:<ANOTHER_UID>X product:hollywood model:Quest_2 device:hollywood transport_id:2

2. If the previous fix didn't work, try the following (MacOS only):

  • Move /Applications/ to Trash and empty trash.

  • Replace /private/etc/hosts with what some places say is a default version:


# Host Database


# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface

# when the system is booting. Do not change this entry.

## localhost broadcasthost

::1 localhost

  • Reboot.

  • Remove ~/.android with "rm -rf ~/.android' to clear adb state.

  • Install SideQuest again.

  • Run /Applications/ devices -l to verify that your headset is recognized by adb.

  • Start SideQuest.